bnp have an elected mep

Citytillidie69 said:
aphex said:
Citytillidie69 said:
aphex said:

LOL - loud & proud are we aphex LOL


Sorry, what is it you dont want BIMBOBOB to know ?

ha ha. ;-)
ono said:
Dubai Blue said:
CHBLUE said:
the british people are always last
CHBLUE said:
work all year and still be the last in line and thats a fact!
I keep hearing this ridiculously vague argument from BNP supporters. But what does it actually mean? What exactly is it that we are last in line for? No one can ever seem to give a logical answer.

Some clown on Nicky Campbell's 5Live show yesterday was given the chance to explain what it was he meant by this and started ranting about no longer being allowed to give someone a "black look" (whatever the fuck that means) or being able to wear his Golliwog badge hat without being called a racist. FFS, is that it?????

CHBLUE said:
immigrants get everything handed to them on a plate
CHBLUE said:
they're priority for everything, so dont try and tell me they're fucking not!
Here we go again with vague statements that have absolutely no sense or authority behind them. What exactly do they get handed to them on a plate that you can't get? What exactly is it that they are the priority for?

CHBLUE said:
you fly the st georges flag you get called a racist
Has this actually ever happened to you? And don't give me some third-hand anecdote that you've heard in the pub or a story you've read in the Daily Mail. Have you personally ever tried to fly a St. George's flag and been called a racist? Or is it just that your BNP mates down the Dog & Bucket have told you this will happen if you try to do it?

Grow some balls and actually fly one. I think you'll be surprised at just how many people couldn't give a rat's arse.

CHBLUE said:
they even try putting signs up saying no english , no whites allowed in shops not to far from where i live
Sounds like another hate-filled, made-up anecdote from the pub to me, or have you actually witnessed this with your own eyes? And doesn't the fact that this would have been immediately declared illegal by the police disprove your theory that 'they' are always first in line for everything?

CHBLUE said:
we're not all disillusioned
Well you certainly sound like it. Or did you mean delusional? (which, by the way, you also are).

I'm beginning to realise that these BNP pub meetings must simply consist of Griffin and his SS cronies repeatedly spouting things like "last in line", "everything handed to them on a plate", "St. George's cross is racist", "Pakis don't want us in their shops", "not allowed to speak English" etc over and over again without providing anything to back it up, because none of their supporters ever seem able to get beyond these one liners when asked to justify themselves.

History shows that when things go wrong, it's easiest to blame the foreigners, as they are the most obvious target and no one has to shoulder any real blame that way. But these same foreigners were all fine and dandy when the economy was booming and British people didn't want to do any shitty, demeaning, low-paid jobs. They were welcomed when we could get our plumbing done, our living rooms plastered or our cars checked over for fuck all. They were weclomed when we wanted to buy a bottle of milk from the corner shop at 3am. They were weclomed when we wanted to get wasted at the pub and then shovel shit into our mouths at the local kebab shop or curry house whilst abusing the people that served us and generally behaving like animals.

Here's a clue for you: foreigners are not to blame for the absolute mess that Britain currently finds itself in, so stop blaming them.
We need an applause smiley on here.

Best post i've read from one of the most respected posters. Top job again mate.
Best post i've read from one of the most respected posters
Which one's the respected poster ???????????
bluemanc said:
ono said:
Dubai Blue said:
CHBLUE said:
the british people are always last
CHBLUE said:
work all year and still be the last in line and thats a fact!
I keep hearing this ridiculously vague argument from BNP supporters. But what does it actually mean? What exactly is it that we are last in line for? No one can ever seem to give a logical answer.

Some clown on Nicky Campbell's 5Live show yesterday was given the chance to explain what it was he meant by this and started ranting about no longer being allowed to give someone a "black look" (whatever the fuck that means) or being able to wear his Golliwog badge hat without being called a racist. FFS, is that it?????

CHBLUE said:
immigrants get everything handed to them on a plate
CHBLUE said:
they're priority for everything, so dont try and tell me they're fucking not!
Here we go again with vague statements that have absolutely no sense or authority behind them. What exactly do they get handed to them on a plate that you can't get? What exactly is it that they are the priority for?

CHBLUE said:
you fly the st georges flag you get called a racist
Has this actually ever happened to you? And don't give me some third-hand anecdote that you've heard in the pub or a story you've read in the Daily Mail. Have you personally ever tried to fly a St. George's flag and been called a racist? Or is it just that your BNP mates down the Dog & Bucket have told you this will happen if you try to do it?

Grow some balls and actually fly one. I think you'll be surprised at just how many people couldn't give a rat's arse.

CHBLUE said:
they even try putting signs up saying no english , no whites allowed in shops not to far from where i live
Sounds like another hate-filled, made-up anecdote from the pub to me, or have you actually witnessed this with your own eyes? And doesn't the fact that this would have been immediately declared illegal by the police disprove your theory that 'they' are always first in line for everything?

CHBLUE said:
we're not all disillusioned
Well you certainly sound like it. Or did you mean delusional? (which, by the way, you also are).

I'm beginning to realise that these BNP pub meetings must simply consist of Griffin and his SS cronies repeatedly spouting things like "last in line", "everything handed to them on a plate", "St. George's cross is racist", "Pakis don't want us in their shops", "not allowed to speak English" etc over and over again without providing anything to back it up, because none of their supporters ever seem able to get beyond these one liners when asked to justify themselves.

History shows that when things go wrong, it's easiest to blame the foreigners, as they are the most obvious target and no one has to shoulder any real blame that way. But these same foreigners were all fine and dandy when the economy was booming and British people didn't want to do any shitty, demeaning, low-paid jobs. They were welcomed when we could get our plumbing done, our living rooms plastered or our cars checked over for fuck all. They were weclomed when we wanted to buy a bottle of milk from the corner shop at 3am. They were weclomed when we wanted to get wasted at the pub and then shovel shit into our mouths at the local kebab shop or curry house whilst abusing the people that served us and generally behaving like animals.

Here's a clue for you: foreigners are not to blame for the absolute mess that Britain currently finds itself in, so stop blaming them.
We need an applause smiley on here.

Best post i've read from one of the most respected posters. Top job again mate.
Best post i've read from one of the most respected posters
Which one's the respected poster ???????????
Dubai Blue.
CHBLUE said:
work all year and still be the last in line and thats a fact!
I keep hearing this ridiculously vague argument from BNP supporters. But what does it actually mean? What exactly is it that we are last in line for? No one can ever seem to give a logical answer.

Some clown on Nicky Campbell's 5Live show yesterday was given the chance to explain what it was he meant by this and started ranting about no longer being allowed to give someone a "black look" (whatever the fuck that means) or being able to wear his Golliwog badge hat without being called a racist. FFS, is that it?????

CHBLUE said:
immigrants get everything handed to them on a plate
CHBLUE said:
they're priority for everything, so dont try and tell me they're fucking not!
Here we go again with vague statements that have absolutely no sense or authority behind them. What exactly do they get handed to them on a plate that you can't get? What exactly is it that they are the priority for?

CHBLUE said:
you fly the st georges flag you get called a racist
Has this actually ever happened to you? And don't give me some third-hand anecdote that you've heard in the pub or a story you've read in the Daily Mail. Have you personally ever tried to fly a St. George's flag and been called a racist? Or is it just that your BNP mates down the Dog & Bucket have told you this will happen if you try to do it?

Grow some balls and actually fly one. I think you'll be surprised at just how many people couldn't give a rat's arse.

CHBLUE said:
they even try putting signs up saying no english , no whites allowed in shops not to far from where i live
Sounds like another hate-filled, made-up anecdote from the pub to me, or have you actually witnessed this with your own eyes? And doesn't the fact that this would have been immediately declared illegal by the police disprove your theory that 'they' are always first in line for everything?

CHBLUE said:
we're not all disillusioned
Well you certainly sound like it. Or did you mean delusional? (which, by the way, you also are).

I'm beginning to realise that these BNP pub meetings must simply consist of Griffin and his SS cronies repeatedly spouting things like "last in line", "everything handed to them on a plate", "St. George's cross is racist", "Pakis don't want us in their shops", "not allowed to speak English" etc over and over again without providing anything to back it up, because none of their supporters ever seem able to get beyond these one liners when asked to justify themselves.

History shows that when things go wrong, it's easiest to blame the foreigners, as they are the most obvious target and no one has to shoulder any real blame that way. But these same foreigners were all fine and dandy when the economy was booming and British people didn't want to do any shitty, demeaning, low-paid jobs. They were welcomed when we could get our plumbing done, our living rooms plastered or our cars checked over for fuck all. They were weclomed when we wanted to buy a bottle of milk from the corner shop at 3am. They were weclomed when we wanted to get wasted at the pub and then shovel shit into our mouths at the local kebab shop or curry house whilst abusing the people that served us and generally behaving like animals.

Here's a clue for you: foreigners are not to blame for the absolute mess that Britain currently finds itself in, so stop blaming them.[/quote]
We need an applause smiley on here.

Best post i've read from one of the most respected posters. Top job again mate.[/quote]
Best post i've read from one of the most respected posters
Which one's the respected poster ???????????[/quote]
Dubai Blue.[/quote]

for what , taking sections from what i said and putting bigger words .

believe me i am not racist or a facist in anyway ! i think the immigration policys this country has are a joke . when i say they get things handed to them , they do .
they get given grants , loans , houses and half decent jobs when there was others in line before them . all this politcal correctness and multi cultural society has gone well over board over the past few years . obviously people have had enough and decided to vote BNP in amd that 1 or 2 seats thay got shows that , aswell as the UKIP who also ran a very similar campaign with the same main objectives as there rally cry .
CHBLUE said:
believe me i am not racist or a facist in anyway ! i think the immigration policys this country has are a joke . when i say they get things handed to them , they do .
they get given grants , loans , houses and half decent jobs when there was others in line before them . all this politcal correctness and multi cultural society has gone well over board over the past few years . obviously people have had enough and decided to vote BNP in amd that 1 or 2 seats thay got shows that , aswell as the UKIP who also ran a very similar campaign with the same main objectives as there rally cry .

Did you vote BNP? I'm only asking, because if - as you say - UKIP and the BNP ran very similar campaigns on the same issues, and you aren't a racist or fascist, why would you vote for a racist and fascist party?
by voting in these 2 parties , even for a small number of seats set a real statement on how most people are seeing this country , maybe in hope that other partys notice and make some of these issues part of there agenda aswell . yes i voted them and no many people that did . due to the fact that it is an open gate policy into britain !
CHBLUE said:
by voting in these 2 parties , even for a small number of seats set a real statement on how most people are seeing this country , maybe in hope that other partys notice and make some of these issues part of there agenda aswell . yes i voted them and no many people that did . due to the fact that it is an open gate policy into britain !

So again, you aren't 'a racist or fascist', yet you voted for a racist and fascist party. Don't you see the contradiction there? I really don't understand how you square that one.

If you wanted to send a message and a statement you could do it by voting UKIP, a party I have no love for, but at least hatred of others isn't one of their fundamental tenets.
BingoBango said:
CHBLUE said:
by voting in these 2 parties , even for a small number of seats set a real statement on how most people are seeing this country , maybe in hope that other partys notice and make some of these issues part of there agenda aswell . yes i voted them and no many people that did . due to the fact that it is an open gate policy into britain !

So again, you aren't 'a racist or fascist', yet you voted for a racist and fascist party. Don't you see the contradiction there? I really don't understand how you square that one.

If you wanted to send a message and a statement you could do it by voting UKIP, a party I have no love for, but at least hatred of others isn't one of their fundamental tenets.

You seem to be chewing on the same bone for some while..You dont have to be a fascist stormstrooper to vote bnp i presume a lot of law abiding pillars of the community voted for them.
The same goes you dont have to be gay to vote for the green party.
lets try and move on now and be a good chap.
BingoBango said:
CHBLUE said:
by voting in these 2 parties , even for a small number of seats set a real statement on how most people are seeing this country , maybe in hope that other partys notice and make some of these issues part of there agenda aswell . yes i voted them and no many people that did . due to the fact that it is an open gate policy into britain !

So again, you aren't 'a racist or fascist', yet you voted for a racist and fascist party. Don't you see the contradiction there? I really don't understand how you square that one.

If you wanted to send a message and a statement you could do it by voting UKIP, a party I have no love for, but at least hatred of others isn't one of their fundamental tenets.

i'm a racist and a facist then . does that make you feel better . never the less they got voted in and its done , the politcal process is in uproar , this country is fucked anyway . i'm just a minority , there are many more like me who feel we need to sort the problem now ! personally wish people would stop looking through rose tinted glasses , and see the problem for what it really is .


mrcunny said:
BingoBango said:
CHBLUE said:
by voting in these 2 parties , even for a small number of seats set a real statement on how most people are seeing this country , maybe in hope that other partys notice and make some of these issues part of there agenda aswell . yes i voted them and no many people that did . due to the fact that it is an open gate policy into britain !

So again, you aren't 'a racist or fascist', yet you voted for a racist and fascist party. Don't you see the contradiction there? I really don't understand how you square that one.

If you wanted to send a message and a statement you could do it by voting UKIP, a party I have no love for, but at least hatred of others isn't one of their fundamental tenets.

You seem to be chewing on the same bone for some while..You dont have to be a fascist stormstrooper to vote bnp i presume a lot of law abiding pillars of the community voted for them.
The same goes you dont have to be gay to vote for the green party.
lets try and move on now and be a good chap.

My point wasn't to suggest that everyone who voted BNP is a stormtrooper or foaming fascist, that would be silly.

My point with CHBlue was that he was talking about sending a message, and he believed the BNP and UKIP ran campaigns on similar issues. Why not vote UKIP to send that message, rather than the other shower of hateful bastards?

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