Basic People Management Skills

macmanson said:
Mancio said:
mancini has always field the best team he had. you know nothing about this , thats the truth.

mancini CL CV come with the team he had at his disposal , a team who was full of aged players not good enough. and the evidence of this comed from the first mourinho's year at inter when with mancini's players he had the same results if not worse.

then , selling ibrahimovic Inter got the money for buy the players who bringed the winnig mentality in the team , Lucio and Eto'o. and just with them results have come.

Right...or it could have been Mourinho's coaching, no?


why mourinho didnt won champions league when managed the last 5 years best team in the whole world (chelsea) ??
macmanson said:
Chick Counterfly said:
Managers must prioritise. You have to keep your eye on the prize, potentially at the expense of everything else.

In this case, he prioritised Hart and the first eleven over Given. He made a public display of confidence in Hart, and this extended to the rest of the defenders and midfielders. After throwing away points through two silly mistakes, he gave them the opportunity to put things right. They kept two convincing clean sheets, and confidence is fully restored. Against that, Given's unhappiness is small beer.

This is an example of the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few, the first team coming before a fringe player. It's worked. Mancini's man-management has demonstrably worked.

It's up to Given how he interprets what happened. Going to the press, before you have exhausted all avenues of internal communication, is selfish and short-sighted. Unhelpful to the club, the manager, and your team mates. Forgiveable, as his frustration is natural... but it won't be forgotten.
It's not acceptable behaviour, and anyone who ignores that, and focuses on whatever they imagine Mancini may or may not have done, has simply lost perspective.

Right, so players doing what's right for them is bad but managers doing what's right for them is good. Got it.

Didn't you read any of that post you just quoted? Mancini is doing what is best for the TEAM at the cost of upsetting a player. A player putting himself before the team is when trouble starts.
peacefrog said:
simon23 said:
i think he means tactically doesnt know how it works and im inclined to agree in part
I'm sorry, maybe it's me but, that's still a bit vague for me. Maybe I just don't see thing as complicated as some people. It's football. The rules are the same wherever you play it. I know different leagues are seen as having different styles but, the differences aren't that great. And as someone who is known to be a "student of the game", I'm pretty sure Mancini was well clues up on english football a long time ago.
The "different leagues" kinda hits the nail on the head or the "different"bit does.
Managers come to this league from other countrys & fail by trying to impose a system or methods they have used in a different league or in a different team.
Some do some don't,upto now our manager has failed it's as simple as that.
As for the student bit, perhaps we need the teacher or the special one rather than the wet behind the ears student:)
I'm pretty sure Mancini was well clues up on english football a long time ago
Must do better.
80s Shorts said:
macmanson said:
Again, that point of the post is not to bash Mancini but to highlight that man management criticisms are not exactly something new for Mancini. It isn't something made up by City fans and some mard arse players as the pro Mancini camp likes to have it painted as. As I mentioned previously, it is a management style and does have it's merits as well as it's drawbacks like anything in life.

While is creates competition for spots in the team, it also upsets players and as a manager it becomes your job to manage those players and their expectations. Mancini has an assistant manager, first team coaches and trainers out the wazoo, so to me his primary responsibility is ensuring that he has a healthy competitive squad with all players pulling in the same direction. If all these players appear to have different expecations than the manager, then there is an obvious communication problem there.

These man management issues are what many believe to be the reason he struggled in European competitions as he played his favorites over players who were more accomplished. That's bad man management in my opinion. You field your best team always, regardless of how you feel about individual players or whether they support you or not. That's how the 2 ideas become related.

What are these player expectations you keep banging on about. They are highly paid professionals who should be puting the team and the club at the forefront of their thoughts. The commom denominator in the players that have beef with Mancini is they are so far up their own arses they fail to see the wood for the trees. Yours Neds, Bellamys and Irelands, for example are not good enough for where we are going. If you dislike this observation because it is "rag like" then I suggest you have a small time mentality. If any one of them had decided to buckle down and fight for a place instead of airing their anti Mancini (and in effect anti club) comments in public then maybe they would have had a chance for the 25. Ade is not happy bacause he is not playing, also Given. What to do? Guarantee them first team spots as when they want them; ludicrous. A player cannot have this expectation and if he does they he needs to be shipped out pronto.

When Tevez had a word or two to say to the press Mancini said he could leave if he wanted. We have heard little other than how pleased he is at City since.

The same approach has been taken with Given. Given makes 1 or 2 public comments Mancini says he can leave if he wants. This is the only way to play this situation. You cannot just let him have his way.

Well done Mancini I think you have it spot on. Fourth spot, 2 goals conceded with only one from open play. A host of quality to return from injury, futures looking good. One or two "tweaks" in January and we will be there or thereabouts.

Yours Neds, Bellamys and Irelands, for example are not good enough for where we are going.

Stopped reading here as I'm sure the rest of the post has something to do with gloryhunting. Nothing intelligent can ever follow that line in my opinion.
de niro said:
80s Shorts said:
Did you apply for his position. I presume from amount of pseudo tactical rubbish that you post that you may have one or two coaching qualifications that, to be honest, anybody with time on their hands could obtain. SO YOU THINK THAT MANCINI IS TACTICALLY NIEVE IN THE PREMIERSHIP. THIS STATEMENT PRESUMES THAT YOU KNOW BETTER. IS YOUR APPLICATION IN FOR WHEN HE LEAVES?


he's trying to play the italian way in the englisgh prem, bob mate, wake up and smell the coffee, its just not like serie A. your boring shit wont wash.

De Niro

I cant really be arsed replying to you. Just to say, if anybody reviews your contribution throughout this thread they will see it is some of the most schizophrenic drivel to ever have been submitted on this forum.

I cannot even accuse you of having an agenda as you keep contradicting yourself. You praise Mancini on the one hand and post drivel like your last post on the other.

Are you in line for a position at Talk Shite ?
macmanson said:
Chick Counterfly said:
Managers must prioritise. You have to keep your eye on the prize, potentially at the expense of everything else.

In this case, he prioritised Hart and the first eleven over Given. He made a public display of confidence in Hart, and this extended to the rest of the defenders and midfielders. After throwing away points through two silly mistakes, he gave them the opportunity to put things right. They kept two convincing clean sheets, and confidence is fully restored. Against that, Given's unhappiness is small beer.

This is an example of the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few, the first team coming before a fringe player. It's worked. Mancini's man-management has demonstrably worked.

It's up to Given how he interprets what happened. Going to the press, before you have exhausted all avenues of internal communication, is selfish and short-sighted. Unhelpful to the club, the manager, and your team mates. Forgiveable, as his frustration is natural... but it won't be forgotten.
It's not acceptable behaviour, and anyone who ignores that, and focuses on whatever they imagine Mancini may or may not have done, has simply lost perspective.

Right, so players doing what's right for them is bad but managers doing what's right for them is good. Got it.

I think the point is that players doing what's right for them is bad when it's detrimental to the team and that managers are right to sacrifice the interests of individual players for the sake of the collective, which I suspect you realised, despite your rather glib response.

Tèvez is often cited as an example of Mancini's poor man management, but given that he's still here and still producing, I think he is favourable to the case for the defence, not the prosecution.
bluefandk said:
de niro said:

His substitutions are not clueless, the football is not negative,

unbelievable delusion.[/quote]

So bercause i dont agree with your assesment of our manger I am deluded?


no, its because the entire football world know we have a negitive manager.also everyone who have been to the games know that bob puts on the wrong player at the wrong time in practactly every match.
this is not an assessment these are facts.
bluemanc said:
peacefrog said:
I'm sorry, maybe it's me but, that's still a bit vague for me. Maybe I just don't see thing as complicated as some people. It's football. The rules are the same wherever you play it. I know different leagues are seen as having different styles but, the differences aren't that great. And as someone who is known to be a "student of the game", I'm pretty sure Mancini was well clues up on english football a long time ago.
The "different leagues" kinda hits the nail on the head or the "different"bit does.
Managers come to this league from other countrys & fail by trying to impose a system or methods they have used in a different league or in a different team.
Some do some don't,upto now our manager has failed it's as simple as that.
As for the student bit, perhaps we need the teacher or the special one rather than the wet behind the ears student:)
I'm pretty sure Mancini was well clues up on english football a long time ago
Must do better.

to do what ?<br /><br />-- Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:38 pm --<br /><br />
de niro said:
bluefandk said:
His substitutions are not clueless, the football is not negative,

unbelievable delusion.

So bercause i dont agree with your assesment of our manger I am deluded?


no, its because the entire football world know we have a negitive manager.also everyone who have been to the games know that bob puts on the wrong player at the wrong time in practactly every match.
this is not an assessment these are facts.[/quote]

yes. FACT
macmanson said:
Let's say Mancini's the boss at the BBC. The Stig is Shay Given. Stig goes to the press and says I'm going to reveal my identity in a tell-all book. ''You can fuck right off if you do'' says the BBC boss. Stig does what he said and promptly gets his ticket.

Basically, you do what the boss says and if you rock the boat in any way there's a consequence. It's fuck all to do with man-management failures. It's everything to do with having a bit of respect for the boss.

Given should have respected the boss's decision and got on with it - not blab to the press like a fuckin girl.

Right like Tevez when he came out with lots of negative things to say about Mancini at the end of last season and was told by Mancini he could leave the club, only to turn around and make him the captain. He really showed that Tevez character a peace of his mind. Than there was Joe Hart who talked shit about leaving if he wasn't number 1 and Mancini punished him real good. Made him start the season as number 1 and will make him finish it like that come hell or high water. No more of this players dictating who plays and who doesn't nonsense right?
Now your just making shit up. Mancini has never said he had a problem with either Hart or Given saying they wanted to play. All that happened was he said he would pick who his no1 would be. He picked Hart. Said he hoped Given would stay and fight for his place but wont stand in his way if he insists on moving. That all seems pretty normal to me.

You also said earlier that Viera had talked about Mancini's bad man management style. If you're talking about when he was asked by a city player what his relationship with Mancini was like at Milan and he said there wasn't one? Then again I think you reading between the lines and coming up with 2+2=5

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