Blaming the players

Neville Kneville said:
Challenger1978 said:
JohnMaddocksAxe i agree with you mate and i'd like to add something on to that. Does anyone remember how good the players actually were when Alan Ball was manager and got us relegated . As that used to be one of the things that got to me the most back in the day when we first got relegated from the premiership.

Those players that left city a load of them ended up as captains of teams in the premiership, i can't remember the names at the moment but one was captain of west ham another was captain i think of Blackburn and others went on to do really well as well. Basically we had a bloody good bunch of players and because of piss poor management we ended up getting relegated.

And you know what its fucking killing me at the moment because i'm seeing the exact same fucking thing happen again before my eyes. The fans are divided and at each others throats, good players are under performing, the manager is showing a lack of leadership. And anything that can go against us is going against us, i really really do fear that the club is about to implode again. And like Alan Ball who did it to us last time, Lesie Mark Hughes is doing as fucking good job at destroying us.

Ball was shite but imo the problem went further.We suffered from exactly the same thing playing wise as now. Shite defenders giving away goals from nothing, a team relying on a star player who rarely performs away from home to win the games for them & players more concerned about what was happening behind the scenes. When Ball had gone what happened? We got worse & worse & worse until everyone finally realised players like Kit Symons were wankers.

Turning point was Andy Morrison. We need a PL defender to do the same job & also be a leader on the pitch.

I equate this season more with the one where Joe Royle sorted it out. I recon Hughes will turn this around if allowed to.

Good post bud.
It could be that this is a necessary crisis.

I don't disagree with anything JMA says, but sometimes eggs have to be broken to make a... blah , blah , blah.

Hughes has not got the best from this squad, that is undeniable. But what if he himself realises that and acts accordingly. What if he sits down with the whole staff and says 'right lads. fresh start etc. Things are going to change?'

I don't want us to sack another manager. I actually pray that Hughes might turn it around. Is 10 more games too much?

Maybe, just maybe, Hughes might use this as a lesson and start.................

Fuck it! Even as I'm typing this, I can see the back of the dead horse in front of me.......I've tried to see the bigger picture and take the longer view, but MH has had time and he has failed. It's sad and upsetting TBH (City is not a business to me), but his comments today show me someone who will never motivate his players unless he can dominate them.

Sorry Mark, but as a player, Robinho is way is better than you ever were, and by some distance. Same goes for Elano, Richards, Ireland, SWP and a few others. It's a shame that you have to compete with your players instead of helping them. You're not ready to manage the best. You're not ready to manage us.
leewill31 said:
rastus said:
Is he blameless? do you not question him?
Dont hate hughes but why do you believe in him so much, just out of intrest.

what i hate most is this bullshit about being in the hughes in hughes out camp,i will tell you how i see it and it is imho,

i have said before i will give hughes till the end of the season to see how and what he wants to do with this team,to see what players he brings in this window(by the way wayne bridge is a very good start)allso to see what players go out as well,the team atm is very unbalanced in all postions if not unbalanced then back up players are not good enough no matter how much you like or hate hughes it is ther for all to see,i am a patient man and will wait and see if we progress with hughes players and his ideas.

I respect your opinion,
Mine is that something is very wrong at the club, both players and manager. He has not been able to improve MCFC infact the opposite, but will give him till end of Feb before I shout HUGHES OUT (depending on results)
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
Good post by JMA at the start and an opinion I agree with. I just wish Hughes had the balls to back his players instead of deflecting the criticism away from him.

Fair enough.

I long for the day when City fans will actually recognize a print for what it is, and not run screaming to Sothebys every few months claiming they've found a lost class / top-drawer players at City my arse. Mostly average bloody journeymen and potentials who really never fulfill, and it's been like that for years.
Petetheblu said:
oh dear what?

I don't really like Hughes, but what I saw today had very little to do with him...

If it is little to do with Hughes then why on earth are we employing him? His good looks and charm perhaps? Seemingly he might as well go for a cup of tea during the match if what takes place over the 90 minutes is not his responsibility. And thats not even taking into account what takes place during the week - you know minor things like training, coaching, motivating etc etc

Sven gets a regular kicking for the 8-1 - which he should given its was an abysmal performance and don't even get me started on that balloon farce last year or the QF against Spurs so what the hell makes Hughes exempt from getting a kicking for early round exits from this years cup competitions?
Brucie Bonus said:
Major Premise: all these players are good.
Minor Premise: (but) they are playing badly under Mark Hughes.
Conclusion (proposition): Mark Hughes is a bad manager.

Is that about it?
Certainley seems that way my friend!
i agree with jma, in fact there is a kid in the reserves vladimere wiess <excuse spelling> i would love to see him at least make the bench for the next home game,just so he can show the senior players i.e elano just what it means to pull on the blue shirt and grace the promised land. i remember going to spotland road to watch a young stephan ireland this kids just as good !
Elano - Brazil international ,had about six good games inthe prem league
Robinho (according to some) - one of the best players in the world,true qualitys being dragged down bye mercinaries(hamman)
Richards - the youngest ever defender to play for England and, until this season, recognised by all as probably the best defender of his age in Europe.1 season wonder!!needs 3 months inthe reserves
Dunne - Captain of the Republic of Ireland and a top Premier League defender for the past 5 season.back onthe beer,should be playing on the right side of central defence.
SWP - brilliant winger whose productivity has decreased over the past few performer again until injury
Joe Hart - Easily the best young keeper in the country, possibly Europe.never catches a ball never makes a save doesnt command the area.looks the part but need 3 years under a top class keeper.
hughes said the players werent brave enough!and he was right.the never tried anything instinctive always took an extra touch played the easy ball.never made challenge in 93 minutes
ok robbie , lets have a big love in :-)) dont get me wrong im not convinced he can a/ produce a winning team b/ attract world class players BUT i am prepared to give him longer than half a season but what do i know

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