Blue Alliance Fans Survey - Improving The Atmosphere

"club only want 48,000 tourists" don't agree.
The people/fans/tourists come for the experience - poor atmosphere means poor experience means people don't come. So club needs to help getting a good atmosphere. The days of coming to watch crap football, getting beat and having a good moan are gone and time to move on.

Somebody once told me to think A-B-C if something or somebody isn't working well...
Attitude influences Behaviour and Behaviour influences Culture and Culture influences Attitude.
If one of those isn't right then you need to look at the one before it to break the circle somehow.
If the Behaviour isn't right ( we don't generate a good atmosphere) then look at the Attitude. If the Attitude isn't right ( go on then, play good football, score a goal and I might be arsed enough to sing) then look at the Culture and so on.

Don't know how to fix it but it will probably take a number of things that people have already mentioned. Doubt if any one would fix it on its own.

For example, Culture is to sing after having a couple of pints. People go in pub before kick off because it's too expensive in the ground. Atmosphere takes time to build but starts in the concourse so club could encourage people to get in earlier. So include 2 cheap pints in admission charge, say have to be in the ground by 1 hour before kick off to get your beer so don't get problems getting served any more than normal. We have smart cards so just a bit of technology, not difficult.

And, I'd be happy with a x-0 result tomorrow. A win with a clean sheet.
The creation of this new ultras group is just another reason for our singers to be segregated into different groups. We've got this now where Singing Section feel they're better than the South Stand and vice versa.

Everybody's missing the point. If we want to improve atmosphere then all "activists/protagonists" need to unite under one group. These separate groups will only perpetuate the current situation.

Given that we all want the same thing, we need to get together. As the BA is the strongest group, in terms of members and contact with the club, we should all get on board with it.

It's the only way it's going to work.
47 responses so far, mainly from people on here rather than our own members, please keep them coming, sent an email to kev parker to forward to the other supporters branches and tba have it on twitter and facebook too

people might be put off because it's won't achieve anything/ seen / heard all this before , what difference will it make etc but the idea is to get some feedback and ideas by early next week, feed that back into the club so they can do something short term

long term the atmosphere will only improve if attitudes change, people start treating home games like an away game, that will take a number of years probably

don't forget to add your block - taking views from all over the ground but especially interested in those from 109-111 116-119 and other "singing areas"
There needs to be a greater consensus as to what the best part of the ground is for atmosphere.

We need to get rid of this South Stand vs Singing section shite and all get in the same block(s). This is effectively what happens on awaydays and the atmosphere's better for it.

I'd advocate a move from all the people who want to improve atmosphere in the singing section over to us in the South Stand. Why? Because the "end" is the best place to generate an atmosphere, see Roma,Lazio, Bayern, Dortmund etc.
salfordblues said:
There needs to be a greater consensus as to what the best part of the ground is for atmosphere.

We need to get rid of this South Stand vs Singing section shite and all get in the same block(s). This is effectively what happens on awaydays and the atmosphere's better for it.

I'd advocate a move from all the people who want to improve atmosphere in the singing section over to us in the South Stand. Why? Because the "end" is the best place to generate an atmosphere, see Roma,Lazio, Bayern, Dortmund etc.

problem is according to the club there are only 20 single spare seats in the south lower so difficult to move people around, sometimes people will group together at the back of the stand and pile in with their mates but that's not always possible, the bit at the back of ss tier 1 is the noisiest and that's because the roof is low so the noise travels better. the club themselves admit "we missed the boat" 10 years ago when organising who sat where, "one end" would only happen now if/when we get expansion, so it's a case of let's improve things where we already sit for now
salfordblues said:
The creation of this new ultras group is just another reason for our singers to be segregated into different groups. We've got this now where Singing Section feel they're better than the South Stand and vice versa.

Everybody's missing the point. If we want to improve atmosphere then all "activists/protagonists" need to unite under one group. These separate groups will only perpetuate the current situation.

Given that we all want the same thing, we need to get together. As the BA is the strongest group, in terms of members and contact with the club, we should all get on board with it.

It's the only way it's going to work.
this. you read on here after every game '' south stand were shit last night blahblah '' i dont think anything can be done about the atmosphere issue, we're good when we play good, thats the end of it.

i see nobody has answered my question.

why did the club create a singing section on the opposite side of the away fans when there already was an unofficial one? why create a new when they could have just added to it?
wearethesouthstand said:
salfordblues said:
There needs to be a greater consensus as to what the best part of the ground is for atmosphere.

We need to get rid of this South Stand vs Singing section shite and all get in the same block(s). This is effectively what happens on awaydays and the atmosphere's better for it.

I'd advocate a move from all the people who want to improve atmosphere in the singing section over to us in the South Stand. Why? Because the "end" is the best place to generate an atmosphere, see Roma,Lazio, Bayern, Dortmund etc.

problem is according to the club there are only 20 single spare seats in the south lower so difficult to move people around, sometimes people will group together at the back of the stand and pile in with their mates but that's not always possible, the bit at the back of ss tier 1 is the noisiest and that's because the roof is low so the noise travels better. the club themselves admit "we missed the boat" 10 years ago when organising who sat where, "one end" would only happen now if/when we get expansion, so it's a case of let's improve things where we already sit for now

Short term obviously it's a bit of a logistical nightmare. But maybe in the close season it's something we could look at.

The club missed two tricks for my money. One was not to get the old north standers at the back of tier 1 because as you say it's where the best acoustics are. However, perhaps a bigger mistake was setting up the singing section in the worst possible position in relation to the vocal end of the ground.

This created division and we lost a few South Standers over to the Singing Section and now both sections suffer because of each other.

Relocation and harmonisation of all the singers is the long term way to a better atmosphere.
salfordblues said:
wearethesouthstand said:
salfordblues said:
There needs to be a greater consensus as to what the best part of the ground is for atmosphere.

We need to get rid of this South Stand vs Singing section shite and all get in the same block(s). This is effectively what happens on awaydays and the atmosphere's better for it.

I'd advocate a move from all the people who want to improve atmosphere in the singing section over to us in the South Stand. Why? Because the "end" is the best place to generate an atmosphere, see Roma,Lazio, Bayern, Dortmund etc.

problem is according to the club there are only 20 single spare seats in the south lower so difficult to move people around, sometimes people will group together at the back of the stand and pile in with their mates but that's not always possible, the bit at the back of ss tier 1 is the noisiest and that's because the roof is low so the noise travels better. the club themselves admit "we missed the boat" 10 years ago when organising who sat where, "one end" would only happen now if/when we get expansion, so it's a case of let's improve things where we already sit for now

Short term obviously it's a bit logistical nightmare. But maybe in the close season it's something we could look at.

The club missed two tricks for my money. One was not to get the old north standers at the back of tier 1 because as you say it's where the best acoustics are. However, perhaps a bigger mistake was setting up the singing section in the worst possible position in relation to the vocal end of the ground.

This created division and we lost a few South Standers over to the Singing Section and now both sections now suffer because each other.

Relocation and harmonisation of all the singers is the long term way to a better atmosphere.

i personally agree. i was block R north stand, back row and was placed in 216. two seasons of trying to get it going but with a high roof and the noise getting lot, i went downstairs to tier 1. we cannot sit together but the 2 sections can at least work together and as we have people in both areas perhaps we can move this along
I have the solution, and its a winner.

Two free pints at the bar 30 mins before KO

You are always more merry (hence the term no doubt!) when you've had few schnifters, your inhbitions slide, and you are more liable to let your hair down. And as its only two pints, those that are driving will be ok going home after the 90.

The bogs will be a bit packed at HT, but thats the only downer I can see.

Gets my vote anyway....

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