Benjamin Mendy leaves City | Launches “multi-million-pound” claim against club over unpaid wages (p118)

If people have knowingly lied to frame someone & in a court of law, how about they face prosecution.
At the point where the prosecution or the judge thought the witnesses were lying, the case would have been ended. There have been instances where an accusation has resulted in prosecution, but they would tend not to reach the stage of a jury deciding.

What has happened here, is that the jury listened to all the evidence, and decided that there was reasonable doubt about whether he committed the crimes. Being found not guilty doesn't mean they decided that he was innocent, or that the women were lying, or that he did nothing wrong. Legally all it means it that they weren't 100% sure.

The prosecution has to prove the rape, and in cases where it's one person's word against another, then it's an incredibly high bar. That's a major reason why rape is an incredibly difficult crime to prosecute.

I didn't sit in court and listen to all the evidence in this case, and wouldn't presume to comment on whether the verdict was correct - but I will say that the verdict categorically does not mean the women in this case lied and tried to frame him.
It came out during the trial that Mendy claimed to have had sex with 10000 women.

He's 29. Let's say for ease of numbers he started 15 years ago. That works out at about 13 new, different women, per week. Every week. For 15 years.

Yes, he may well have exaggerated, but if he's being anywhere near accurate it's hard to imagine that he hasn't been treating women as objects. There just wouldn't be time to go about it any other way!
I don't think you can assume he treats women as objects. Women are attracted to famous rich good looking men, maybe they were using him as an object ?
If he has had sex with 1000 women and he wants in the future to carry on at that rate, I'd suggest getting them sign some sort of written agreement pre penetration.
I don't think you can assume he treats women as objects. Women are attracted to famous rich good looking men, maybe they were using him as an object ?
If he has had sex with 1000 women and he wants in the future to carry on at that rate, I'd suggest getting them sign some sort of written agreement pre penetration.
I'd suggest they don't accept invites back to his place tbh.
At the point where the prosecution or the judge thought the witnesses were lying, the case would have been ended. There have been instances where an accusation has resulted in prosecution, but they would tend not to reach the stage of a jury deciding.

What has happened here, is that the jury listened to all the evidence, and decided that there was reasonable doubt about whether he committed the crimes. Being found not guilty doesn't mean they decided that he was innocent, or that the women were lying, or that he did nothing wrong. Legally all it means it that they weren't 100% sure.

The prosecution has to prove the rape, and in cases where it's one person's word against another, then it's an incredibly high bar. That's a major reason why rape is an incredibly difficult crime to prosecute.

I didn't sit in court and listen to all the evidence in this case, and wouldn't presume to comment on whether the verdict was correct - but I will say that the verdict categorically does not mean the women in this case lied and tried to frame him.
The jury may well have felt that Mendy was innocent. To suggest otherwise is perverse. Jurors can believe a person is innocent and that there is reasonable doubt to prevent a prosecution. It’s not about semantics. It’s common sense.
The jury may well have felt that Mendy was innocent. To suggest otherwise is perverse. Jurors can believe a person is innocent and that there is reasonable doubt to prevent a prosecution. It’s not about semantics. It’s common sense.
And nowhere in my post did I say that they didn't feel that - we simply do not know - but many on this thread are assuming.

It's not semantics, it's about what the verdict means legally, and not one person on this thread knows what the jury were thinking, beyond the fact that they had reasonable doubt.

I was also replying to a post which suggested that the verdict meant the women were lying in order to frame Mendy. That *may* be true, but again, not one person on this thread knows that it is true, and the "not guilty" decision definitely doesn't mean that was the case.
I'd also disagree quite strongly one the "through no fault of his own".

He's not been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and so he gets to walk free, but lets not pretend that you can just be going about your life minding your own business and suddenly 6 different women are accuising you of 7 counts of rape, and sexual assault with enough evidence to make the police and CPS pursue a case for one of the hardest to prove crimes in the book.

He entitled to his freedom, i think the justice system is fundamentally fair, but this whole thing came about because of the way he acted. The way treated women, partied non-stop with virtual strangers and repeatedly put himself in situations where consent was ambigious at best.

That's before you even go into the other murky, grubby behaviour detailed during the course of the trial.
Saved me the job of posting. Fair summation.
I don't think you can assume he treats women as objects. Women are attracted to famous rich good looking men, maybe they were using him as an object ?
If he has had sex with 1000 women and he wants in the future to carry on at that rate, I'd suggest getting them sign some sort of written agreement pre penetration.

He said 10,000 not 1,000. Which is almost certainly a huge exaggeration.

But even if it was 100,000, it most certainly doesn’t prove he’s a rapist. He isn’t. And that is now a fact.

But for a guy who was looking at the prospect of losing his freedom for many, many years, to still be of a mind where he’s boasting about how many women he’s had sex with. It suggests an attitude towards women and sex in general that he probably could do with re-assessing for multiple reasons.

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