Cardiff Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

Re: Cardiff Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

All the other big clubs will absolutley batter Cardiff down there.
Re: Cardiff Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

welsh_andy said:
black mamba said:

We had 56% possession to Cardiffs 44% ..... we had 16 shots to Cardiffs 9 ........ we had 8 corners to Cardiffs 3 ..... yet we still managed to lose to a distinctly average , if spirited , Cardiff side.

We score our first goal at a great time , just after the interval , and should have built on it ....... but instead we inexplicably then defend like a pub team and throw it all away.

What a fuckin' shambles , a game lost already ..... and hardly a player who put in a worthwhile performance either !

i thought navas and merlin had a decent game, and mp took navas off, why i have no idea, yaya looked like he didnt want to be there, garcia and lezzy looked nervous as hell, fern, havent seen anything from him yet tbh, he wasnt at the races today at all, sergio put some serious effort in imo.

but we looked clueless to break down their bus unit edin cracker, and we has them on the back foot, was wave after wave of attack, then he takes off navas and it was a total mess. imo was taken straight from last season away fixture playbook. and tbh was a shambles at time
Navas and Silva were poor. Navas was running around like he diet know what he was doing, when we needed width he kept coming inside, it didn't help that Zaba was awful and kept taking his wide space up. And Silva wouldn't go and get anything that wasn't passed straight to him. Nobody had a decent game.
Re: Cardiff Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

taconinja said:
BillyShears said:
Very disappointing. Thought we tried hard enough, but simply didn't show enough quality in midfield or up front. Too many sideways passes, not enough incisive play. Tempo was a huge problem again. All in all, far too reminiscent of last season.

On the plus side you'd think Pellegrini has now seen all our weaknesses at first hand.
I think it was telling that Dzeko went out and suddenly our link-up play was vastly improved. I realize this will have a certain contingent of our fans frothing at the mouth with rage, but it's true. And for that contingent, yes I know he scored the goal, but he needed a lot better movement to create space so players could deliver the ball to him. I would not be surprised to see Negredo soon starting.

Commence the abuse.

You really think our link up play got better in the 2nd half? I'm trying to weed through all the people who are just moaning and saying regrettable things, and I find this idea interesting. I saw it totally the other way, thought we were much more effective in the 1st half and completely fell apart late, from link up to just about any and all phases of the game.

I'd be interested in why you felt that way, reasonable minds can disagree.
Re: Cardiff Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

Nothing seems to have changed from last season away from home, we still havent figured out how to beat a team that parks the bus , even when we scored we didnt push on and Cardiff let us play up unto the 25 metres from their goal , at one point the commentator said there were 21players in the Cardiff half this invariably cuts on the space available for the likes of Navas and Aguero , again no plan B ..Dzeko should have stayed on along with Negredo and pepper their penalty area with crosses. Better times ahead ..I hope !!
Re: Cardiff Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

Thought silva played well, never stopped probing. The rest shite of varying degrees. First test for pellegrini today. Epic fail. Has a few huge decisions to make over the next few weeks. Are hart, Yaya, and Clichy still undroppable? As it stands I'd be tempted to drop all 3. Problem with hart and Clichy is they don't have any meaningful opposition. Yayas been shite for quite a while now. This season will be his last at city. As for Kun. What the fuck has happened to the man who joined us 2 years ago with venom in his boots. Seems almost afraid to give it a good fucking wellying anymore!
Re: Cardiff Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

Bobbymanc said:
We don't seem to have a plan B when teams park the bus. We have the skill but maybe not the work rate.
Bring on Hull we will rip them a new one!

Hull are no worse a side than Cardiff. Thank f*** we are at home.
Re: Cardiff Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

Chippy_boy said:
stan bowles said:
Chippy_boy said:
I am now going to alienate 99.99% no 100.00% of City fans, but wtf.

Zabaleta is a poor footballer. I have never rated him.. 100% commitment? Tick.

Quality? Fuck off. Ineffective going forward, to the point of useless. Average in defence at best. Constantly out of position, slow, switches off, just poor.

Overall, nothing special at all. I really cannot see why everyone rates him. Today he was terrible.

Similar to Clichy then...looks very vulnerable at the moment.

Clichy has pace at least, and can cross. For me, Clichy is a better player

Richards is and always has been miles better than Zabba.
Re: Cardiff Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

BillyShears said:
Very disappointing. Thought we tried hard enough, but simply didn't show enough quality in midfield or up front. Too many sideways passes, not enough incisive play. Tempo was a huge problem again. All in all, far too reminiscent of last season.

On the plus side you'd think Pellegrini has now seen all our weaknesses at first hand.

From the one who said everything would be different and our football would be out of this world...
Sorry Billy but I have not seen anything different in that performance today than what we had last year away from home. How long is it before you start your witch hunt against Pellegrini???
Re: Cardiff Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

blue underpants said:
80s Shorts said:
BillyShears said:
Very disappointing. Thought we tried hard enough, but simply didn't show enough quality in midfield or up front. Too many sideways passes, not enough incisive play. Tempo was a huge problem again. All in all, far too reminiscent of last season.

On the plus side you'd think Pellegrini has now seen all our weaknesses at first hand.


He's on the phone getting Bobby in as defensive coach.
We would not have lost that with Mancini in charge, we have dropped a huge bollock

so Southampton away did not happen then last season?

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