Bellamy on Radio 5 Live now

Didsbury Dave said:
Soulboy said:
At your age you should have realised that by now!

At my age I feel it's my duty to educate them, Soulboy...

I remember being a daft kid and booing the likes of Clive Wilson and Tommy Caton, even though they'd been great for us

Don't think of them being "fickle"... think of them as just "changing their minds".

It's pretty much the same thing. We all do it.

Kolo Toure is now popular... last season he was berated. Is that being fickle or just changing their minds?

Just read the stuff now about Stuart Brennan... for a year he was a rag twat, now he's a top writer who tells it as it is...

Or should people just stick with the same views all their lives? As circumstances change, so do opinions, and like I said earlier, why wouldn't they?

It would be daft not to.
here you are mr fergiscum please have craig bellamy and is there owt else you fancy
errr yeah cos that would have been a good idea
Didsbury Dave said:
Soulboy said:
Football fans are fickle. Always have been, always will be.

You're right.

Football fans are fickle, football fans are biased, football fans are stupid.

Not all, of course, but a sizeale number.

It is pretty funny I suppose. I shouldn't be surprised.

I think its probably because the majority of fans support the club more than the players that play for them regardless of the efforts they put in, you'll never get legends like Colin Bell, Mike Summerbee, Francis Lee ect. That hardly had a bad word said about them from fans because that sort of generation is dead now, even Shaun Goater who is seen as a legend at the club today got slagged off rotten back in the 90's. I was never around during 60's and 70's of the football era but have heard many stories from my dad and just by the way he talks about it really shows that the passion was miles better then it is today from both fans and players, today football is more of a business then a sport many teams are to bound to seeking glory then just playing the beautiful game, back many years ago teams were noticed regardless of how big or successful they were but now it just seems as tho if your not in the top 6 flight of the Prem League you don't even deserve a mention on T.V.

Its sad really we all know that we've been through a lot past 20 years, we know what its like to be treated as a small time club.
Our badge states "Superbia in Prolia" which means Pride In Battle so instead of battling with each other about players that aren't at the club at the present moment regardless how true both sides may be, let's just stick together and battle together for our club and pride.

Soulboy said:
Didsbury Dave said:
At my age I feel it's my duty to educate them, Soulboy...

I remember being a daft kid and booing the likes of Clive Wilson and Tommy Caton, even though they'd been great for us

Don't think of them being "fickle"... think of them as just "changing their minds".

It's pretty much the same thing. We all do it.

Kolo Toure is now popular... last season he was berated. Is that being fickle or just changing their minds?

Or should people just stick with the same views all their lives? As circumstances change, so do opinions, and like I said earlier, why wouldn't they?

It would be daft not to.

It's true, mate.

I didn't rate Tevez when he arrived and I couldn't have been more wrong.

But changing your mind based on evidence is common sense, not fickleness.

It's what I sad before, it's the fact that he's suddenly public enemy number one quite simply because he dooesn't play for us any more which tickles me. Just as he was before he joined us too.

That's fickle!
Didsbury Dave said:
Soulboy said:
Don't think of them being "fickle"... think of them as just "changing their minds".

It's pretty much the same thing. We all do it.

Kolo Toure is now popular... last season he was berated. Is that being fickle or just changing their minds?

Or should people just stick with the same views all their lives? As circumstances change, so do opinions, and like I said earlier, why wouldn't they?

It would be daft not to.

It's true, mate.

I didn't rate Tevez when he arrived and I couldn't have been more wrong.

But changing your mind based on evidence is common sense, not fickleness.

It's what I sad before, it's the fact that he's suddenly public enemy number one quite simply because he dooesn't play for us any more which tickles me. Just as he was before he joined us too.

That's fickle!

He's not seen as one of ours anymore, so all loyalty is out of the window.

Maybe it's a bit like the De Jong thing at the moment... I am fiercely defensive and supportive of him... but how would I have reacted had it been Tevez or Silva that was out for the rest of the season?

Tough call.

And logic and evidence go out of the window in situations like this...
Point taken.

I honestly think I can be rational about these things.

If I thought the De Jong tackle was terrible I'd say.
Nelly's Left Foot said:
NQblue said:
Another wasted thread. Bellamy has gone; deceased; fallen off his perch.

We know why he went; he knows why he went so for fooks sake let's put it to bed.

haha "We know why he went; he knows why he went so for fooks sake let's put it to bed."
But still you had to throw in as much as you could. Classic.

Point very well made. See edit above.

nuff said.
Bellamy is a cock

Nobody offered any serious money to buy him but I'm sure several PL Clubs were keen to take him on a loan with City subsidising his wages.

Why should City help our competitors ?

If any PL club including Spurs and Scum had come in with a decent offer I am sure City would have sold him. They didn't ! The rest is just bullshit !
Didsbury Dave said:
Soulboy said:
Don't think of them being "fickle"... think of them as just "changing their minds".

It's pretty much the same thing. We all do it.

Kolo Toure is now popular... last season he was berated. Is that being fickle or just changing their minds?

Or should people just stick with the same views all their lives? As circumstances change, so do opinions, and like I said earlier, why wouldn't they?

It would be daft not to.

It's true, mate.

I didn't rate Tevez when he arrived and I couldn't have been more wrong.

But changing your mind based on evidence is common sense, not fickleness.

It's what I sad before, it's the fact that he's suddenly public enemy number one quite simply because he dooesn't play for us any more which tickles me. Just as he was before he joined us too.

That's fickle!

Dave, most people on here recognise that he is still a very good footballer and recognise that he played well for us. He isn't public enemy number one simply because he no longer plays for us but because he couldn't keep his mouth shut and work with the manager and that in turn has seen a valuable player have to leave the club. If you honestly think that people are annoyed at him just because he is no longer at the club and not because of the things he has said and done then perhaps it is you who is stupid because you just dismiss opinions that differ from yours and do not make an effort to understand why people have that opinion.

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