Can the UK handle..

MCFCTrick said:
stonerblue said:
foxy said:
I did, what about it?

It's a Guardian article....

typical response from an ignorant gobshite. I'd be surprised if you could actually read.

-- Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:37 pm --

MCFCTrick said:
Well said Dave...we a re the laughing stock and dumping ground for any chancers that want to come here and take the piss...but hey it's all in the name of ''multiculturalism' and we should be happy and embrace it...want it or not...

oh look, the illinois nazi's back.

Is there any hope that either you or your mate, can accept different views without insulting them? It's pitiful that you have to resort to it....grow up man.

He is a keyboard warrior, did you expect anything more? You get branded as a racist if you critic the influx of criminal groups which will flood the country with beggars, baby sellers and scammers in case you didn't know. Oh yeah and the Guardian is 100% right and we all have to read it and accept it as gospel.

The article suggest very little. One guy called Dave carried out research in to the Roma population with no government financial support and so the research is probably poor. He didn't carry out any FOI requests from South Yorks police, so who knows of the anti social crime which has taken place? What does stand out is groups hanging around on street corners which is no doubt intimidating for Sheffield residents. This has been mentioned a huge amount in local press and BBC south Yorkshire news.

It seems South Yorks police couldn't be bothered to record how many times they shuffled groups a long, it was probably not worth the hassle so fair enough.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
MCFCTrick said:
stonerblue said:
typical response from an ignorant gobshite. I'd be surprised if you could actually read.

-- Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:37 pm --

oh look, the illinois nazi's back.

Is there any hope that either you or your mate, can accept different views without insulting them? It's pitiful that you have to resort to it....grow up man.

I accept your views.
I am on a public forum, so I have no choice.
So I suggest that you accept mine.
And it is that you are an ignorant, ill-informed bigot, who has not once constructed anything resembling a rational explanation for their prejudiced crap in all the time we have suffered you.
So there we have it.
A frank and honest exchange of views.

Again, all in your usually blinkered opinion....ah well, you'll be gone again soon...
mackenzie said:
Several years ago, when the influx of refugees from war zones came in, it definitely did have an effect on my job. Many couldn't speak English and had a very long way to go before they were job ready. No English, no real skills that could be offered to the workforce and at one point I was dealing with at least one a day. I felt sorry for most of them but at least then it was a thriving economy. Don't see any of them now so I guess most found work and settled.
This time it will place a burden on an already over stretched public service/infrastructure.
And that worries me.

Exactly, careful though, some of the coffee drinking Guardian readers may persecute you for saying that.

I can't believe some on here know nothing of the current state that public services still believe in their delusional minds that everything will be fine and dandy. These people who probably live in their suburban Wilmslow paradise with their secure job who will have no dealing with the influx next year.
foxy said:
mackenzie said:
Several years ago, when the influx of refugees from war zones came in, it definitely did have an effect on my job. Many couldn't speak English and had a very long way to go before they were job ready. No English, no real skills that could be offered to the workforce and at one point I was dealing with at least one a day. I felt sorry for most of them but at least then it was a thriving economy. Don't see any of them now so I guess most found work and settled.
This time it will place a burden on an already over stretched public service/infrastructure.
And that worries me.

Exactly, careful though, some of the coffee drinking Guardian readers may persecute you for saying that.

I can't believe some on here know nothing of the current state that public services still believe in their delusional minds that everything will be fine and dandy. These people who probably live in their suburban Wilmslow paradise with their secure job who will have no dealing with the influx next year.


I live in inner city Leeds, and in areas with high levels of immigrants, there are many new medical centres purpose built for the modern era, which I also have had cause to use with recent illnesses.
They are staffed by people of all ethnic groups who can speak both English and other tongues, and let me tell you, they are not rammed full when I've been, far from it.

There are thousands of empty properties in Leeds, and there is a council initiative to get them back in use, and I'm sure this is happening all over the country, just because there may not be as many council owned properties to rent doesn't mean there is nowhere for newcomers to go - there are very few overtly homeless people in Leeds, and mostly they are mentally ill who struggle regardless of housing stock availability.

As usual, the mentally frail Daily Mail readers will believe the horror stories above actual facts and evidence of their own eyes, and tremble in fear and impotent rage at the latest group of media scapegoats, until they're told it's time to focus on someone else.

I guarantee you the influx of our fellow Europeans will not change your lives one jot come January the first.
BigJimLittleJim said:
foxy said:
mackenzie said:
Several years ago, when the influx of refugees from war zones came in, it definitely did have an effect on my job. Many couldn't speak English and had a very long way to go before they were job ready. No English, no real skills that could be offered to the workforce and at one point I was dealing with at least one a day. I felt sorry for most of them but at least then it was a thriving economy. Don't see any of them now so I guess most found work and settled.
This time it will place a burden on an already over stretched public service/infrastructure.
And that worries me.

Exactly, careful though, some of the coffee drinking Guardian readers may persecute you for saying that.

I can't believe some on here know nothing of the current state that public services still believe in their delusional minds that everything will be fine and dandy. These people who probably live in their suburban Wilmslow paradise with their secure job who will have no dealing with the influx next year.


I live in inner city Leeds, and in areas with high levels of immigrants, there are many new medical centres purpose built for the modern era, which I also have had cause to use with recent illnesses.
They are staffed by people of all ethnic groups who can speak both English and other tongues, and let me tell you, they are not rammed full when I've been, far from it.

There are thousands of empty properties in Leeds, and there is a council initiative to get them back in use, and I'm sure this is happening all over the country, just because there may not be as many council owned properties to rent doesn't mean there is nowhere for newcomers to go - there are very few overtly homeless people in Leeds, and mostly they are mentally ill who struggle regardless of housing stock availability.

As usual, the mentally frail Daily Mail readers will believe the horror stories above actual facts and evidence of their own eyes, and tremble in fear and impotent rage at the latest group of media scapegoats, until they're told it's time to focus on someone else.

I guarantee you the influx of our fellow Europeans will not change your lives one jot come January the first.

I am sure that is the case mate.

I'm in London and it's a completely different story.
foxy said:
BigJimLittleJim said:
foxy said:
Exactly, careful though, some of the coffee drinking Guardian readers may persecute you for saying that.

I can't believe some on here know nothing of the current state that public services still believe in their delusional minds that everything will be fine and dandy. These people who probably live in their suburban Wilmslow paradise with their secure job who will have no dealing with the influx next year.


I live in inner city Leeds, and in areas with high levels of immigrants, there are many new medical centres purpose built for the modern era, which I also have had cause to use with recent illnesses.
They are staffed by people of all ethnic groups who can speak both English and other tongues, and let me tell you, they are not rammed full when I've been, far from it.

There are thousands of empty properties in Leeds, and there is a council initiative to get them back in use, and I'm sure this is happening all over the country, just because there may not be as many council owned properties to rent doesn't mean there is nowhere for newcomers to go - there are very few overtly homeless people in Leeds, and mostly they are mentally ill who struggle regardless of housing stock availability.

As usual, the mentally frail Daily Mail readers will believe the horror stories above actual facts and evidence of their own eyes, and tremble in fear and impotent rage at the latest group of media scapegoats, until they're told it's time to focus on someone else.

I guarantee you the influx of our fellow Europeans will not change your lives one jot come January the first.

I am sure that is the case mate.

I'm in London and it's a completely different story.

I'm not having it that London will overflow and burst with Roma's on jan 1st to the point civilisation as we know it will end.

All those houses that are worth more in value every year when the rest of the country is stagnant, all those rich people, all those workers will be affected how?

They won't, they just won't.

The scroungers and wasters might have a whinge about how if all these foreigners weren't here they'd be able to live in brand new council mansions on £60k dole a year, and those on minimum wage might think the same, but in the real world they were never getting a "wage" rise under any government - and their lives won't change a jot either.

Where will these scruffy, smelly, family oriented Roma's park their caravans and squeegees? Not in London, so you don't need to panic Foxy, they'll just live in lay-by's and industrial estates probably.

If Fetters is a keyboard warrior, what does that make all these pussies who poop themselves every time the Daily Mail tells them to? At least he has an actual pair of adult testicles (I have no proof of this it's just an educated guess before anyone starts :) and isn't afraid of his own shadow.
I wonder what quality of immigrant we are going to get ?
Romanian doctors , teachers , solicitors, bankers , scientists, technicians or scruffy twats with ten kids.
Probably the latter
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Rascal said:
Blue Mist said:
No, no and thrice no. A decent integrated transport system would/could be used to move 65 million people about but the fact remains we are full. In many respects I am against all immigration, I know the arguments, we have some cracking NHS nurses/doctors from all walks of life. The Poles have provided no end of skilled labour, countless immigrants of all colours have done jobs UK residents wont do. I could go on. As I say this is not about race or ethnicity. France, three times the size of us has 60 million people the same as us. Virtually every new house built has to be built on green land, (Not green belt), every new road carves a swathe through country side, every where is full. I hope I am not coming across as a NIMBY. I just think soon we will be at breaking point.
You say a decent integrated transport system, but look at the trains (full) roads (full) internal flights Pretty much full). Perhaps I am suffering from Lemming's disease (note that shows my age)

The UK pop density is lower than Holland and Belguim, just above Germany. Italy and Luxembourg and that is skewed because the UK has 12mllion living in London alone. Our population grew by 1.7% above the EU avrage from 2002/2011. The percentage of EU nationals living in the UK is around average for the EU the percentage of non-EU nationals living in the UK which consider our ties of empire are again average for the EU. Please note that of the estimated 2.5 million EU nationals liiving in theUK 500,000 are estimated to live in London making it the 4th largest French City by population.

So it would suggest that the poorness of our infrastructure, our lack of housebuilding, the daily stores of fecklessness and scare stories about everything else are building peoples fears irrationally.

I am pretty convinced by the need for immigration on the simple basis the UK birth rate makes unsustainable without it. The only available answer i can forsee is people working til they die and pensions being a thing of the past. Otherwise we will have nobody to do the jobs we rely on and im sure everyone on here wants to work til they die. Now that is scary
Am I missing something here. London/France what is it I am missing here

Meant to say French people living in London.
BigJimLittleJim said:
foxy said:
mackenzie said:
Several years ago, when the influx of refugees from war zones came in, it definitely did have an effect on my job. Many couldn't speak English and had a very long way to go before they were job ready. No English, no real skills that could be offered to the workforce and at one point I was dealing with at least one a day. I felt sorry for most of them but at least then it was a thriving economy. Don't see any of them now so I guess most found work and settled.
This time it will place a burden on an already over stretched public service/infrastructure.
And that worries me.

Exactly, careful though, some of the coffee drinking Guardian readers may persecute you for saying that.

I can't believe some on here know nothing of the current state that public services still believe in their delusional minds that everything will be fine and dandy. These people who probably live in their suburban Wilmslow paradise with their secure job who will have no dealing with the influx next year.


I live in inner city Leeds, and in areas with high levels of immigrants, there are many new medical centres purpose built for the modern era, which I also have had cause to use with recent illnesses.
They are staffed by people of all ethnic groups who can speak both English and other tongues, and let me tell you, they are not rammed full when I've been, far from it.

There are thousands of empty properties in Leeds, and there is a council initiative to get them back in use, and I'm sure this is happening all over the country, just because there may not be as many council owned properties to rent doesn't mean there is nowhere for newcomers to go - there are very few overtly homeless people in Leeds, and mostly they are mentally ill who struggle regardless of housing stock availability.

As usual, the mentally frail Daily Mail readers will believe the horror stories above actual facts and evidence of their own eyes, and tremble in fear and impotent rage at the latest group of media scapegoats, until they're told it's time to focus on someone else.

I guarantee you the influx of our fellow Europeans will not change your lives one jot come January the first.
I'm a leftie. And when one interview takes twice as long than the usual because an interpreter is needed then yes it does have an effect.
mackenzie said:
BigJimLittleJim said:
foxy said:
Exactly, careful though, some of the coffee drinking Guardian readers may persecute you for saying that.

I can't believe some on here know nothing of the current state that public services still believe in their delusional minds that everything will be fine and dandy. These people who probably live in their suburban Wilmslow paradise with their secure job who will have no dealing with the influx next year.


I live in inner city Leeds, and in areas with high levels of immigrants, there are many new medical centres purpose built for the modern era, which I also have had cause to use with recent illnesses.
They are staffed by people of all ethnic groups who can speak both English and other tongues, and let me tell you, they are not rammed full when I've been, far from it.

There are thousands of empty properties in Leeds, and there is a council initiative to get them back in use, and I'm sure this is happening all over the country, just because there may not be as many council owned properties to rent doesn't mean there is nowhere for newcomers to go - there are very few overtly homeless people in Leeds, and mostly they are mentally ill who struggle regardless of housing stock availability.

As usual, the mentally frail Daily Mail readers will believe the horror stories above actual facts and evidence of their own eyes, and tremble in fear and impotent rage at the latest group of media scapegoats, until they're told it's time to focus on someone else.

I guarantee you the influx of our fellow Europeans will not change your lives one jot come January the first.
I'm a leftie. And when one interview takes twice as long than the usual because an interpreter is needed then yes it does have an effect.

I respect you as a poster Mack, and if I'm not mistaken you work in some sort of social service/support role, getting people up to speed for jobs?

You got thru the Polish invasion, I'm sure you'll get 'thru the Roma one, no one will die, no one will get hurt, maybe get stressed, which sucks, but that's the way of all modern business - never enough staff or resources, you can't let your job impinge into your private life (I did several years ago - I got out and changed lifestyle and career - best thing I ever did).

However, I deeply object to this thinly disguised xenophobia dressed up as concern for our national infrastructure - the poor sods aren't even here yet and some would have them strung up by their scruffy goolies - let's see what happens when and if they do come - and there are many respected sources who dismiss the scale of the numbers projected to actually come as insignificant, due to the fact they'll probably go to places like Spain and Italy etc.. due to language similarities and other cultural factors.

History tells us immigrants are good for our country in all respects, and the good people of Romania and Bulgaria will be no different.

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