Boris Johnson's Popularity

Rascal said:
So its OK to make a statement that derides the left. Im much further to the left than Livingstone and always have been but if i make a counter claim to where i believe the wum W12 stands on the political spectrum im wrong?

No probs mate, i will leave the debate.
Ducado derides the left more than any other poster I think so you'll get no sympathy from him. Then again he derides evolution so I take no notice.
PistonBlue said:
Ducado said:
Gabriel said:
Not sure I agree with that bit. He's more astute than many in the media give him credit and certainly intellectually more capable than the image painted of him as a buffoon and toff. He's ferociously self-aggrandising, I grant you, but he manages to be so in a manner that somehow finds genuine appeal with the core constituents in the south of England, and they often decide who will lead the Conservatives.

I agree, people on bluemoon taking people at face value, well I never! I don't really like the chap but he is a very astute and clever operator, and the people of London seem to like him

As good a reason as any to dislike the toffee nosed tosser
What a wonderfully reasoned and persuasive argument.
Skashion said:
Rascal said:
So its OK to make a statement that derides the left. Im much further to the left than Livingstone and always have been but if i make a counter claim to where i believe the wum W12 stands on the political spectrum im wrong?

No probs mate, i will leave the debate.
Ducado derides the left more than any other poster I think so you'll get no sympathy from him. Then again he defies evolution so I take no notice.

Edited for another warning.
Ronnie the Rep said:
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
In a July 2009 interview with Stephen Sackur on the BBC programme HARDtalk, Johnson referred to the £250,000 per annum income he receives from his side job as a columnist for The Daily Telegraph as "chicken feed," suggesting that he wrote the columns "as a way of relaxation ... on a Sunday morning," and that he wrote "very fast" so the columns did not take time away from his duties as Mayor.[152] These comments were widely criticised due to the fact that the UK was at the time in economic recession and £250,000 is roughly 10 times the current average yearly wage for a worker in the UK.[153]

Here is a nice snippit of info, he just seems a buffoon who is always one word from putting his foot in it. Just spouts a load of waffle and ends up making comments about things where there is no need to cause a stir, like insulting liverpool and portsmouth. He will never be PM or a cabinet minister (because I doubt any PM would trust him not backstab and plot against them or just generally not be caught acting like the dickhead is) so the biggest job he will ever is Mayor of London; okay quite alot of power but those cockey tossers voted him in twice so they deserve all they get.

I assume you live up north as you obviously know very little about him. The buffoon act is just that, he is a very sharp, intelligent man and if he had put his mind to it earlier in his career he could have been PM. His problem is that he is not really a tema player and likes being the centre of attention so mayor of London suits him very well. He also (because of his act) lacks the gravitas to run the country. Don't underestimate him though - big mistake as Livingstone found ou

No south west, the buffoon act is exaggerated but he easily offends because of his stuck up attitude approach i.e. offending Liverpool and Portsmouth, it does n't matter because they are traditionally Labour voting etc so it is unlikely to have much repurcusions on his career, life etc. He is bumbling personality means he is always likely to cause a slip of the turn, the chicken feed comment just shows stupidity because it just shows ignorance of others' problems (as a politician you have to at least pretend to care and have some perspective) the money well have little impact on his life but it would have a great impact on most people's lives. He is intelligent yes, it is why he has had some success as a politician rather than living as some Made in Chelsea turd-like socialite. But the question is how much work does he actually do? He is I would suggest heavy reliant on his advisors.
He is a bastard, of that there is no doubt , some might say it is a requirement of being a politician, Gordon Brown was a bastard, a dull depressed looking boring bastard but I'd rather have him back than Boris as PM because BoJo is just a self interested attention seeking muppet he will look after himself and his friends but he simply can't relate to the everyman and I would guess it does n't concern him how their life might be.
SWP's back said:
PistonBlue said:
Ducado said:
I agree, people on bluemoon taking people at face value, well I never! I don't really like the chap but he is a very astute and clever operator, and the people of London seem to like him

As good a reason as any to dislike the toffee nosed tosser
What a wonderfully reasoned and persuasive argument.

thank you
Anyone that would rather have Brown black than any other living (or close) being needs sectioning. Worst PM and Chancellor in history.
Having worked in London for 10 years i'd say since he become Mayor the transport system has improved loads, getting rid of the bendy buses straight away, the bikes have been a success, central London is not congested like it once was, he is working on improving the Tube system and the Crossrail project will be a huge success.

The London Olympics was also a huge success and Boris played a major role, he negotiated with the Goverment £15 million to provide funding for jobs and training before and after the Games. The money will go into three different projects over the next three years - the ‘Host Boroughs’, ‘Construction Employer Accord’ and the ‘2012 Employment Legacy’ - helping unemployed Londoners get into work and start earning again.

Since hes been in power, the crime rate in London has dramatically decreased down by 8.2% since 2008, youth crime is down 15% and robberies 21%, you also see more police patrolling the streets - London is safer thanks to him.

There is loads more achievements he has done since being mayor - But if you would rather ignore them and just call him a 'bumbling baffoon playing an act' or Bluemoon style 'hes a c*nt' then so be it.

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