Best Alan Partridge Quotes

The episode when he is taken captive by his biggest fan. When released he is sat in his car with the window slightly open

Fan - See you next week then, we will go for that pint...
Alan- Yip
Fan- ...go and see my brother
Alan - No way you big spastic, you're a mentalist!

Then drives off
mcfc_ms said:
The episode when he is taken captive by his biggest fan. When released he is sat in his car with the window slightly open

Fan - See you next week then, we will go for that pint...
Alan- Yip
Fan- ...go and see my brother
Alan - No way you big spastic, you're a mentalist!

Then drives off

Pure genius
Sonia - I made some cushions with our faces on to show my love for alan
Builder - Haha You could sit on his face!
Sonia - Don't be rude!
Alan - Sonia, what's goin on here?
Builder - He's being dirty alan, Alan he says i sit on your face
Alan - Have you been watching us?

Class lol
when he was on the day today doing the sport is really funny .the world cup coverage " liquid football" is a personal fav . they are on youtube but dont know how to get the links up but just type alan partridge and they are easy to find
blueant said:
when he was on the day today doing the sport is really funny .the world cup coverage " liquid football" is a personal fav . they are on youtube but dont know how to get the links up but just type alan partridge and they are easy to find

TWAT!!! That was liquid football

Bing bang stick it n. Thank you & goodnight.
MORRIS: Time now for sport with Alan Partridge - Alan, you're a bit of a word man, aren't you?

PARTRIDGE: I certainly am. I like words, where would we be without them? Help you when you're having a chat.

MORRIS: Do you feel them as they come out?

PARTRIDGE: Yep, certainly do.

MORRIS: What do they feel *like*, then?

PARTRIDGE: Weeuurgh, something like that.

MORRIS: Do long words feel different from short ones?

PARTRIDGE: Yes, they do.

MORRIS [getting aggressive]: What about significant words, what do they feel like? Alan!

[Morris turns to reveal that he's actually been talking to Partridge on a monitor, and the real Alan Partridge is sitting just behind him.]


MORRIS: What do significant words feel like?

PARTRIDGE: They, er...

MORRIS: Do they feel different?

PARTRIDGE: ...yes. I'm Alan Partridge!
"So lads, what's da big oi-dea den?"


"And in these sheds you have 20ft high chickens, and these chickens are scared because the don't know why they're so big, and they're going, "Oh why am I so massive?" and they're looking down at all the little chickens and they think they're in an aeroplane because all the other chickens are so small."
Thomas baxindale - Their you go swanning off agen!
AP - Ahhhh swans!, you feed beef burgers to swans!
Thomas baxindale - do i ?
AP - Yes you do!
Thomas baxindale - well tell me alan whats wrong with that, you fill thier tummies up with fat and they float better, thats why we do it!
AP - Really?
Thomas baxindale - No you cretin!

quality lol

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