Car Park prices doubled everywhere!

They've seen CFG and OVG charging £25 for Coop Live parking, and City increasing parking charges this season. Add to that street parking restrictions. And they've thought, we'll have some of that.

Call me cynical, but I'm sure MCC and City are in it together to restrict parking around the Etihad so City can charge more for parking, knowing full well many people will have no option but to pay the increased parking charges.
I have it on good authority that lots of the on street parking restrictions around the ground have been installed at City's request.
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They've seen CFG and OVG charging £25 for Coop Live parking, and City increasing parking charges this season. Add to that street parking restrictions. And they've thought, we'll have some of that.

Call me cynical, but I'm sure MCC and City are in it together to restrict parking around the Etihad so City can charge more for parking, knowing full well many people will have no option but to pay the increased parking charges.

Getting rinsed at every opportunity.
Travelling is the main reason I gave up my season card this year.

It was taking longer to get to and from a game on public transport in the GM region than it took to drive to the stops. Night games became a no-no - almost 2am when I got back home. It used to be about 12:15am at the latest. Road closures, diversions etc put an end to that.

I tried different park and ride options, Ashton West was great at first, then it became a chore. Altrincham just took too long to get back to. Train was no better an option due to KO times.

Parking prices just jumped for no reson other than profiteering in a short space of time. There again, over the last 5 years, most of the car parks near town disappered due to high rises being built.

One day, a solution will be found I guess.
Our relegation should make things a lot easier.
I may have missed this somewhere but the absolute chaos that ensued upon attempting to leave the blue car park after the game was once again city doing there utmost best to really piss us all off. The installation of new electric bollards to replace stewards at the crossing near the co op live up to Mercer Way to make sure everyone has got across and left the stadium before any vehicle is allowed to exit that way is another fuck up by the tossers in our club making decisions without any consultation. 45 mins after the game ended we were permitted to exit the usual way. Fucking shambles like the disabled parking fiasco.
I have it on good authority that lots of the on street parking restrictions around the ground have been installed at City's request.
I'd call "bollocks" on that one as it doesn't benefit anybody. The onsite car parks seem to be full most of the time so why do it?

As an aside, can City buy the land from the north end of the car park to Broxton Street and use that as an exit to Bradford Road? The railway bridge is already in place and it's clearly an ancient entrance to the gas works.
It would lead to more congestion on Bradford Road but that could be partially resolved by changing the phasing of the lights after matches or concerts. The railway, tram lines and canal make it tricky to add any other exits.
I'd call "bollocks" on that one as it doesn't benefit anybody. The onsite car parks seem to be full most of the time so why do it?

As an aside, can City buy the land from the north end of the car park to Broxton Street and use that as an exit to Bradford Road? The railway bridge is already in place and it's clearly an ancient entrance to the gas works.
It would lead to more congestion on Bradford Road but that could be partially resolved by changing the phasing of the lights after matches or concerts. The railway, tram lines and canal make it tricky to add any other exits.
I know it sounded ridiculous when I heard it. But the fella who told me works high up in MCC and transport is part of his brief and he had no reason to make stuff up. I questioned him as to why the streets around Ashton New Rd were residents only when there are no residents on many of them. Ie near the Clayton Lane junction. He told me the land was being acquired by the club for future development and the club had requested this. Seemed bizarre to me aswell especially as it's a long way from the stadium. I guess it's part of their wider regeneration plans.
I may have missed this somewhere but the absolute chaos that ensued upon attempting to leave the blue car park after the game was once again city doing there utmost best to really piss us all off. The installation of new electric bollards to replace stewards at the crossing near the co op live up to Mercer Way to make sure everyone has got across and left the stadium before any vehicle is allowed to exit that way is another fuck up by the tossers in our club making decisions without any consultation. 45 mins after the game ended we were permitted to exit the usual way. Fucking shambles like the disabled parking fiasco.
Swings and roundabouts, our branch coach was away much quicker on Saturday with those bollards up as they also allowed people to get back to the car park quicker without being stopped on JMW.
I may have missed this somewhere but the absolute chaos that ensued upon attempting to leave the blue car park after the game was once again city doing there utmost best to really piss us all off. The installation of new electric bollards to replace stewards at the crossing near the co op live up to Mercer Way to make sure everyone has got across and left the stadium before any vehicle is allowed to exit that way is another fuck up by the tossers in our club making decisions without any consultation. 45 mins after the game ended we were permitted to exit the usual way. Fucking shambles like the disabled parking fiasco.
Now you know why so many people leave early.
I may have missed this somewhere but the absolute chaos that ensued upon attempting to leave the blue car park after the game was once again city doing there utmost best to really piss us all off. The installation of new electric bollards to replace stewards at the crossing near the co op live up to Mercer Way to make sure everyone has got across and left the stadium before any vehicle is allowed to exit that way is another fuck up by the tossers in our club making decisions without any consultation. 45 mins after the game ended we were permitted to exit the usual way. Fucking shambles like the disabled parking fiasco.
What else can they do to stop early leavers
I know it sounded ridiculous when I heard it. But the fella who told me works high up in MCC and transport is part of his brief and he had no reason to make stuff up. I questioned him as to why the streets around Ashton New Rd were residents only when there are no residents on many of them. Ie near the Clayton Lane junction. He told me the land was being acquired by the club for future development and the club had requested this. Seemed bizarre to me aswell especially as it's a long way from the stadium. I guess it's part of their wider regeneration plans.

I am positive that MCC's constant war on motorists means they wouldn't need much encouragement to agree to it.

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