BT Sport

You really do have to wonder who does write up their marketing literature and who then approves it and signs it off.
Not only is it stupid it is bad business and makes them look what they are which is small time interlopers.
I get it for free with my phone / broadband deal which is a good job as I to would never pay a single penny for it either.
i try and look at life in this fashion. i am a football fan.i go to the the match.that costs me quite a bit. .thats it really.i,m not paying any more money to be able to watch any other team.
they can shout and yawp all they want about other teams playing blah blah blah.not interested thank you.....if i really need to i,ll catch it in the pub online at a mates.
they are always grabbin and snatching,wanting you to do this that the other..fuck off.leave me alone.

And when i do set eyes.. on the product....its full of old bitter redmen who know less about football than i do,and who generally hate manchester city football club and take the piss.
always good to get a reminder now and again.IGNORE THE MACHINE.
I fucked sly off because they pissed me off and now these cunts are going to be fucked out of it also as I'm giving these cunts money for phone line+ broadband, I'll be telling the cvnts why I'm leaving too! What's the best fibre broadband and phone line deal to match infinity atm apart from these pair of rag loving cvnts?

Haha made me laugh this :D
Defo argyle, you have to go out of your way to do that and anyone saying otherwise i will call a liar until the last star dies.
Going off how many have popped their clogs so far you'll only have to wait until October.

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