
blue underpants said:
Helmet Cole said:
paphos-mcfc said:
Yep, not pleasant in blighty but very drinkable over here.

Pity the poor ex-pat that has had his taste-buds blighted by drinking Keo. Keo is so shit it makes Carlsberg seem ok.
Makes me vomit just thinking about Keo again Paphos, pure mozzie piss.
Can you still get those huge cans of Faxe over there?
Flag a picture up of one so i can drool over it!!

Yep, big cans of faxe at plus supermarket. Getting into a Greek beer called 'Fix Hellas' atm. Worth looking out for, not bad from the can, would be amazing from the bottle.
Gabriel said:
blue underpants said:
Helmet Cole said:
Pity the poor ex-pat that has had his taste-buds blighted by drinking Keo. Keo is so shit it makes Carlsberg seem ok.
Makes me vomit just thinking about Keo again Paphos, pure mozzie piss.
Can you still get those huge cans of Faxe over there?
Flag a picture up of one so i can drool over it!!

Each to their own, I prefer KEO over Carlsberg or Leon. Given the opportunity, though, I'd dash up to Pyla and buy Efes.
Must admit i like Leon its got a stronger flavour than Keo, when my mates came over for a week we bought 2 crates of Leon and 2 of Keo, when thet went home i had a crate of Keo left, unheard of for my boozy blue mates!
kippaxwarrior said:
Might get a bit of stick for this but i cannot stand this stuff


Your fucking dead to me.
paphos-mcfc said:
blue underpants said:
Helmet Cole said:
Pity the poor ex-pat that has had his taste-buds blighted by drinking Keo. Keo is so shit it makes Carlsberg seem ok.
Makes me vomit just thinking about Keo again Paphos, pure mozzie piss.
Can you still get those huge cans of Faxe over there?
Flag a picture up of one so i can drool over it!!

Yep, big cans of faxe at plus supermarket. Getting into a Greek beer called 'Fix Hellas' atm. Worth looking out for, not bad from the can, would be amazing from the bottle.
Had Fix in Corfu in April, very nice, Greek told me a German company have bought the brewery to save it going under
I love Skol!

Not the taste, just the name. Sometimes i like to not shower or change my clothes for a week, sit on a park bench, drinking cans of Skol and shouting at the squirrels. Good times.
blue underpants said:
paphos-mcfc said:
blue underpants said:
Makes me vomit just thinking about Keo again Paphos, pure mozzie piss.
Can you still get those huge cans of Faxe over there?
Flag a picture up of one so i can drool over it!!

Yep, big cans of faxe at plus supermarket. Getting into a Greek beer called 'Fix Hellas' atm. Worth looking out for, not bad from the can, would be amazing from the bottle.
Had Fix in Corfu in April, very nice, Greek told me a German company have bought the brewery to save it going under

Yeah mate, just looked it up. Was originally a German brewery in Athens. Not a bad drop. Very pleasant. Over here on a hot day and in a cold bottle, I would buy shit loads of the stuff.
foxy said:
paphos-mcfc said:
Mikecini said:
And for some reason Thailand. I used to drink in all the time there, does drinking it cold from a bottle make a difference?

Probably mate. Brewed here to the Danish recipe, brewed in the UK to make pure profit whilst tasting like fizzy pizzle.

I went to the Carlsberg Brewery in Copenhagen when city were playing there in the Europa. Somebody at the brewery museum pretty much said they use to export the good Carlsberg to the UK, the cockney shandy drinkers didn't like it so they then sent us the shite we have today.

That is as eloquent as I can put it.
I had it in the Carlsberg Brewery last year and it's so much nicer over there than here. Proper Budweiser is nice, not that American piss, Peroni is also one of my favourite's but is expensive.
Blue Til Death said:
paphos-mcfc said:
Name and shame.


Didn't drink it in UK and I wouldn't pay over the odds for it here. Piss in a can.

Ozzies dont drink the stuff anyway, my mate lives there and he says he has never been to a bar where they sell it.. Is this true??
That's why we've got the shit over here because they don't want the shit.
Years ago when we used to do the booze cruises on the cross channel ferries they sold the export version,but it was just distinguished by a gold lid,no major export markings or anything. It was 5 abv and seven quid a slab of 24. Now that was nice gear.

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