Car driving standards

I'm currently sat in Sheffield childrens hospital intensive care unit with my daughter who was hit last night.

I'm absolutely heartbroken as to that I seen when I got to the site....bodies everywhere and my daughter unconscious face down being helped by locals.

All the people were making there way back into the village after the fair had shut and then hit.

Can't get that image out of my head it's killing me.
Bloody hell pal that's horrific..really hope ya daughter is OK and the other poor souls so sorry ..wankers increasing all over the UK
You do wonder where its all heading..what's happened to the traffic police..used to be loads..I haven't seen a police bike for years..
Coppers are the worst mate, some of the driving in marked vehicles is bad enough.

I had one pull me over last year early on a Sunday. I was driving with some younger lads from my gym to Snowdon. I spotted this Welsh Police X5 by Warrington tailgating me, so knew I was about to be pulled over, 5 mins later armed coppers inside pulled alongside mouthing off aggressively. I pulled into the hard shoulder and locked my doors, told the younger lads to leave the talking to me.

Welsh copper came up super aggressive loads of effing and blinding. I cracked the window and asked 'a bit quick?'. He responded aggressively swearing. I said 'with all due respect, I am feeling very stressed and alarmed by your language and do not feel comfortable unlocking my car if this continues'. He accepted my offer of standing on the passenger side out the way of a live lane. He said I was going well over the 50mph roadworks limit, which I categorically knew I hadn't, so I said I know I haven't so don't worry. He said he'd be happy to take me to court and show me the video and I said I'd happily oblige. He took my licence for a check, saw I was older than the other lads and got a clean record, said watch your speed and the cameras in Wales and went on his way.

The real reason he's pulled me over is 100% because I had a black lad in the back of the car, he's seen his silhouette and thought they could get one last sting on the night shift, but was shocked to meet me in the driver's seat. Knew my rights, stood my ground whilst being polite and non-confrontational. It worked a treat against somebody of much less intelligence. I am a law abiding citizen but I cannot respect many men who wear that kiddy fiddling association's uniform, there are far too many wronguns in that gig for it to just be a coincidence. How a man could go home and look their wife in the eye whilst doing that job baffles me; they've systematically allowed their colleagues to let the women and children of this country down for generations. The way this guy spoke to me would've ruined the day for an old or less confident person. Totally out of order and in hindsight I should've taken his number and filed a complaint, but just wanted to go about my day and forget about it.
I was followed through our local village when we first moved here as I was taking my motorbike to a mates house till I sorted storage for it, expensive bike on winter roads.. the village is a 30 and the copper sat behind me for a while and followed me until I stopped at my mates (on a cul de sac) .. He said “do you know why I’ve followed you?”… Clearly I said “no”… He said “I thought it was suspicious that you were doing 30 through Hawarden”… WTF.. I said “So you thought it was suspicious that I was doing the speed limit on damp roads with a copper right behind me?”

He tried to tell me that the system had flagged no insurance so I suggested he check again… He did and then went on his way

Be careful in North Wales, the plod here are a PITA but annoyingly seem incapable of finding a solution for persistent speeding on the lane we’re adjacent to
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How can i be 'in the way' unless you're breaking the speed limit?
Who are you? The Police? Dont worry about what I’m doing. You just worry about how you’re making it more dangerous for everyone else. Answer this…. Why would you choose to drive in the middle lane if the inside lane is clear? It’s bizarre.

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