Bluemoon's Official Top 100 Films

The casting is excellent with a variety of actors who all play their role well, and by having only a small cast not one character is wasted.

Having a small cast is key. And a patient build up. Problem these days, producers want instant deaths to apease the fast food culture.
In films like Alien and The Thing, it takes 45 minutes before anyone dies, by then you are on first name terms with them, know what their jobs are, know who they trust and just care more about who dies/survives. In Alien Covenant, Prometheus and The Thing prequel, I had no idea who was dying or who was left alive.
Most sci-fi has an element of horror, although usually it was aliens coming to Earth rather than being set in space. The only one I can think of is 2001 A Spacy Odyssey, which isn't horror, but does have a creepy AI computer. I'm sure there must be others, but nothing I can think of off the top of my head. Alien definitely did it best.

Actually, I've found one. Basically the same rough plot as Alien.

Nice one, I hadnt really considered any of those 1950s scifi films, but wasnt "The Thing" one of those originally, taken from a novel called "Who Goes There"? Thinking about it wasnt one of the Quatermass films based on the crew of a space mission returning with an alien of sorts?

Still not in the same league as this Alien though for frights and adult gore.
It cant be. Not if there is a god and a modicum of taste. I have seen it a couple of times since the first time and bloody hell that shark looks more and more ridiculous the more you see it.

Best to discuss when it appears but it will more than deserve its place in the top 10: it's easily one of the greatest movies ever made. The shark is really only an issue at the very end when its chomping on Quint but the absolute brilliance of the rest of the movie more than compensates. You have to judge it in the context of the time the film was made and not against the CGI world of today.
Having a small cast is key. And a patient build up. Problem these days, producers want instant deaths to apease the fast food culture.
In films like Alien and The Thing, it takes 45 minutes before anyone dies, by then you are on first name terms with them, know what their jobs are, know who they trust and just care more about who dies/survives. In Alien Covenant, Prometheus and The Thing prequel, I had no idea who was dying or who was left alive.
and cared even less
I love the opening scene with the Nostromo ship computer panels becoming active.


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