Bluemoon Angling Thread

Still can’t get out “proper” carp fishing due to work pressure. Had a short session stalking carp on a pond where one nudged my float and spooked, but a blank. Then had an hour at dusk last night again with the lures and had a perch of maybe 1lb 8oz.
Still can’t get out “proper” carp fishing due to work pressure. Had a short session stalking carp on a pond where one nudged my float and spooked, but a blank. Then had an hour at dusk last night again with the lures and had a perch of maybe 1lb 8oz.
I find carp fishing like camping out next to a lake,waking up early in the morning ,getting a brew on and just chilling,fag and a brew and mist rolling in ,really magical,everything done at a slow and steady pace,time to take in your surroundings , nature and wildlife,not a sound or care in the world,then fucking carnage as you knock everything out of the way at the sound of the alarm,haha happy days
Do any of you lot sit there at the side of a river/pond/lake/sea for hours on end when it is pissing down and blowing a gale. I have noticed some that do by the Weaver. WTF is all that about?
I sit in a boat in hours in all weathers until I can’t feel my hands any more. Fucking mental that’s what it’s about :-).
'Spring' fishing in February tits deep in the Scottish Dee in a snowstorm.

Fuck I am dumb. :)
In all seriousness, it makes your choice of waterproofs v important. I am on the lookout for some new ones. I normally buy coat/bib and brace that costs around £200 but find after 3 or 4 seasons they are as good as a sponge at repelling water. What do you use mate?
In all seriousness, it makes your choice of waterproofs v important. I am on the lookout for some new ones. I normally buy coat/bib and brace that costs around £200 but find after 3 or 4 seasons they are as good as a sponge at repelling water. What do you use mate?
A little different for me mate because I am in the water. 'Spring' fishing I wear lots of layers under lightweight stockingfoot chest waders rather than neoprene. I have an England Doctors waterproof fly coat which has an auto inflate lifejacket incorporated. (I swim like a brick) Thermal layers under that.
I don't tend to spend a lot on waders as I scramble about on banks, over fences etc and rip them so they only last a season anyway.
I do buy good quality wading boots with felt soles and put tungsten studs in them.
I waterproof spray my jacket and it has remained waterproof for years.
Not long back from a 03. 30 start with my mate on our local river after 4 nights of pre-baiting. Had 70 bream between us. 80% bream and 20% good skimmers. A number of the bream in the 7/8lb range. Totaleestimated weight around 280lb. Really, really odd thing is we caught mainly on worm and a few on corn. 9 hours fishing so 18 in total and not one single Perch, roach or rudd between us!!!!

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