Basic People Management Skills

BillyShears said:
Braggster said:
I think the point is that players doing what's right for them is bad when it's detrimental to the team and that managers are right to sacrifice the interests of individual players for the sake of the collective, which I suspect you realised, despite your rather glib response.

Tèvez is often cited as an example of Mancini's poor man management, but given that he's still here and still producing, I think he is favourable to the case for the defence, not the prosecution.

I hate to jump into the middle of this rather fruitless and circular argument...but I'd just like to point out that citing Tevez as a case for the defence is rather risque if you ask me...if that fucker took the stand, what he'd say about Mancini would make Brian Clough's toes curl up....;- )

Other than that, please continue....

Oh, and (Braggster this isn't aimed at you at all - but more a couple of other posters) - one of things which has made me smile in recent days is the realization that so many of our supporters have pretty much lost their edge. They've become rag'esque in their robot like justifications for certain things. I don't actually mind Mancini turfing out players he doesn't like, or him making puzzling team selections or substitutions as it's all part and parcel of being a football manager - what's funny is the way he's managed to breed the kind of blind deaf and dumb faith I've only ever previously seen in rags when talking about Slur Alex, in segments of the City support....whatever else, Mancini certainly knows how to play his audience....!

the david icke of bluemoon spaketh.
Chick Counterfly said:
BillyShears said:
I hate to jump into the middle of this rather fruitless and circular argument...but I'd just like to point out that citing Tevez as a case for the defence is rather risque if you ask me...if that fucker took the stand, what he'd say about Mancini would make Brian Clough's toes curl up....;- )

Other than that, please continue....

Oh, and (Braggster this isn't aimed at you at all - but more a couple of other posters) - one of things which has made me smile in recent days is the realization that so many of our supporters have pretty much lost their edge. They've become rag'esque in their robot like justifications for certain things. I don't actually mind Mancini turfing out players he doesn't like, or him making puzzling team selections or substitutions as it's all part and parcel of being a football manager - what's funny is the way he's managed to breed the kind of blind deaf and dumb faith I've only ever previously seen in rags when talking about Slur Alex, in segments of the City support....whatever else, Mancini certainly knows how to play his audience....!

the david icke of bluemoon spaketh.

Mancini's woman Respondeth....

(See, two can play that game....)
Mancio said:
macmanson said:
As I have pointed out in previous threads, Mancini was quoted in the American press as far back as late July as saying that he wasn't sure that Bellamy would be in the squad. Then they tried to offload him to Wolfsburg all prior to his so called disrepectful and "unprompted" press conference. That doesn't exactly sound like they were rewarding people based on merit now does it?

with the 25 man squad rule the first requisite a player need is not to be know as injury prone.

is far more better a young healty JO than an aged brokenknees bellamy.

He's a squad player and doesn't need to play every game. If he's used in this capacity, than Bellamy is ten times more impactful that Jo will ever be. Problem is Jo is an easier person to manage than Bellamy in Mancini's eyes because Jo hasn't got a leg to stand on. This is essentially his last chance at playing for a top club anywhere in the world. That decision shows Mancini's cowardice, not his bravery.
bluemanc said:
PistonBlue said:
In THIS Country it doesn't not by a long chalk,you can't think that other than on here

Been a manager here for about 5 minutes. currently 4th in the league despite injuries to new signings. I'd say he's doing alright.

GONE SOON??? not before the new year he wont unless you know something we don't,perhaps needing Ade before then might be a reason not to totally dismiss him.
Yes, gone soon. As in January. Which is soon.

He clearly ISN''T in this Country & his record in italy as you well know when looked at isn't without a few if's,not yet anyway,he has a MASSIVE amount to prove.

Yes you're right, he won fuck all in Italy, ffs. He's not really had much chance to win anything country yet, has he?
I'm not going near the Hughes stuff it just about says everything.
Good, at least I got that right then
de niro said:
80s Shorts said:
De Niro

I cant really be arsed replying to you. Just to say, if anybody reviews your contribution throughout this thread they will see it is some of the most schizophrenic drivel to ever have been submitted on this forum.

I cannot even accuse you of having an agenda as you keep contradicting yourself. You praise Mancini on the one hand and post drivel like your last post on the other.

Are you in line for a position at Talk Shite ?

lol, i just post as it is, he's been a good manager IN ITALY, he's been iffy here, he will still attract good players but he'll upset them.
thats pretty clear to me.
oh and please dont tell me he knows the english game yet, he clearly does'nt.
I can't understand how you can say this one minute and then say that he's a far more astute manager than Hughes. Who you can't accuse of not knowing english football.
BillyShears said:
one of things which has made me smile in recent days is the realization that so many of our supporters have pretty much lost their edge. They've become rag'esque in their robot like justifications for certain things. I don't actually mind Mancini turfing out players he doesn't like, or him making puzzling team selections or substitutions as it's all part and parcel of being a football manager - what's funny is the way he's managed to breed the kind of blind deaf and dumb faith I've only ever previously seen in rags when talking about Slur Alex, in segments of the City support....whatever else, Mancini certainly knows how to play his audience....!
This did'nt half make me chuckle
Mancio said:
macmanson said:
Right...or it could have been Mourinho's coaching, no?


why mourinho didnt won champions league when managed the last 5 years best team in the whole world (chelsea) ??

Ummm...maybe because Chelsea weren't the best team in the whole world? :)
BillyShears said:
Braggster said:
I think the point is that players doing what's right for them is bad when it's detrimental to the team and that managers are right to sacrifice the interests of individual players for the sake of the collective, which I suspect you realised, despite your rather glib response.

Tèvez is often cited as an example of Mancini's poor man management, but given that he's still here and still producing, I think he is favourable to the case for the defence, not the prosecution.

I hate to jump into the middle of this rather fruitless and circular argument...but I'd just like to point out that citing Tevez as a case for the defence is rather risque if you ask me...if that fucker took the stand, what he'd say about Mancini would make Brian Clough's toes curl up....;- )

Other than that, please continue....

Oh, and (Braggster this isn't aimed at you at all - but more a couple of other posters) - one of things which has made me smile in recent days is the realization that so many of our supporters have pretty much lost their edge. They've become rag'esque in their robot like justifications for certain things. I don't actually mind Mancini turfing out players he doesn't like, or him making puzzling team selections or substitutions as it's all part and parcel of being a football manager - what's funny is the way he's managed to breed the kind of blind deaf and dumb faith I've only ever previously seen in rags when talking about Slur Alex, in segments of the City support....whatever else, Mancini certainly knows how to play his audience....!

Another schizophrenic post.

This thread is all about management style and Mancinis treatment of the "trouble causers".

On the one hand you say you are fine with the way he is "turfing out the players he doesnt like".

On the other hand you are accusing City fans of "losing their edge" and being like robots in repect of the very thing you say you agree that Mancini is doing.

BillyShears said:
Braggster said:
I think the point is that players doing what's right for them is bad when it's detrimental to the team and that managers are right to sacrifice the interests of individual players for the sake of the collective, which I suspect you realised, despite your rather glib response.

Tèvez is often cited as an example of Mancini's poor man management, but given that he's still here and still producing, I think he is favourable to the case for the defence, not the prosecution.

I hate to jump into the middle of this rather fruitless and circular argument...but I'd just like to point out that citing Tevez as a case for the defence is rather risque if you ask me...if that fucker took the stand, what he'd say about Mancini would make Brian Clough's toes curl up....;- )

Other than that, please continue....

Oh, and (Braggster this isn't aimed at you at all - but more a couple of other posters) - one of things which has made me smile in recent days is the realization that so many of our supporters have pretty much lost their edge. They've become rag'esque in their robot like justifications for certain things. I don't actually mind Mancini turfing out players he doesn't like, or him making puzzling team selections or substitutions as it's all part and parcel of being a football manager - what's funny is the way he's managed to breed the kind of blind deaf and dumb faith I've only ever previously seen in rags when talking about Slur Alex, in segments of the City support....whatever else, Mancini certainly knows how to play his audience....!

Billy, to try and call some fans that don't agree with you raggy, doesn't score you a point, it makes you look rather sad.

Very few would say there is a "robot like justification" of things, as fans we know very little of exactly what is happening in the dressing room. We rely on tidbits and shippets of info. We go off those pieces of info, rightly or wrongly. There will always be circular arguments because we don't know for sure.

So get off your high horse and quit acting daft. You are better than that.
BillyShears said:
Chick Counterfly said:
the david icke of bluemoon spaketh.

Mancini's woman Respondeth....

(See, two can play that game....)

you really are turning into a bit of a fruitcake.

the 'edge' which you speak of is characterised thus;

angry. disappointed. hurt. mistrustful. like the lonely single who picks fault with every potential mate, it's just self-preservation instinct. we mustn't trust them because it will end in tears.

you see everything through a negative prism, then lecture the rest of us on how deluded we are... our happiness and contentedness is a dagger in your heart.

seriously, keep it up, it's pretty amusing, and I would be lost if people stopped trying so hard to see everything our club does in the worst possible light.

easily finding counter arguments is a source of great contentment to me!

still didn't hear back from you, when exactly has David Silva played on the left of a three? Which other comparable left footed players are plying their trade there?

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