Boris Johnson....

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SWP's back said:
I would vote Tory to have him as pm.
As you know I'm a strong backer of electoral reform, although the Lib Dems in their infinite stupidity have thrown it away for decades, and though it's not first on my priorities list, an elected Prime Minister or even head of state, would be one I'd back, but until then I wouldn't vote for my MP based on the PM you want in. Then again, a tory vote in Manchester is pretty worthless (and indeed most people's across the country) so it might be worth it for the comedy value. I'd vote Raving Looney if they ran in my area. Might as well. Last time I voted for a comedy party as well; the Lib Dems.
Skashion said:
SWP's back said:
I would vote Tory to have him as pm.
As you know I'm a strong backer of electoral reform, although the Lib Dems in their infinite stupidity have thrown it away for decades, and though it's not first on my priorities list, an elected Prime Minister or even head of state, would be one I'd back, but until then I wouldn't vote for my MP based on the PM you want in. Then again, a tory vote in Manchester is pretty worthless (and indeed most people's across the country) so it might be worth it for the comedy value. I'd vote Raving Looney if they ran in my area. Might as well. Last time I voted for a comedy party as well; the Lib Dems.
You wouldn't vote for your MP based on who would become PM? That's madness. AAnd I live about 1 mile away from a Tory seat, may have to move down the road.
he must put himself forward to be the next prime minister
he would get my vote without a shadow of a doubt
u2fme2 said:
he must put himself forward to be the next prime minister
he would get my vote without a shadow of a doubt

You don't understand the UK electoral system very well, do you?
denislawsbackheel said:
u2fme2 said:
he must put himself forward to be the next prime minister
he would get my vote without a shadow of a doubt

You don't understand the UK electoral system very well, do you?
He mans if he ousted Dave Cameron.
I would have loved Boris and his posh chums from the Bullingdon Club try smashing up the restaurant I ran the bar in. The boss would warn you twice but three times and it was McManus lock the front and shout for Chef.

Worse in my view than the scrotes that rioted last year but because daddy will pay for the damages tomorrow he got off. With the privileged upbringing and an education costing more than some people's houses he should know better.
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