Benjamin Mendy leaves City | Launches “multi-million-pound” claim against club over unpaid wages (p118)

Whatever he did away from football I know absolutely nothing about. But that one performance away at Wolves should have ended his City career, not to mention that utterly ridiculous hairstyle he turned up in for a dross CL home tie.
As soon as he uttered the words shark team he should have been out of the door.
If I was wrongly charged by the CPS, as happens to people on occasions, the Birmingham 6, the Guildford 4, am I supposed to say yeh fair do's I am not guilty but not innocent. ?
I don't care what you say. Not guilty does not equal innocent and it never has.
It certainly was no payouts, since all the cases all went to trial and they tried their best to convict him.

This case is a strange one. While I, like many others, from the start assumed its probably something in it when there was so many charges from several people, what has been revealed during the case tells a bit of a different story. One accuser was literally proved to be lying since the "act" had been filmed and showed consensual sex. At least one had googled "how much is Benjamin Mendy worth" just before she decided to press charges. One of the "victims" stayed in his house several hours after the "crime", had sex with 3 additional people before sending a text to a friend as she was leaving "hahaha I had sex with Jack Grealish". One of the "victims" had sent a text to her friends the day after she claimed to have been r**** twice during a party in Mendys house saying it was the " best night of her life". Some of the accusers were also friends. Some of them had met Mendy and/or had consensual sex with him before and/or after the alleged crime. Police had to convince several of the accusers to press charges since it would "help the other girls win the case".

Does all this mean he is without a doubt innocent? Of course not, it just means that none of the claims from the accusers can be proven. But it does mean he is not proven to be guilty. And in most countries in the world, people (or others that can be accused of something) are considered to be innocent until proven guilty. If he really is guilty or not, I guess only Mendy and his accusers know the real story. All we know is that none of the claims could be proven.

Whatever the case is, I hope other players take note. If you have a lifestyle like Mendy, being a celebrity, out partying and sleeping with several different women you don't know every week, even if 99% of them are all perfectly good people, all it takes is 1% (or less) out of these people that see your fame and wealth as a ticket to a big pay day and your career could be over. If you are a rich and famous footballer you need to be a lot more careful than an average Joe.

Usually, footballers (or someone on their behalf) get video consent before the act to stop this exact thing from happening.
If I was wrongly charged by the CPS, as happens to people on occasions, the Birmingham 6, the Guildford 4, am I supposed to say yeh fair do's I am not guilty but not innocent. ?
Reminds me of the one & only time I tried to sign on the dole many moons ago, the lady said to me “you’re not entitled to JSA because you’re not unemployed” I said “well I’m not employed so I must be unemployed”, apparently due to some technicality I was neither….I said “what’s the word for that” she said “I dunno”
It came out during the trial that Mendy claimed to have had sex with 10000 women.

He's 29. Let's say for ease of numbers he started 15 years ago. That works out at about 13 new, different women, per week. Every week. For 15 years.

Yes, he may well have exaggerated, but if he's being anywhere near accurate it's hard to imagine that he hasn't been treating women as objects. There just wouldn't be time to go about it any other way!
So, you want us to believe that a 14 year old finds two new women every day and makes them have sex with him while playing club football, and repeats that daily regime for 15 years. Sure.

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