Can we cut Edin a break?

I would hope so, getting on his case isn't going to help is it. He is here until January at the very least, scores yesterda, just needs game time (in fact from what I saw the whole squad needs game time together) September through to the next international break is going to be very busy.
We all now his limitations. So does he. Beyond that, he'll bang plenty more in this season. Not sure what else the boy can do. Almost any forward would look like a carthorse when playing with the Argie terriers, Nasri and Silva.

May be not the best reason but most opposition fans I know respect and fear him in equal measure. So can we please just get on with liking him? Don't want to say any more as I don't want to jinx the lad. But I don't remember him receiving any direct displeasure from Mancini et al., and they are rarely wrong, are they ['resting him' doesn't count BTW]?

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