Blue Moon Podcast Interviews Danny Wilson

to be fair to danny wilson he's between a rock and a hard place. i think he comes across very well, and always makes himself accessible to real fans.
Ticket For Schalke said:
manc_andy said:
and if they dont... they can just force whoever sits in them to pay or move, you know like what they are doing with the U16 prices right now.

We all follow Manchester City, it's not like if they piss us off we'll go follow someone else, it's in our blood.
As long as that remains the truth they have got us by the balls. If we just sit and let then do tthings like this, they'll just continue to do so.

lets be honest, not every city is skint. The one's who aint, want the plush seats, i feel for the value we watch, our ST's are by far the best vfm.

TFS, your argument is fine, If they do sell all these packages, what a masterstroke by the club, but where is the evidence of the bit I have highlighted, the corporate sections are constantly not sold out, the club constantly offers reduced deals to get in these areas for the less attractive fixtures, so where are these City fans that are not skint, they don't fill the corporate areas now, so I am giving up my seat to have it replaced by a padded seat that will probably be used less that 10 times a season. I say this because it seems obvious that a lot of the Corporate packages are not sold on a season basis, they must be match by match , as the less attractive games see these areas far from full, otherwise they would be full every game. And I am not talking about the top end premium packages here either. I just don't think we have that many fans with that kind of money. From the podcast, he said, enhanced food, padded seat, free program, car parking space.......... these are already available on certain corporate packages , and they can't sell these (except for the big games)

A) I just don't think we have that many fans with that kind of money
B) the need for a premium experience (christ: the ones they offer now are, for most games not taken up)

If you look at the blocks in both level 2s, its thousands of people, not a few, thats thousands of people they have to find who are willing to pay between £575 and £899 + VAT)
I cannot see the logic in this at all,
I think they should have looked at putting the existing corporate packages on a sliding scale, to temp people in for the less attractive matches, top whack for big games, and include a purpose built corporate facility on the new 'City street' and give these premium supporters tickets in tier 3 which have the capacity to house them.
It is only my opinion but I think 1000s of people who sit in level 2 will not take up these new seats, and 1000s of people don't want these new seats.
As I said in another thread, I don't mind the increase this season, I think it is great value for money, I just don't want to look at my replacement padded seat from my new seat(wherever I can move to) and see it empty for 80% of the season.
I will willingly admit I am wrong if every one of these seats is full for every game...........
Rant over
Scrabster Six said:
Preston Blue said:
to be fair to danny wilson he's between a rock and a hard place. i think he comes across very well, and always makes himself accessible to real fans.

Never a truer WORD said!

So what!

Yes, the bloke might be available and be a nice bloke and he might be easy to get hold of.

But what does that really do?

The proof of the pudding is in the eating and whilst it probably isn't his decision, he is the bloke charged with responsibility for bullshitting people when it comes to the fans. And the club has just shit all over us.

Nice bloke, he bought me a drink, he called my mobile, he answered my question, blah, blah.

Cut the rhetoric, I heard all the same shite about Garry Cook 12 months ago from the star struck and the easily led.

I'm not interested in their personality, good or bad, I'm interested in what they do.

Does Danny Wilson spinning a line and phoning people up do anything at all to help those who have been shit on?

I doubt it.<br /><br />-- Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:25 pm --<br /><br />
mockingchicken said:
Fair play he just gave me a call regarding north stand relocation taking into account all my grievances. Top bloke.

Genuine question, seriously, no sarcasm involved at all.

Has he informed you of anything that helps those people who have been treated terribly in this affair?

Or was it just a bit of cheap PR from a club that, when it comes to the fans, has been just talking the talk for the last twelve months?
Preston Blue said:
to be fair to danny wilson he's between a rock and a hard place. i think he comes across very well, and always makes himself accessible to real fans.

had it on good authority from someone who knows Danny well that he is a rag and a big FC United fan!!!!
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Scrabster Six said:
Never a truer WORD said!

So what!

Yes, the bloke might be available and be a nice bloke and he might be easy to get hold of.

But what does that really do?

The proof of the pudding is in the eating and whilst it probably isn't his decision, he is the bloke charged with responsibility for bullshitting people when it comes to the fans. And the club has just shit all over us.

Nice bloke, he bought me a drink, he called my mobile, he answered my question, blah, blah.

Cut the rhetoric, I heard all the same shite about Garry Cook 12 months ago from the star struck and the easily led.

I'm not interested in their personality, good or bad, I'm interested in what they do.

Does Danny Wilson spinning a line and phoning people up do anything at all to help those who have been shit on?

I doubt it.

-- Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:25 pm --

mockingchicken said:
Fair play he just gave me a call regarding north stand relocation taking into account all my grievances. Top bloke.

Genuine question, seriously, no sarcasm involved at all.

Has he informed you of anything that helps those people who have been treated terribly in this affair?

Or was it just a bit of cheap PR from a club that, when it comes to the fans, has been just talking the talk for the last twelve months?

Equally though, Danny Wilson is not the one who's come up with the new season ticket pricing. I presume those decisions were made at a higher level so you can't really hold him responsible, and to vilify him for it is a bit unfair.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Scrabster Six said:
Never a truer WORD said!

So what!

Yes, the bloke might be available and be a nice bloke and he might be easy to get hold of.

But what does that really do?

The proof of the pudding is in the eating and whilst it probably isn't his decision, he is the bloke charged with responsibility for bullshitting people when it comes to the fans. And the club has just shit all over us.

Nice bloke, he bought me a drink, he called my mobile, he answered my question, blah, blah.

Cut the rhetoric, I heard all the same shite about Garry Cook 12 months ago from the star struck and the easily led.

I'm not interested in their personality, good or bad, I'm interested in what they do.

Does Danny Wilson spinning a line and phoning people up do anything at all to help those who have been shit on?

I doubt it.

-- Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:25 pm --

mockingchicken said:
Fair play he just gave me a call regarding north stand relocation taking into account all my grievances. Top bloke.

Genuine question, seriously, no sarcasm involved at all.

Has he informed you of anything that helps those people who have been treated terribly in this affair?

Or was it just a bit of cheap PR from a club that, when it comes to the fans, has been just talking the talk for the last twelve months?

No sarcasm taken. Whilst still being pissed off with the club for having to relocate, he informed he that the chances of relocating my two tickets to somewhere in the first tier are better than I had imagined. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pleased that I've been shafted, and if I can get nothing but the 3rd tier then I will tell City to go swivel, but at least he gave me a call at 5pm on a Friday afternoon.

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