Blackburn v City Post Match Thread

Thought we lacked any real shape today and Negredo and Dzeko looked like absolute strangers. As poor as ive seen us this season keeping the ball and in the end i think a replay was about all we deserved. I had a great view right at the back of the lower tier behind the goal and every time i looked across the pitch we looked so mismatched and all over the place.
Obviously a disappointing result but some of the dramatic nonsense on here is absurd. I think %99 of the City fans know the weaknesses we have with regards to some areas of the squad. In an ideal World we would have a couple of youngsters chomping at the bit who can come into these sort of games and excite us fans.

It has been said within a few years half of the team will be home grown but players like Lopes, Angelino and Denayer are destined for the top. I think Manuel probably has arrived slightly too early to benefit from the ground breaking work in the academy but the next manager will get the joy of creating his dynasty with the young talents on our books.

As for the game, the problems of 2 big men upfront, the lack of attacking ability in the fullbacks and the need for a more mobile cm instead of Garcia were shown. But if we know this I am sure Pellegrini does also. The positives are for the return of Jovetic and Rodwell should be back for the reply which should fix a couple of issues, plus I am sure Lopes is more likely to start at home.

Overall I am glad we are still in the hat and fight on for another day.
Re: dont judge players on today

Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Put boyota, clichy, Lescott, Garcia, Milner and Dzeko on the same pitch and this is what you get.

Cringe when I see that in the line up..

Milner is good with a good line up with footballers, when he has this lot round him it leaves to much for him to do.

Looked better when yaya and navas came on, just took wrong frigin players off.
samharris said:
German Blues said:
Was a poor performance today, but that's the way football works. Think we've to see it as a wake up call at the right time. At least nothing serious happened.

All the Drama Ballerinas on here take note ;)

They have to come to the Bastille next...

I agree, far to many people get worked up over a bad game, (and it was) but it happens it happened a couple of times the year we won it
citytill1die84 said:
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
The good news is people can finally shut the fuck up about our "squad in depth". Outside the starting 11, it's mediocre.

Ye let's ask Bayern Munich if our squad depth is bad. Imo the players just got complacent and looked tired. Couple of the players I agree could be replaced. City had a few more gears to go through today but just didn't.

Really? Did you see us in that first 10-15 mins against Bayern? The game only changed when Zabaleta came on for Micah who looked completely out of his depth. And Dzeko also to his credit pulled his weight with Silva playing in behind him. There are only two players considered squad players that I would say pull their weight and that's Milner and Dzeko. Only problem with Dzeko is his consistency, the ability is certainly there. A 3-2 win is quite telling don't you think?

It all comes back to that one cocking transfer error.

It was a poor error letting Barry go, people will say "Oh, here we go again" but that's what it all comes back to... I seem to recall the start of the Euros, England looked tragic in midfield, there was nothing in between the back four and the forwards, England looked non existant until Barry returned. Mancini had a knack for seeing the best in Barry, hence why he played almost every game. Him just sitting there was enough to hold the team together. His role was overlooked due to the fact it was Yaya bombing forward and ripping the defense apart, but when he did that Barry was also sat in the middle of the park as security. Fernandinho is a great holding midfielder, his style is similar to that of Yaya though... neither are reknown for holding the back four together. I think the centre halves need someone like Barry now more than ever, it really does show. Sadly, he was thrown out due to just one performance and that was away to Southampton. If anyone should've been going out the door it was Garcia, Real Madrid saw that he was more of a liability than anything, so of course of to Benfica he goes. A team that dominates a league that isn't even worth the time or attention.
Re: dont judge players on today

You can only judge them on the performance they display. No good going back to the best game they ever played and back-slapping that performance when yer've been put out by teams from a lower league. They can only be judged on what they did today.
Re: "Squad Players" not doing enough.

So next season squad players:

Out: Boyata, Lescott, Barry, Sinclair, Garcia

In/promoted: Rekik, Lopes, Zuculini

Zuculini ought to be able to grow into the Fernandinho role according to reports.

We need another Right footed centre back.

Also think we need another box to box midfielder.

Will Lopes and Rekik count as home grown next season?
All those cynics amongst us, take time to reflect and watch ITV.

In the words of the oracle that is Clive Tyldesly, we have two of the top six sides here and two favourites to win the Cup.

What he failed to mention was we banged 11 goals past this pair in recent weeks, something he would have no doubt been revelling in had a certain other side from Stretford achieved the same.
OB1 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
BigJoe#1 said:
As a mod PB should know better and be able to express himself clearly without resorting to swearing, that said Milner was poor today. But yes PB was right in what he was trying to convey.
I wasn't swearing at anyone. Milner and Boyata both gave the ball away needlessly on numerous occasions. The saving grace for Milner is that we know what he's capable of on his day. Sadly for Cedric, I suspect we saw exactly what he's capable of today.

And if anyone has problems with a post/poster, please use the Report button.

Thought I might have seen you at Swansea BigJoe. Isn't that your neck of the woods?

I'm almost tempted but I was obviously joking.

You on the other hand did use bad language; even if it was to describe Jimmy's performance.

Dear, oh dear, oh dear.I can only assume you go to church every Sunday !!!
Only read the first ten pages and had to stop as I was laughing so much as posters try to outdo each other on the gloomometer..

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