Imo I'd replace incline bench to decline. A lot more pec activation in my experience.CTID101 said:So I have been doing some research and looking around etc and found this beginners workout week.
Can do all of these exercises with the equipment I have access to which is important. Started on Wednesday and did the workout, did the friday one today as well.
Starting proper on Monday. Also been adding some treadmill, punch bag and rower in each day as well which I enjoy.
Monday (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)
Flat Bench Press – 3x8
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
Skull Crushers – 3x8 (similar to lying tricep extensions)
Close Grip Bench Press – 3x8
Seated Dumbbell Military Press -3x8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 3x8
Wednesday (Back/Biceps)
Dead lifts – 3x8
Bent over one arm Dumbbell rows – 3x8
Lat Pull Down 3x8
Barbell Bicep Curl -3x8
One arm Dumbbell hammer Curls – 3x8
Friday (Legs/Abs)
Bulgarian Splits – 3x8
Dumbbell Lunges – 3x8
Calf Raises-4x10
Abdominal workout (Crunches, leg raises, whatever)
My next thing is diet really, I have cut out the crap and replaced it with healthy alternatives and lost a bit of weight already although I am working out as well.
I read a lot of people saying have so many meals a day with X amount of protein and it just seems so difficult to stick to. Will have to do some more reading and try and see the best way I can do it.
Forget the so many meals a day. Get your macros in however many meals you want!
1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, fats and carbs tend to sort themselves out in my experience.