Basic People Management Skills

80s Shorts said:
de niro said:
he's trying to play the italian way in the englisgh prem, bob mate, wake up and smell the coffee, its just not like serie A. your boring shit wont wash.

De Niro

I cant really be arsed replying to you. Just to say, if anybody reviews your contribution throughout this thread they will see it is some of the most schizophrenic drivel to ever have been submitted on this forum.

I cannot even accuse you of having an agenda as you keep contradicting yourself. You praise Mancini on the one hand and post drivel like your last post on the other.

Are you in line for a position at Talk Shite ?

lol, i just post as it is, he's been a good manager IN ITALY, he's been iffy here, he will still attract good players but he'll upset them.
thats pretty clear to me.
oh and please dont tell me he knows the english game yet, he clearly does'nt.
macmanson said:
80s Shorts said:
What are these player expectations you keep banging on about. They are highly paid professionals who should be puting the team and the club at the forefront of their thoughts. The commom denominator in the players that have beef with Mancini is they are so far up their own arses they fail to see the wood for the trees. Yours Neds, Bellamys and Irelands, for example are not good enough for where we are going. If you dislike this observation because it is "rag like" then I suggest you have a small time mentality. If any one of them had decided to buckle down and fight for a place instead of airing their anti Mancini (and in effect anti club) comments in public then maybe they would have had a chance for the 25. Ade is not happy bacause he is not playing, also Given. What to do? Guarantee them first team spots as when they want them; ludicrous. A player cannot have this expectation and if he does they he needs to be shipped out pronto.

When Tevez had a word or two to say to the press Mancini said he could leave if he wanted. We have heard little other than how pleased he is at City since.

The same approach has been taken with Given. Given makes 1 or 2 public comments Mancini says he can leave if he wants. This is the only way to play this situation. You cannot just let him have his way.

Well done Mancini I think you have it spot on. Fourth spot, 2 goals conceded with only one from open play. A host of quality to return from injury, futures looking good. One or two "tweaks" in January and we will be there or thereabouts.

Yours Neds, Bellamys and Irelands, for example are not good enough for where we are going.

Stopped reading here as I'm sure the rest of the post has something to do with gloryhunting. Nothing intelligent can ever follow that line in my opinion.

It said nothing of glory hunting. You obviously did not stop read the post. You are just unable to put fortha coherent argument. One must assume that you would have Bellamy, Nedum and Ireland in the team at the moment. Or do you agree they are not Champions League standard. You cannot have it both ways. Awaits response (if you can bring yourself to read the post) LOL
Mancio said:
macmanson said:
As I have pointed out in previous threads, Mancini was quoted in the American press as far back as late July as saying that he wasn't sure that Bellamy would be in the squad. Then they tried to offload him to Wolfsburg all prior to his so called disrepectful and "unprompted" press conference. That doesn't exactly sound like they were rewarding people based on merit now does it?

with the 25 man squad rule the first requisite a player need is not to be know as injury prone.

is far more better a young healty JO than an aged brokenknees bellamy.
It's nothing whatsoever to do with the football side of City,it's personal.
As for the injury prone bit Bellers was as important to City as King IS to the spuds so that is garbage.
de niro said:
80s Shorts said:
De Niro

I cant really be arsed replying to you. Just to say, if anybody reviews your contribution throughout this thread they will see it is some of the most schizophrenic drivel to ever have been submitted on this forum.

I cannot even accuse you of having an agenda as you keep contradicting yourself. You praise Mancini on the one hand and post drivel like your last post on the other.

Are you in line for a position at Talk Shite ?

lol, i just post as it is, he's been a good manager IN ITALY, he's been iffy here, he will still attract good players but he'll upset them.
thats pretty clear to me.
oh and please dont tell me he knows the english game yet, he clearly does'nt.

Tosh. I just dont get this "he doesnt understand the English game" crap.
You obviously presume to understand the Italian game as that is what you accuse Mancini of trying to play. So YOU understand the English and the Italian game but Mancini only understands the Italian game. You are therefore obviously superior in your knowledge of the game and are totally wasted selling carpets. ;-)
bluemanc said:
Mancio said:
with the 25 man squad rule the first requisite a player need is not to be know as injury prone.

is far more better a young healty JO than an aged brokenknees bellamy.
It's nothing whatsoever to do with the football side of City,it's personal.
As for the injury prone bit Bellers was as important to City as King IS to the spuds so that is garbage.

LOL... and how are Bellars and King doing at the moment.
Braggster said:
macmanson said:
Right, so players doing what's right for them is bad but managers doing what's right for them is good. Got it.

I think the point is that players doing what's right for them is bad when it's detrimental to the team and that managers are right to sacrifice the interests of individual players for the sake of the collective, which I suspect you realised, despite your rather glib response.

Tèvez is often cited as an example of Mancini's poor man management, but given that he's still here and still producing, I think he is favourable to the case for the defence, not the prosecution.

I hate to jump into the middle of this rather fruitless and circular argument...but I'd just like to point out that citing Tevez as a case for the defence is rather risque if you ask me...if that fucker took the stand, what he'd say about Mancini would make Brian Clough's toes curl up....;- )

Other than that, please continue....

Oh, and (Braggster this isn't aimed at you at all - but more a couple of other posters) - one of things which has made me smile in recent days is the realization that so many of our supporters have pretty much lost their edge. They've become rag'esque in their robot like justifications for certain things. I don't actually mind Mancini turfing out players he doesn't like, or him making puzzling team selections or substitutions as it's all part and parcel of being a football manager - what's funny is the way he's managed to breed the kind of blind deaf and dumb faith I've only ever previously seen in rags when talking about Slur Alex, in segments of the City support....whatever else, Mancini certainly knows how to play his audience....!
de niro said:
bluefandk said:
His substitutions are not clueless, the football is not negative,

unbelievable delusion.

So bercause i dont agree with your assesment of our manger I am deluded?


no, its because the entire football world know we have a negitive manager.also everyone who have been to the games know that bob puts on the wrong player at the wrong time in practactly every match.
this is not an assessment these are facts.[/quote]

In your opinion he is negative in mine he is not, trying to pass your opinoion off as a fact is pretty silly.
de niro said:
80s Shorts said:
De Niro

I cant really be arsed replying to you. Just to say, if anybody reviews your contribution throughout this thread they will see it is some of the most schizophrenic drivel to ever have been submitted on this forum.

I cannot even accuse you of having an agenda as you keep contradicting yourself. You praise Mancini on the one hand and post drivel like your last post on the other.

Are you in line for a position at Talk Shite ?

lol, i just post as it is, he's been a good manager IN ITALY, he's been iffy here, he will still attract good players but he'll upset them.
thats pretty clear to me.
oh and please dont tell me he knows the english game yet, he clearly does'nt.

well finally i can see from where you are coming saying mancini dont know english game yet.

you are prepearing yourself to defend mancini after we lost vs chelsea. ......i can see...

de niro said:
"yes , we lose , but we must give time to mancini , he need and deserve time to know english game


80s Shorts said:
macmanson said:
Right like Tevez when he came out with lots of negative things to say about Mancini at the end of last season and was told by Mancini he could leave the club, only to turn around and make him the captain. He really showed that Tevez character a peace of his mind. Than there was Joe Hart who talked shit about leaving if he wasn't number 1 and Mancini punished him real good. Made him start the season as number 1 and will make him finish it like that come hell or high water. No more of this players dictating who plays and who doesn't nonsense right?

Oh dear.

Tevez came out with his shit, Mancini said he could leave. Hes said fk all since. Mancini thinks ok fair enough, lets cement this relationship with the management , squad, club and fans further and make him captain.

Given and Hart both said they had to be no 1. Mancini made a strong decision (which at the time raised many eyebrows) and promoted Hart to no 1.

What exactly did you want him to do? Put them both on the bench and put Taylor in.

Your "arguments" have more holes than a seive.

He should've punished Hart initially as he was the one who brought up the whole issue. If the point is that players should knuckle down and fight for their place, then why wasn't Hart blasted as being no good for the club while Given was for saying the exact same thing but only after Hart said it? It's a double standard and gives the impression that there is favortism at play whether or not is.

Same thing with regards to Bellamy. Bellamy had not said anything for months with regards to Mancini and yet he was out of the 25 man squad before they were even sure who was in and long before he "gobbed off". The fact of the matter is that the mass clear out wasn't handled properly and is one of the reasons that bad blood continues to exist in the squad. If you want to be a dictator than you have to equally to everyone regardless of their worth to the team. That just hasn't happened.

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