Blue Tuesday: Lakey's Question: If u could bring in one rule

All footballers, except Goalkeepers have to wear straight jackets from the waist up to the neck .Simple. No more handball, no more elbows. No more throw ins, no celebratory cuddling, no taking shirts off after goals, no slapping, no tugging shirts in the box, just football, and a few crazy rock and roll nods to ones own fans after scoring.
Reading back through the posts theres some new ideas that I have never heard of but are interesting none the less.But a lot of the posts have one thing in common,and that is to stop the out right cheating going on in the game.Every week you see players,diving,shirt pulling etc. and trying to con the referee.I really do believe that to stop this behaviour players should be severly punished,my answer would be a lengthy ban for the player involved,or a points deduction.I don't know about the rest of you,but I am sick and tired of seeing these cheats in the game,and lets not try and cover over it,it is just damn right cheating and nothing else.
Allow free kicks and goal kicks to be taken even if the ball is moving providing it is in the vicinity of where the free kick was awarded or for goal kicks in the six yard box. This in my opinion would speed the game up and cut out the frustration that is caused when play is brought back just because the ball was moving, often really slowly.
Next goal wins regardless of the score at that point. A team could be 10-0 up and still lose thanks to the magic of next goal wins.
Penalties, I would definitely overhaul the rules surrounding the awarding of penalties.

Infringements that occur inside the 18yard box are not always direct attacks on goal. So many players use the edge of the box as their "springboard". If a player commits a foul and the attacker is not directly attacking the goal, (such as an accidental handball, or a collision where the attacker is not even facing the goal) I would still award a penalty, but it would have to be taken further back, say, inside the penalty arc. Basically, a free kick on the edge of the box, with no one allowed inside the box.

I'd call them "direct" and "indirect" penalties.
Has to be to solve time-wasting for me. Seen some teams doing it from kick off but refs only ever take an interest in time wasting from the 85th minute onwards. So, yeah, an independent time-keeper please - I bet Fergie would retire the very next day if they did bring that in. But we all know that the ball is in play maybe 30 out of 45 mins in a standard game, so would have to be strict guidelines on when to stop and start the clock, otherwise we;d all be going home from a night match at midnight.

Other than that, as mentioned above the injured player leaving the field is farcical. So how about a new rule to state that if a ref stops a game for a player, he can't return for 3 minutes after leaving the pitch. As well as giving the physio the extra time to effectively patch up genuinely injured players, it may also deter those cheaters who do it just to waste time or influence the ref's next decisions (he's hit me once ref and forced me off, you gonna let him keep doing that? If I get injured I'll have to tell the insurers that I did warn you.). Again, the 3mins would be recorded and signalled by an independent time-keeper, but can only apply to one player at a time - otherwise you'd go out to crack a few opposition players all at once knowing they'd all have to sit out the next few mins.
Bluetonium I agree.

Ball in play 30 mins each way with independent timekeeper with visible countdown clock. This usually equates to the usual 90 min. Sepp Blatter would not like this as the countdown clock would not be available in jumpers for goalposts games.

Sin bin offences to be introduced, for which offences and how long/ set up of this is a whole new debate.

No sending the goalie off after he loses out in a one on one when he's clearly going for the ball. A penalty & booking is punishment enough. This is ruining the game. If he does it again he will maybe get a second booking & sent off then.

It's not automatically handball when the striker purposely belts it at the defender's arm in the box.

If a player blatantly cheats or for serious foul play anywhere on the pitch the opposing team are awarded a penalty from the edge of the area (18 yards).

Not a rule change but be more strict on encroachment at penalties.

Bodypaint shirts allowed against Chelski to prevent shirt pulling, although it wouldn't have prevented Arsenal doing the same last weekend.

In actual fact none of these rules need changing, the ones that we have need enforcing more strictly. A laugh and a joke and putting the smile on the ref's or opposing player's face is great but cheating and trying to get other players that have fouled you into trouble needs clamping down on with strict disciplinary measures. A genuine clumsy mistimed tackle is not as serious an offence as the blatant cheating that goes on.
Carver said:
Bodypaint shirts allowed against Chelski to prevent shirt pulling, although it wouldn't have prevented Arsenal doing the same last weekend.
That's not actually a bad idea, and it's do-able I'm sure. Would totally stop shirt pulling and bookings for celebrating by removing your shirt. Just need a paint that is water/sweat resistant (so don't ask those reds who tried to deface the Tevez sign!) or skin tight cycling/diving style tops (not the shorts though please). It would even mean that women's football finally becomes popular with the masses...
for me it's got to be the get fouled by an opposition player and have to recieve treatment and are then punished by having to go off the pitch until after your freekick has been taken rule!!!!......arrrrrrrrrrrgh that rule is the stupidest ever thought up by the ministry of silly ideas at fifa.

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