Blue Moon Playlist Review Club - Season 2 - Episode 24 - RobMCFC – Primary and Secondary Colours (pg 412)

I echo what's already been said: this is a fabulous playlist.

Like every other playlist, most of it is enjoyable and there are few I'm not fussed about, but what struck me in this case was the quality of @Out on blue 6 's initial five. I think this is the best opening selection of all the playlists we've had yet.

Whilst Rose Elinor Dougall's song is in the "just OK" category, three of the others are fabulous, and the best of the lot is Dennis Wilson's "River Song". If this isn't featuring in my personal playlist for years to come, I'd be surprised. On the back of this, I had a listen to the Pacific Ocean Blue album and it's mellow, moody and occasionally upbeat in the right places.

Listening to "River Song" and its parent album brings it home to me what a fabulous set of music threads and contributors we have here on Blue Moon. For the Beach Boys, it's a similar feeling as I noted when reviewing The Rolling Stones album this week: I have a "best of" for The Beach Boys and it feels enough (although I should, round round get around to listening to Pet Sounds at some point).

But what other reason would I have for listening to a late-70s "lost" album from one of the Wilson brothers who tragically died a few years after recording it? I'd certainly never have picked up on it if it wasn't for this thread.

Best of the List

"River Song" - Dennis Wilson
"Strength of Strings" - Gene Clark
"Seen It All Before" - Steve Mason
"Wounded Egos" - Gaz Coombes
"The Smile of Your Shadow" - John Paul Jones

Other tracks I enjoyed this week

"Longest Day" - Soulsavers
"Several Shades of Why" - J.Mascis
"Waiting for my Real Life to Begin" - Colin Hay
"Drive By" - Glenn Phillips
"Tower of Babel" - Natalie Merchant
"A Good Idea" - Sugar
"Dyslexic Heart" - Paul Waterberg
"The Horses" - Daryl Braithwaite
"Lyin' in a Bed of Fire" - Little Steven
"Something in that Mess" - Justin Currie
"Seven" - Ed Kowalczyk

and a few others
It is nice that we are all so polite here, but does anyone want to go on Monday?
Another great playlist, i particularly enjoyed this one as there was a large quantity of mellow songs.

Best song
Dennis Wilson , I’d heard this album many moons ago and although I’m not a big beach boys fan really liked it.

Ones I’d not heard before and rated
Steve Mason
Gaz Coombes
Colin Hay ,loved MAW back in the day and his cameos in Scrubs.
Matt Berninger ,must listen to more of his solo stuff
Daryl Braithwaite ,a great cover of a song I’m familiar with.
Jenny Lewis I love a bit of country.
Justin Currie nice and dour just my cup tea
Ed Kowalczyk , another artist I need to investigate more as really like Live

Ones I know and like
Donald Fagan
Chris Bell
Grant Lee Philips
Keith Richards
Bryan Ferry
Chris Cornell
Masters of Folk
Broken Bells

Tbh I’d probably given this playlist a greater number of listens than some others as last weeks album nominated on the other thread is in my collection.

I'm nearly out of time from a busy week of travel, today's half-tense Derby, and then some enjoyable time outside with my son playing tennis for the first time since October. No complaints with 21C today after driving through snow two days ago coming down while in Seattle.


Thanks to @Out on blue 6 for putting this playlist concept together. As I noted prior, most of the songs were ones I hadn’t heard before, which makes it tough to rank them. Repeated listens were needed on those. This is one of my favorites of the playlists too as I think the songs stand really well on their own.

Of the initial selection, I again enjoyed all 5 as “new to me” tracks for a great opening variety. Brian Wilson’s song reminded me of a low-key Joe Cocker, and Gene Clark from the Byrds sounded in parts like Joe Walsh. If forced to pick a top 3, it would be “Seen It All Before” – Steve Mason for a well-done indie selection, ”River Song” – Dennis Wison, and “Wounded Egos” – Gaz Coombes.

The Big Winner
“Still Got The Blues” – Gary Moore
. Really enjoyed the vibe, vocals, and playing on this one.

My top “lucky 13” other new tracks (not yet heard in some or no particular order):
  1. “El Doomo – Steve Ellis, just fantastic, vocals and the guitar solo both powerful
  2. “Several Shades of Why” – J Mascis, beautiful song, thought it was Eddie Vedder singing at first
  3. “Step Into My World” – Hurricane #1, Andy Bell guitars a sign of a band to come, very nice!
  4. “Always on the Run” – Bosnian Rainbows
  5. “Fairlies – Grian Chatten
  6. “451” – Brand New, what a great run of songs on the playlist from El Doomo to here!
  7. “Longest Day” – Soulsavers
  8. “Summer Clothes” – Orlando Weeks, another gem from a solo artist now familiar with from his original band
  9. “5 to 5” – Hermano
  10. “Slaughter on Tenth Avenue” – Mick Ronson
  11. “Waiting For My Real Life To Begin” – Colin Hay
  12. “Protected” – Tim Finn
  13. “An Englishman In New York” – Godley & Crème, enjoyed the humo(u)r here
Top tracks I knew but enjoyed listening to again (in some or no particular order):
  1. Man Named Truth” – Monsters Of Folk
  2. “A Good Idea” – Sugar, Bob Mould can’t go wrong
  3. “Drive By” – Glen Phillips
  4. “Not Alone Any More” – Traveling Wilburys, Roy could always hit those notes
  5. “When I’m Down” – Chris Cornell
  6. “The Haves” – Eddie Vedder
  7. “Love Feel” – Jenny Lewis, I liked her previous album better
  8. “Hate It When You Leave” – Keith Richards, very nice song, and enjoyed the vocals too!
  9. “The Goodbye Look” – Donald Fagen
  10. “Dyslexic Heart” – Paul Westerberg

Excellent five to start albeit I have to admit, I’m not quite as enamoured of River Song as much as others are.

Three things I particularly like this fortnight: the greater number of tracks I was unfamiliar with than normal; the overall pretty mellow tone that permeated most of the playlist and possibly most of all hearing songs from people I was familiar with but in other contexts. So a very enjoyable theme I thought.

Loads and loads of enjoyable tracks new to me albeit some of the artists I knew; would, somewhat randomly, pick out

The Ship
Several Shades of Why
Waiting For My Real Life To Begin
Josephine of The Swamps
Always on The Run
Good Luck

Of the stuff I was familiar with

A Good Idea (I was late to the Bob Mould party but happy I got there in the end)
In Spite of Me (I do like Matt B’s vocal range and tone)
Time Zone (sue me)
Floating on a Moment (Think I’ve already mentioned somewhere I’m really looking forward to her debut solo album which will be out in May I believe)

Related to this last one I think ‘comment of the week’ goes to @Out on blue 6 for “the lead singer in the workshy Portishead”.

Bring on the Bimbo!

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