Bellamy's been banned from the club

strongbowholic said:
. However, I'd love to know (as a manager myself and always looking to learn) how you would manage the Bellamy situation as per my hypothetical a little earlier on?

I thought I'd answered this earlier on.

At the end of the first day of pre-season training call him in the office and say "look Craig, you were a right dick at the end of last year. You're a good player but I want to try something else this year. We won't make your life awkward - you fuck off and keep your mouth shut and we'll keep schtum too. Deal?"

I know that's simplistic but I would say just communicate.

He's not been part of the managers plans for the whole of pre-season, that's been obvious.

If the manager only had plans to use him occasionally this year, then tell him that, give him the option to leave if he wants.
daveb45 said:
Dubai Blue said:
Unfortunately, my location also leaves me open to being snatched in the middle of the night and driven out to the desert, so I'll be keeping my mouth shut, thank you very much ;-)
Old location but why do you have to live in manc to support city,i did not become a city supporter i was born a city supporter i had no choice it was inside me i could not help it, like a drug or real good sex i wanted more no matter how bad things looked i needed ny fix i will always need it till the day i die and you know what i would not have it any other way CTID.
My new location is Leeds i walk around with ny city shirt on and will defend us till my last breath to none city supporters.
Anyone want to tell me face to face that where i live affects my love please feel free to do it.

I take it English is a second language to you?
daveb45 said:
Dubai Blue said:
Unfortunately, my location also leaves me open to being snatched in the middle of the night and driven out to the desert, so I'll be keeping my mouth shut, thank you very much ;-)
Old location but why do you have to live in manc to support city,i did not become a city supporter i was born a city supporter i had no choice it was inside me i could not help it, like a drug or real good sex i wanted more no matter how bad things looked i needed ny fix i will always need it till the day i die and you know what i would not have it any other way CTID.
My new location is Leeds i walk around with ny city shirt on and will defend us till my last breath to none city supporters.
Anyone want to tell me face to face that where i live affects my love please feel free to do it.
What the fuck are you going on about? Where has anyone mentioned your location, you paranoid weirdo?
I think you know the answer to that. Criticism of ADUG, no matter how constructive it may be, just isn't allowed.

Well at this stage I think thats fair enough considering the money they are pumping into our club. I am more than happy with everything they have done so far that goes without saying and I would be surprised if this was not the case for 99% of city supporters.

At the end of the day its their money, they can and quite rightly are spending it how they like. With the backing Mancini has got I imagine he will get at least 2 years - like Hughes who wasnt even their appointment.

I would like to see him given longer - the full 3 years of his contract at least, we will never get anywhere with the revolving door policy for players and managers but thats just my opinion.

My take on it is City is just one tiny project amongst many these guys have going, to us us its a big deal, maybe to them its not.

I dont see why Kaldoon should be expected to micro manage every minor player squable and issue that arises though. People in his position delegate - he has Cook and co to sort out these issues plus Mancini and pretty much the biggest backroom staff setup in the league.

To suggest this guy should be getting on a private jet to hold Bellamy and the other revolting players hands and try and keep them happy. Just sounds completely ridiculous to me.

I just dont get why people continually try and defend Bellamy and blame Mancini for the way the situation has been handled. The way hes behaved for the last 6 months or so is completely unacceptable it would be at any other club as well. He really has left the club, manager and fans no choice and that is just the way he wanted it.

Mancini picked him regular last season, everything that could be done was. The guy is just a trouble causing knob head at the end of the day hes done this at every club hes played at. Yet its all Mancinis fault. Really some of the stuff I am reading on here is ridiculous, more so than normal.
daveb45 said:
strongbowholic said:
I don't hate you DD; I quite enjoy reading your posts. However, I'd love to know (as a manager myself and always looking to learn) how you would manage the Bellamy situation as per my hypothetical a little earlier on?

-- Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:04 pm --

Rag alert.

oh the usual response the reason i stopped coming on this site years ago was because when ever you are not a sheep and following what the others say you must be a rag, funny i think those that give the rag response need to look in a mirror maybe they will have a red face !! I suppose that if you do not o to see city on aregular basis you must be a rag. Just one word baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


smudgedj said:
daveb45 said:
Old location but why do you have to live in manc to support city,i did not become a city supporter i was born a city supporter i had no choice it was inside me i could not help it, like a drug or real good sex i wanted more no matter how bad things looked i needed ny fix i will always need it till the day i die and you know what i would not have it any other way CTID.
My new location is Leeds i walk around with ny city shirt on and will defend us till my last breath to none city supporters.
Anyone want to tell me face to face that where i live affects my love please feel free to do it.

I take it English is a second language to you?

hahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahha oh dear
Didsbury Dave said:
strongbowholic said:
. However, I'd love to know (as a manager myself and always looking to learn) how you would manage the Bellamy situation as per my hypothetical a little earlier on?

I thought I'd answered this earlier on.

At the end of the first day of pre-season training call him in the office and say "look Craig, you were a right dick at the end of last year. You're a good player but I want to try something else this year. We won't make your life awkward - you fuck off and keep your mouth shut and we'll keep schtum too. Deal?"

I know that's simplistic but I would say just communicate.

He's not been part of the managers plans for the whole of pre-season, that's been obvious.

If the manager only had plans to use him occasionally this year, then tell him that, give him the option to leave if he wants.

And are you confident that would have worked? I agree doing that would have been better but I don't think it would have guaranteed a decent response from Bellamy especially when we told him he wasn't going to be allowed to go to Spurs for prolonged tromboning sessions with Redknapp.
Lancet Fluke said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I thought I'd answered this earlier on.

At the end of the first day of pre-season training call him in the office and say "look Craig, you were a right dick at the end of last year. You're a good player but I want to try something else this year. We won't make your life awkward - you fuck off and keep your mouth shut and we'll keep schtum too. Deal?"

I know that's simplistic but I would say just communicate.

He's not been part of the managers plans for the whole of pre-season, that's been obvious.

If the manager only had plans to use him occasionally this year, then tell him that, give him the option to leave if he wants.

And are you confident that would have worked? I agree doing that would have been better but I don't think it would have guaranteed a decent response from Bellamy especially when we told him he wasn't going to be allowed to go to Spurs for prolonged tromboning sessions with Redknapp.

I don't know. I know he's a handful. I just believe that his outbust came because he didn't really have a clue what his future was. I honestly believe you can keep most players happy by talking to them. even if they are not wanted. Let them know that.
daveb45 said:
smudgedj said:
I take it English is a second language to you?

hahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahha oh dear

I know who you are!


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