Car driving standards

just been driving in Wales and the number of drivers doing 30-35 mph on roads where the national speed limit applies (which is 60 mph on single carriageway roads) was staggering. It's like they simply don't understand what the limit is.
As some old FOC said to me once..."It's a limit, not a target"

Growing up around the NW I never really had any issues. Then living oin London for 10 years you realise the benefits of public transport and how crap many of our roads are. The last 20 odd years over in NI though are therefore like a breath of fresh air in comparison.
However there are the Merc/Audi/BMW/Range Rover drivers everywhere..."I pay more for my car therefore I deserve special treament"!
It is basic common decency and etiquette that is lost post passing the test....First rule of the road..."KEEP LEFT" so all those middle lane/outside lane hoggers should just realise what utter knobs they are being. there is one stretch of 4 lane motorway heading down into Belfast from "the country". I variably the 2 outside lanes are packed with only the odd lorry right on the inside. I must confess to many a time crusied down the inside for about 3-4 miles "under taking" huge numbers of cars.
On same road one time actually had a run in with a wanker of an "off duty" copper. Sat in inside lane at 70 and a tanker about a half a mile in front. Think about moving out but abit early and then checking mirror see a Audi hammering it in outside lane about a mile behind. Obviously speeding but also going to cathc me at roughly the time I am wanting to overtake the I indicate early, wait, but no slowing by the Audi... I pull out and continue at 70 overtaking the tanker. Audi doing his nut flashing away and right up my arse. despite having had ample time to slow.
On passing tanker I indicate and move in waiting for Audi wanker to continue on his ignorant way....He doesn't.
When he doesnt, I glance over and I am getting "the eyes" from him. I just wave (politely) and look ahead. He still doesnt carry on.
I look over again and he is pointing as if for me to pull over...This time I give him the "wanker signal" and carry on.
Still no overtaking!!!!
This time I look over and he is brandishing an open warrant card and piinting for me to pull over. More fool and mr naive me....I did actually pull over, not thinking that he was off duty/being a **** and it could have been anyone with a false card etc.
He pulls over and stops and starts playing the prick. taking my details and claiming he will be passing them to traffic branch. rather than brusing his ego and taunting him any further (as if the wanker sign probably wasnt enough) I just let him go on his rant before leaving.

So..Audi driver and copper a perfect cocktail of making a ****.

...and people who dont get on the crown of the road when turning right to allow others to get past...wankers
General rule of thumb advice for driving in UK. Drive defensively, expect the unexpected and treat every other road user and pedestrian around you like a toddler. Do this and do not think of near misses or other users' errors for more than 5 seconds afterwards, and you will be a lot calmer and happier on the roads.

I grew up with my old man who's an aggressive accelerator and spends 100% of his time behind the wheel moaning and shouting about other people's driving. It just makes other passengers nervous and in a bad mood from second hand stress. He's also getting even worse with age and started having regular bumps and near misses in car parks due to his aggression. Same when you get a stresshead taxi driver, just get another job man.
As some old FOC said to me once..."It's a limit, not a target"

Growing up around the NW I never really had any issues. Then living oin London for 10 years you realise the benefits of public transport and how crap many of our roads are. The last 20 odd years over in NI though are therefore like a breath of fresh air in comparison.
However there are the Merc/Audi/BMW/Range Rover drivers everywhere..."I pay more for my car therefore I deserve special treament"!
It is basic common decency and etiquette that is lost post passing the test....First rule of the road..."KEEP LEFT" so all those middle lane/outside lane hoggers should just realise what utter knobs they are being. there is one stretch of 4 lane motorway heading down into Belfast from "the country". I variably the 2 outside lanes are packed with only the odd lorry right on the inside. I must confess to many a time crusied down the inside for about 3-4 miles "under taking" huge numbers of cars.
On same road one time actually had a run in with a wanker of an "off duty" copper. Sat in inside lane at 70 and a tanker about a half a mile in front. Think about moving out but abit early and then checking mirror see a Audi hammering it in outside lane about a mile behind. Obviously speeding but also going to cathc me at roughly the time I am wanting to overtake the I indicate early, wait, but no slowing by the Audi... I pull out and continue at 70 overtaking the tanker. Audi doing his nut flashing away and right up my arse. despite having had ample time to slow.
On passing tanker I indicate and move in waiting for Audi wanker to continue on his ignorant way....He doesn't.
When he doesnt, I glance over and I am getting "the eyes" from him. I just wave (politely) and look ahead. He still doesnt carry on.
I look over again and he is pointing as if for me to pull over...This time I give him the "wanker signal" and carry on.
Still no overtaking!!!!
This time I look over and he is brandishing an open warrant card and piinting for me to pull over. More fool and mr naive me....I did actually pull over, not thinking that he was off duty/being a **** and it could have been anyone with a false card etc.
He pulls over and stops and starts playing the prick. taking my details and claiming he will be passing them to traffic branch. rather than brusing his ego and taunting him any further (as if the wanker sign probably wasnt enough) I just let him go on his rant before leaving.

So..Audi driver and copper a perfect cocktail of making a ****.

...and people who dont get on the crown of the road when turning right to allow others to get past...wankers

Coppers are the worst mate, some of the driving in marked vehicles is bad enough.

I had one pull me over last year early on a Sunday. I was driving with some younger lads from my gym to Snowdon. I spotted this Welsh Police X5 by Warrington tailgating me, so knew I was about to be pulled over, 5 mins later armed coppers inside pulled alongside mouthing off aggressively. I pulled into the hard shoulder and locked my doors, told the younger lads to leave the talking to me.

Welsh copper came up super aggressive loads of effing and blinding. I cracked the window and asked 'a bit quick?'. He responded aggressively swearing. I said 'with all due respect, I am feeling very stressed and alarmed by your language and do not feel comfortable unlocking my car if this continues'. He accepted my offer of standing on the passenger side out the way of a live lane. He said I was going well over the 50mph roadworks limit, which I categorically knew I hadn't, so I said I know I haven't so don't worry. He said he'd be happy to take me to court and show me the video and I said I'd happily oblige. He took my licence for a check, saw I was older than the other lads and got a clean record, said watch your speed and the cameras in Wales and went on his way.

The real reason he's pulled me over is 100% because I had a black lad in the back of the car, he's seen his silhouette and thought they could get one last sting on the night shift, but was shocked to meet me in the driver's seat. Knew my rights, stood my ground whilst being polite and non-confrontational. It worked a treat against somebody of much less intelligence. I am a law abiding citizen but I cannot respect many men who wear that kiddy fiddling association's uniform, there are far too many wronguns in that gig for it to just be a coincidence. How a man could go home and look their wife in the eye whilst doing that job baffles me; they've systematically allowed their colleagues to let the women and children of this country down for generations. The way this guy spoke to me would've ruined the day for an old or less confident person. Totally out of order and in hindsight I should've taken his number and filed a complaint, but just wanted to go about my day and forget about it.
Driving stadards have definitely worsened in the last couple of years. Mrs laser blames it on some people getting seriously fucked in the head during the pandemic and lockdowns and she may be right.

Only last week I was stopped at the head of the queue at a red light. When it changed to green I moved off only for two vehicles to steam through a very late red light with one of them (a 4x4) coming within inches of taking the front off my car.

A couple of days later Mrs laser was at a junction with two cars both slowing down and indicating to turn left so she pulled out left only for the second car, still indicating left, to suddenly accelerate and overtake the first car at high speed with the woman passenger flicking V-signs and screaming four letter abuse at her as they drove past.
OMG. The person couldn’t undertake you unless the lane he was using was clear could he? And if the lane he’s using to undertake you is clear it means you should be using it!!!! Fuck me. People like you who don’t understand how to drive are the ones fucking it up for the rest of us!
And if i'm doing 70?

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