Bellamy is off

If he stays great, but he wont be as vital part of the team next year. An impact player no doubt. If he goes, then so be it we will buy better players and I think his performances definitely went downhill in the second half of the year.
Where will he play for Spurs? They have Bale lighting it up down the left and Lennon on the right with Bentley an option also.
A reminder of what he said a few days ago:

"I knew when I signed for City that I would have to graft and take myself to a level that I had not reached for a while.

"But that appeals to me and the thought of more players arriving this summer and fighting for my place with a new calibre of teammate appeals to me even more.
"It's going to be incredible. Who would not want to be part of City at the moment?

"I have put myself through ridiculous torture in my rehab from injuries for these kinds of moments.

"To walk away from it now would be the opposite of what I have done in my career. From being a kid, I have always had to fight for my career and fight to establish myself and keep my place. I'm used to it. It's a great incentive."

"If we finish fourth it allows us to drive forward a little bit quicker. But it's not do or die for us," he said.

"It's not like, if we don't get fourth this season, we'll have blown our best chance at it and the opportunity might never come round again.

"If it's not this season, then we'll be back. We will be knocking on the door again straight away.

"Financially, the situation at City won't alter too much if we don't make it this year. One way or another, this club is going to go on to much better things very soon.

"When I arrived here midway through last season, we were talking about a five-year programme to win the league and nothing has changed."

IF he was to leave, it wouldn't be his decision..He's going nowhere.
Shame he hasn't maintained his performances to his own high standards this season. And he has provided some of the season's highlights in his own inimitable style. Bellamy, you are great, get on with it.

kind regards, a blue.
Good riddance, yes I mean it. I was annoyed when he signed, and rightly so he's an ass, there is no arguing on that whatsoever. He spent a long long time to win me over, and when he finally won me over he started playing poorly. Then the rumors started, and things just haven't been the same, so typical for Bellamy, when things finally looks good for him, he decides no I'm a bad boy. He could have been a legend. I'm so annoyed with him and adebayor. City is frustrating enough, we don't need to shit stirrers to make it worse.

He's a big time mercenary after all, so who can really blame him ? And if he leaves all the great things he have said, and who we thought he stood for has been for nothing, disappointing indeed.

Time will tell.

Either way, with his knees and age, the smart thing could be to cash in now, but since its city, who wanna bet we only get pocket change for him ?
Spot on Sinclair.
He's a trouble causer. If we want to succeed we need everyone singing off the same hymn sheet.
Good player and dangerous on his day. But replaceable, just like anyone.

..................except Carlos.

BlueSinclair said:
Good riddance, yes I mean it. I was annoyed when he signed, and rightly so he's an ass, there is no arguing on that whatsoever. He spent a long long time to win me over, and when he finally won me over he started playing poorly. Then the rumors started, and things just haven't been the same, so typical for Bellamy, when things finally looks good for him, he decides no I'm a bad boy. He could have been a legend. I'm so annoyed with him and adebayor. City is frustrating enough, we don't need to shit stirrers to make it worse.

He's a big time mercenary after all, so who can really blame him ?
I love Bellers he tries every game he definitly played his best games under Hughes since Bobby has took over he isn't the same player maybe the difference of opinion he is suppose to have with Bobby comes into it.

My fear is he will leave us go to Spurs where Harry will get the best from him just like Hughes did there is no doubt Harry does have a way with his players. Look at them now and look at them when Jol was their manager when Harry first went to Spurs they were near relegation and within no time he had them playing decent football.

All in all I think Harry will give Bellers the same love Hughes gave him and it wouldn't supprise me if he gets a bag full of goals for Spurs next season and also Bellers will want to put one over us.
If Bellers leaves, he will become another of the star performers for his new club. Bellers is already in the Eurosport Best XI for 2009-10 so why let him go? He could become our super-sub next seasopn. Remember David Fairclough and that Norwegian dwarf? Could be useful as he not only puts the fear of God into his opponents but also motivates his younger colleagues to reach their potential.

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