Burnley Vs City Post Match Thread

BigOscar said:
That wasn't about the individual players or the tactics, that was 100% about a gutless lack of desire, energy and tempo. The players should be fucking ashamed of themselves. It looks like we need to sack Pellers now just to hope the new manager bonus can give us enough fucking desire to stumble to the end of the season, then a whole lot of these players need fucking off. Yaya first out the door, if we can convince him to move that far. Fucking shocking lack of hunger
I agree to an extent, but it wasn't all the players, we actually defended (the defence) as well as we have for a while, and Fernandhino was decent, the rest of midfield and up front including the subs were utterly useless.

I'll probably be more angry now if we turn up on Wednesday and give Barcelona a game, because they (the players) think that is the bigger game, though obviously I'd be delighted if we manage to progress.

Clear out of disinterested players required.
de niro said:
O Foquinha said:
Disappointing but I don't blame Pellegrini. The transfer committee take most of the blame, it's scary to think how useless they are. Bony is the latest monumental waste of money. Years since we bought a player to really improve the team (Aguero).

Bony is worth 10m max, he's no better than Everton standard.

I'd give anything to have the old City back, the relegation scraps with the likes of Summerbee, Quinn, Curle etc.

pelli must take his share of the blame but in reality its ffp that has left us where we are. everyone in our league could strengthen, we couldn't. bent as fuck.

We've still spent millions upon millions, FFP limited us but there was still TONS of money to be spent on better players than the ones we chose. Saying we "couldn't" strengthen is a bit rich.
csit17 said:
Well that wasn't down to tactics, that was down to 'couldnt give a shit' absolutely disgraceful performance
Totally agree, a fucking disgrace, Kompany is a fucking disgrace this season as a captain, no idea, you can't blame the manager all the time, these are suppose to be players at the top of their game. At this rate we will be lucky to get in the top 4. Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and Utd are fucking laughing at us.
Forcfucks sake please do not put them 6000 extra seats in just yet.
Didnt look like a team desperate to fight for the club. Whether MP stays or goes, thats not acceptable.

Mancini got all the blame last time. Pellegrini will get all the blame this time. Some other poor sod will get all the blame in two years time.

Maybe we've got to start looking elsewhere.
Not surprised in the slightest. What on earth has happened to this team. Don't want a knee-jerk reaction but a lot of fans are becoming disgruntled, major changes needed!
Dont worry the millionaires will sleep soundly in their mansions tonight..bye bye Manuel.
"Together" ............. My arse . Worst club Motto ever for a bunch of people who clearly are not
There is something clearly wrong.

Kun looks completely fed up, as do a number of others.

The obsession with 4-4-2 will see the demise of Peller's.

Resisted saying it for a long time, but the sooner the better.

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