We brits are reserved by nature and it takes us a lot to get going. On away days, when most have had a decent drink before hand, then the reserve is dropped and everyone gets the good time vibe going. However, this good time vibe is usually spontaneous and not as a result of any choreography from individuals. At home, people usually cite the Hamburg game when we fans somehow forgot ourselves and everyone let rip and and generated a fantastic atmosphere. This atmosphere is generated in the moment rather than planned (although prior to that game there was a lot of discussion about making some noise and getting behind the team) but in the main it's is almost impossible to switch the noise on and off at will.
We can and do make a hell of a racket but its usually linked to events on the pitch such as when Aguero scored THAT goal. I've spoken to people who had left early and were outside the ground who couldn't believe the amount of noise coming from the stadium, and you only have to watch the highlights on the OS to hear the sound of crackling as the pitch-side microphones are overdriven by the decibel level - something I've never heard before on a televised game.
Despite this, I think it's worth making an effort to improve the atmosphere and you never know, a section of the ground dedicated to improving the atmosphere would probably have an effect on the rest of us. It will have to be something that evolves over time with a lot of trial and error along the way though.