blind faith

moomba said:
de niro said:
how hard is it to see we have no shape whatsoever?

Do you think the way we've played the last two matches is the way Mancini wants us to play?

well it was for those 2 games, because he picked the team.

i hope and prey for some square pegs in square holes v bolton, a left and a right, ireland with some freedom, barry and de jong stepping down, and viera given a chance.

we also need to come to some decision with regard to tevez and adebayor, they presently dont work together.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Clubber said:
We have have only lost 3 games under Mancini.

Rags away - Despite the hatred, they are in the top 2 of the prem.

Everton away - Usually a top 6 side that have just hit a rich vein of form

We only lost 2 under Hughes.
Rags away where we gave them a real fright and scored three. We never looked like doing that in the second leg.
Spurs away where he got the team selection and tactics wrong but they are also a top 6 side. But we sacked him on the strength of that game.
PB you are normally one poster i rate highly... but in this post you have to take in that Hughes had a full year of matches and 2 windows to get his players in for tons of money... he had time to know the strengths of the squad and players... he had time to learn... Mancini has had 10 games... 1,5 months to assess the squad that with lots of injuries, players off to ACON and less time to learn how to set up the team in the best way... Hughes hasnt only lost 2 matches... he had a year of lots of losses... before this seasons 2... and still he managed us to have a run of 7 draws that cost him his position not the 2 losses... that is if you want a fair debate on losses
fathellensbellend said:
Soulboy said:
But after his first 8 games in charge he was the Messiah... now after the next 4 he's clueless!

Talk about knee jerkers ruling the world!

so you cannot give an answer to the opening post either.

Do you want me to give you an answer based on his first 8 games... or his next 4?

That's the problem with your point. You are being selective. Yesterday was shite. Let's not pretend otherwise. And the last few games we've loked tired and in need of fresh inpiration.

But he tried to put it right in the transfer window and failed to get his targets in. His fault? Or the management of the club...

His first 8 games we defended superbly, we attacked and scored regularly... and we WON games. Even that crap performance against the Rags at home and Pompey saw us win.

He's brought a couple of kids through (Boyata and Inbrahim) at a time when we were up to 6 first team players down... he's transformed Tevez for that 8 game period... and I feel he may have to go back to that formation.

I was entertained in those first 8 games, something i wasn't before then... even though we were scoring goals it was like watching It's a Knockout such was the amateurish approach being taken.

So after 12 games in charge it's a mixed bag. Good first 8, crappier next 4. Let's see how the next 4 go before we bury him, eh?

Knee Jerkers of the World... Unite and Take Over...
Injuries, Africa Cup, Robbie offski have limited Mancinis team selection and with a couple of poor individual performances hes done quite well.
Bobbys tactics will not work in the premier league full stop, if he is to stay and I do like him then he needs to get it sorted.

to allow teams like Hull city to apply pressure from the start is not on, we should be going out there to batter them not soaking up pressure, as with with Everton and the United game at home we only play when we go a goal or two down.


Signings like Gago will not make a blind bit of difference in our league, we need attacking flair combined with raw power and a WILL TO WIN.
Soulboy said:
fathellensbellend said:
so you cannot give an answer to the opening post either.

Do you want me to give you an answer based on his first 8 games... or his next 4?

That's the problem with your point. You are being selective. Yesterday was shite. Let's not pretend otherwise. And the last few games we've loked tired and in need of fresh inpiration.

But he tried to put it right in the transfer window and failed to get his targets in. His fault? Or the management of the club...

His first 8 games we defended superbly, we attacked and scored regularly... and we WON games. Even that crap performance against the Rags at home and Pompey saw us win.

He's brought a couple of kids through (Boyata and Inbrahim) at a time when we were up to 6 first team players down... he's transformed Tevez for that 8 game period... and I feel he may have to go back to that formation.

I was entertained in those first 8 games, something i wasn't before then... even though we were scoring goals it was like watching It's a Knockout such was the amateurish approach being taken.

So after 12 games in charge it's a mixed bag. Good first 8, crappier next 4. Let's see how the next 4 go before we bury him, eh?

Knee Jerkers of the World... Unite and Take Over...

thats fine, your opinion, can i ask when a knee jerk is acceptable out of curiosity
We lost because our central defenders couldn't cope with Hull's 2 centre forwards which was somewhat predictable.

I don't see any tactical changes.

Perhaps some fans are disappointed because they thought that Mancini's appointment would instantly catapult us into the top 4. The reaction is really bewildering and very disappointing. I have been sustained for many years as a City fan by the loyalty and support of City fans, but we are an increasingly arrogant, and ignorant bunch who think that money buys success overnight.

Hughes City struggled away from home, why should Mancini be instantly able to transform City away from home? The only way you could come to such a conclusion would be if you believed that Hughes was a very poor manager.
fathellensbellend said:
Soulboy said:
Do you want me to give you an answer based on his first 8 games... or his next 4?

That's the problem with your point. You are being selective. Yesterday was shite. Let's not pretend otherwise. And the last few games we've loked tired and in need of fresh inpiration.

But he tried to put it right in the transfer window and failed to get his targets in. His fault? Or the management of the club...

His first 8 games we defended superbly, we attacked and scored regularly... and we WON games. Even that crap performance against the Rags at home and Pompey saw us win.

He's brought a couple of kids through (Boyata and Inbrahim) at a time when we were up to 6 first team players down... he's transformed Tevez for that 8 game period... and I feel he may have to go back to that formation.

I was entertained in those first 8 games, something i wasn't before then... even though we were scoring goals it was like watching It's a Knockout such was the amateurish approach being taken.

So after 12 games in charge it's a mixed bag. Good first 8, crappier next 4. Let's see how the next 4 go before we bury him, eh?

Knee Jerkers of the World... Unite and Take Over...

thats fine, your opinion, can i ask when a knee jerk is acceptable out of curiosity

A knee jerk reaction is when you call for the manager's head after 4 bad games.

It's also knee jerk when one week an impassioned plea is made to support the manager, then a fortnight later you call for his head, then a week later you are asking for patience, then the next week you are going for his head again! And we've got loads on here who are knee-jerkers of that persuasion! And you know who you are...

Tell you what, let's be bold and give Mancini say, erm, half a season before we dump him?

Let's see if he can win on Tuesday and get us back into 4th. spot... and we can then both read all those knee-jerkers coming on... calling for patience... and maybe even you will acknowledge the great job Mancini is doing if he achieves that.

Just a thought..
Soulboy said:
Do you want me to give you an answer based on his first 8 games... or his next 4?

That's the problem with your point. You are being selective. Yesterday was shite. Let's not pretend otherwise. And the last few games we've loked tired and in need of fresh inpiration.

But he tried to put it right in the transfer window and failed to get his targets in. His fault? Or the management of the club...

Let me stop you there. The signing of Gago or Mariga wouldn't have changed the shape of yesterday's match, or the tactics. It would've been exactly the same, with one of those two playing in place of either Ireland or Barry...

His first 8 games we defended superbly, we attacked and scored regularly... and we WON games. Even that crap performance against the Rags at home and Pompey saw us win.

You'll find that the system/s employed by Mancini early on were out of necessity. What we're seeing now is the way he actually wants the team to be lining up long term.

He's brought a couple of kids through (Boyata and Inbrahim) at a time when we were up to 6 first team players down... he's transformed Tevez for that 8 game period... and I feel he may have to go back to that formation.

Tevez had regained his fitness and was becoming deadly towards the end of Hughes' reign. The problem is when he's played with alongside Ade...

I was entertained in those first 8 games, something i wasn't before then... even though we were scoring goals it was like watching It's a Knockout such was the amateurish approach being taken.

So after 12 games in charge it's a mixed bag. Good first 8, crappier next 4. Let's see how the next 4 go before we bury him, eh?

Knee Jerkers of the World... Unite and Take Over...

I don't understand why it is that Mancini should suddenly be afforded some sort of bluemoon amnesty where his decisions, some of which are frankly baffling, cannot be questioned. He's obviously a nice guy, and his record says he's a top class coach, but that doesn't change the fact that on the face of it he is making some almighty cock ups in team selection and formation choice.

I asked this in another thread but nobody seems to want to acknowledge it - I guess because we're now talking about Mancini and not Hughes, but can anyone else think of a reason other than price tag, for why Ade and Tevez are continually played together by both manager's we've had this season, when it seems apparent to most laymen that they can't play together.

I also don't understand why it is that neither manager seems to want to play to the strengths of the squad we have, and instead constantly stick square pegs in round holes to play systems which they are comfortable with....make no mistakes, what we are seeing NOW is the way Roberto has always set his teams up. 4312. Little width. But we need players with the technique, agility, and engine of Cambiasso, Viera five years ago, and Stankovich to make the system itself work. It's clear that Barry and De Jong simply don't/won't cut it.
I think he's done a great job with the crappy players that Hughes bought (not inc Tevez & Bellars)

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