Boris Johnson....

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TheMightyQuinn said:
LittleStan said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
No idea why the tories think that having a funny mascot will distract us from the current beating we're all on the end of.

Possibly because it is distracting us?

True. He's become a sort of mix between Jordan and a wanker.

at least Cameron is trying to educate his cabinet.

I would like to repeat my claim that more he winds up cunts, the more I like the cut of his jib. Will be a wonderful PM. Would make me vote Tory for the first time if he becomes leader of the Conservatives.
Skashion said:
SWP's back said:
I would like to repeat my claim that more he winds up *****, the more I like the cut of his jib. Will be a wonderful PM. Would make me vote Tory for the first time if he becomes leader of the Conservatives.
Do you live in Manchester?
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