Capital One Final - Sunday 2nd March - 2pm Kick Off

Need 4 together anywhere ,I have 4 tickets but only 2 are together and I'm going with my wife and daughters so if anyone can do a swap or sell me 4 together I will then sell on tickets to blues who need them.
The tickets I have are 2 £56 together ,a £56 on its own and one £90 seat .
Just need one Adult ticket if anyone can help out. Will pay any category price.
Train tickets booked but let down by guy I normally get tickets off.

Thanks in Advance
Wanted 1adult 1 kids ticket. Didn't have enough points until last day Friday , tried on line and on phone but sold out
Young 4 year old promised his first wembley trip broken hearted
Ive been offered 1 ticket for the final am gonna drive down with my 14 yr old son and let him go in , just wondered your opinion on if he will be safe on his own inside the ground ?

Am gonna wait outside for him if i dont get a ticket on the day

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