Bayern Munich @ Home

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de niro said:
grim up north said:
ballinio said:
Listen, when are you going to get the message, its nothing to do with failure, excuses , prices or any of that shit. the `competition` stinks , from the draw right the way through to the groups, bent refs, the uefa `family` taking prime seats off our fans, sponsored by booze companies but not allowed to drink , run by one of the most corrupt organisations on earth & you think we should just ignore it all just to be taken seriously .... by who exactly ? As for the bullshit that the footballs the best me a fucking favour , its like American wrestling.
I`ll never go near a Champions league game while these mafia dons run the game.

Most normal people support the boys wearing the shirt not a protest against an organisation

as lyric writers go i have to say the best was Evans as in Zagar and Evans (in the year 2525). the things they predicted were on the money. bearing in this was wriited about 5 years before it became a hit. how the hell would they know those things?

Difford & Tilbrook
Davs 19 said:
de niro said:
grim up north said:
Most normal people support the boys wearing the shirt not a protest against an organisation

as lyric writers go i have to say the best was Evans as in Zagar and Evans (in the year 2525). the things they predicted were on the money. bearing in this was wriited about 5 years before it became a hit. how the hell would they know those things?

Difford & Tilbrook

Huntley & Palmer
BlueBeenie said:
Danamy said:
I don't buy into fans not bothered about the competition and thinks it's shit malarkey, the truth of the matter is some aren't bothered because we haven't done well in it.

It was the same when we were the yo-yo club and fans used to say they preferred it in the old Div 1 because it was better grounds and days out.....blah..blah...blah, the truth was we were shit in the top league so it was easy to say the lower leagues were preferred.

If we were doing well in the comp the place would be rammed, like it was against Barca last season and against Hamburg in the Europa.

I'm convinced as we get better in this competition so will our crowds, it's just human nature and the thinking of a football fan

For me its not that I'm not bothered, its how I feel about the way its played. Make no bones about it that isn't football they are playing, football has a set of rules that are adhered to, not a set of guidelines that are then enabled at will by a referee. I'm not saying or getting into a 'corrupt' debate, the difference is plain to see between an League game and CL.

I don't like how the CL games are referee'd, I don't like how pathetically namby pamby everything is to 'protect' these multi million pound investments, I don't like the smug fucking arrogance of an organisation that says yes to racism. I don't like the fact that our adapting, learning or whatever other word you want to use to explain becoming competitive in the CL basically relies on us learning to fall over at the slightest touch. Yes it already happens now and again but the whole competition is based on it and the ones who mix diving ability and footballing ability usually win. Its the perfect example of the grass isn't always greener.

That said it feels wrong not going when I can, its something I'm not used to. I walked away from the CSKA game moaning about how I was sick of it and dropping the CL cup scheme next year. Within a couple of days I'd calmed down and probably will now but that doesn't change how I feel about it, the competition is a fucking joke where victory is at the mercy of a ref's whimsy as much as determination and effort of a team more than I've ever seen in football.

I am bothered, an awful lot about it. Its supposed to be the biggest and best club cup competition in the world and now we are here and in it, it feels like a sham. A bullshit excuse made up to earn fucktons of money and go out on the piss for the UEFA family on someone elses tab, and for that they cant even enforce the rulebook.

"well you get decisions like that given in the champions league" a statement heard how many times a match? Its bullshit, complete fucking bullshit. Its not "the champions league" its fucking football and the rules are the same from Burnage to the Bernabeu. I'll be there against Bayern but I can fully understand people who are sick to the back teeth of this competition and if they choose to avoid it I aint gonna slag em off for that.

PS Sorry Danamy, the rants not at you! just got on one the more I typed

No worries bud rant away, everyone's entitled to their opinion.

It wont be long until we find our feet in this comp and we'll all reap the benefits, we're all fickle fuckers deep down yunno.
ballinio said:
grim up north said:
mayo31 said:
I love this holier than thou attitude, 'most normal people' - who says who is normal

It is a persons own choice, however ballinio makes some good points.

I personally will be there as I in the cup scheme but i will be thinking about it more for next year (if we involved)

It's bollox mate you either support the club or you don't it's simple the Sheik invested in the club to be at the panicle of football are you wanting to go against those goals
you either support the club or you don't ? That's profound it realy is. How about the sheik wants to win the Champions league so you must go or he`ll leave bollocks, that's usually what you people come up with. Get this...I don't give a shit . You carry on bowing down to Platini & his crooks just to win the Champions league ......some of us will not, that is more important to me than City winning.

So you won't be watching the final if City ever get there?

Stop talking through your fucking arse with your fake moralistic bullshit and grow a pair of fucking balls you tart. None of us are particularly enamoured with UEFA but the perfect way of sticking 2 fingers up at them would be to win the Champions League and if we ever do I guess you don't want a space saving on the parade route eh?
deafmanstevo said:
Ha ha the anti champions league brigade are making me laugh, I know you are all loyal blues who are a bit pissed off that we are not making the progress that we should be doing and blaming everything platini, uefa, refs , no beer, no dancing girls etc etc etc.
But chill out you all seem a little angry, we've won the league, we've won the cups, I'm sure it won't be too long before we win the biggest one of the lot.
Doesn't that sound good
(Only trying to make you feel better guys)

You really don't get it do you?

It's nothing to do with the club. I will support City even if we're in the lowest division. No one is saying the same thing about the League Cup or FA Cup. Actually I don't recall anyone ever calling those two competitions bent or a rip off.

Even if City went on to be great in the Champions League I would still hate the competition.
M18CTID said:
ballinio said:
grim up north said:
It's bollox mate you either support the club or you don't it's simple the Sheik invested in the club to be at the panicle of football are you wanting to go against those goals
you either support the club or you don't ? That's profound it realy is. How about the sheik wants to win the Champions league so you must go or he`ll leave bollocks, that's usually what you people come up with. Get this...I don't give a shit . You carry on bowing down to Platini & his crooks just to win the Champions league ......some of us will not, that is more important to me than City winning.

So you won't be watching the final if City ever get there?

Stop talking through your fucking arse with your fake moralistic bullshit and grow a pair of fucking balls you tart. None of us are particularly enamoured with UEFA but the perfect way of sticking 2 fingers up at them would be to win the Champions League and if we ever do I guess you don't want a space saving on the parade route eh?

What does it matter!? People can choose how to support their club however they want!
dobobobo said:
You really don't get it do you?
I think you've got it, we don't get it.

One of the priorities of the club you support is doing well, and eventually winning this competition, and they'll do it without those of you who "hate" UEFA's competition.

By boycotting it you aren't affecting UEFA one bit, they couldn't give a toss, and they'd love nothing more than YOUR club to say "stuff your competition", because it would end any need they have to try and keep City down where they think we belong, so actually you're helping do UEFA's work for them, so congratulations.

The only way to stick two fingers up at UEFA is to get behind the club, support it towards winning the competition, and then when we do, parading it proudly around Manchester, England, Abu Dhabi etc etc
grim up north said:
ballinio said:
Marvin said:
A lot of excuses to justify failure

You can be fed up with City's performance in Europe, but it is Europe's premier footballing competition. You might not like the politics off it, but the football is the best, and City have to step up to the mark. We'll never be taken seriously until we make our mark in the Champions League.
Listen, when are you going to get the message, its nothing to do with failure, excuses , prices or any of that shit. the `competition` stinks , from the draw right the way through to the groups, bent refs, the uefa `family` taking prime seats off our fans, sponsored by booze companies but not allowed to drink , run by one of the most corrupt organisations on earth & you think we should just ignore it all just to be taken seriously .... by who exactly ? As for the bullshit that the footballs the best me a fucking favour , its like American wrestling.
I`ll never go near a Champions league game while these mafia dons run the game.

Most normal people support the boys wearing the shirt not a protest against an organisation

That's easy to say. I didn't miss a c.league game for the past 3 yrs at home. This season,I haven't been to one and won't be going to Bayern either.
Best thing I ever did not going to this corrupt competition made even sweeter by not wasting money on it either.
It is corrupt,it is run by idiots,it is full of tourists with Ipads and half and half scarves.
So Grim-Just because you aren't at the game we aren't supporting the team..What a load of rubbish.It may be europes premier competition but all it is about is keeping the big boys at the top.Look at the seedings,look at the draws etc.
I've been to both CSKA and Roma games this year, off the back of that I don't really feel like going to the final home group game, if we get through will I go again in the next round? Yes. People do have lives outside of football and the 60-70 quid could be spent much better in my eyes, so that's what I'm going to do. I don't particularly enjoy being told it's shit support, especially when 85% of the ground don't make any noise in the CL anyway, unless they're up in level 3 asking for another snack.
ballinio said:
de niro said:
grim up north said:
Most normal people support the boys wearing the shirt not a protest against an organisation

as lyric writers go i have to say the best was Evans as in Zagar and Evans (in the year 2525). the things they predicted were on the money. bearing in this was wriited about 5 years before it became a hit. how the hell would they know those things?
How many beers have you had ?

ha ha good point.
its not a beer thing mate, its old age and lack of sleep.

*note to self*

must have a day off.
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