Here is my mail to the editor in response to the article from that twat:
Dear Mr. Silver,
I just finished reading Ian Winwood's article in the mirror sports section and there is only one word that comes to my mind right now: disgrace .
How can someone like Ian Winwood even call himself a journalist, let alone be employed by one of the biggest newspapers in the UK when he comes up with verbal diarrhea like this article on how he wants Manchester City to be relegated and how that wish makes the top of his christmas list?
How can you, Mr. Silver, condone such an article? What kind of newspaper are you running that allows such shameful, disgustingly biased , Anti-Manchester City articles to be published?
This is not about freedom of speech, what Mr. Winwood has done was a simply attacking a club that he obviously dislikes using your newspaper as platform to launch his hatespeech.
I will most certainly never ever buy the mirror again and I am sure I will not be the only person after browsing trough several football related internet forums.
Mr. Winwood has stumbled into the proverbial's hornest nest and I sincerely hope that he will publish an official apology to the club and all its fans or that there will be severe consequences for this disgraceful article if he does not.
Otherwise one would have to question whether or not you, Mr. Silver, intentionally allow your so called "journalists" to abuse their power like this in order to sell more papers or advertisement space.