Carlos hands in transfer request

XxRachXx said:
I just don't get it , how can he go from doing an interview in the city mag stating the rumours he is unhappy as lies ... to then handing in a transfer request !!!

The way I see the timing of events are:

1/ Carlos has had an issue with Mancini for some time - but it is not the end of the world - if only Kia would stop stirring - with him leaking out all sorts of stuff that he hears from Carlos.

2/ The Rooney situation demonstrates the opportunity to Kia to renegotiate 'his' player's deal - he has probably been behind the Ya Ya crap as well to unsettle his player and to get the remit to negotiate

3/ CITY recognise the need to put an end to rumours and do the 2 part interview - stating several days earlier that the interview will be issued on the site - and therefore unable to not put it out

4/ Then comes the substitution against Bolton after which Carlos says he wants out - what can CITY do then? They cannot retract the issue of the interview - they do the sensible thing and let him head off to Argentina hoping that it all calms down and can be handled - so they go ahead with the publishing the interview - no doubt discussing frantically behind the scenes how to handle things and keep it all private

5/ But this does not suit Kia - he wants it out to pile the pressure on CITY and make a wedge. I would not be surprised if he has had discussions with Madrid to pave the way and that they think that they can roll CITY over and get Tevez on the cheap.

It is simply not logical that any Argentine club could afford Tevez, only the like of RM and Barca could - but they could not compete with CITY unless the position was destabilised so we ended up caving in - typical Kia stuff and I would not be surprised if Madrid have not 'had a word' with Kia after having failed to get Rooney

I would say to Carlos (because he is that important) that a) we will allow him an extended break in Argentina every 6 weeks in line with the priority of our games, b) that we will allow him a major break at the end of the season and limit his need to be on pre-season tour etc and c) confirm that we will renegotiate his contract at the mid -term and ensure that he remains the bast paid player at the club and in the prem.....

I would get Kahldoon or Gary to have the chat personally - this will at least blow all the hidden stuff out into the open and strip things back to the basics = likely that the agent wants to secure a major pay rise for his client

This is a pivotal point - CITY need to be firm but fair and flexible - we do not need to be hard-arsed - just firm - be sensitive - be caring - but do not be mugged.

The good news is that we have the January window around the corner - our defence and midfield are performing well - we could get a lead striker in (Dzeko for me) that would be a good acquisition anyway should Tevez stay and if he does not provide cover - in short CITY are beyond the point where we will be derailed by an issue with 1 player - I think that we can win the title with any combination of Tevez, Mario and Dzeko in front of the best performing defence and MF in the country
Gutted....A good weekend spoiled
simon23 said:
if he goes....where will he go...????

this is what i cannt get my head around

chelsea are the only team in the prem that can afford him - but would he stay in the prem IF its all about being closer to his family??? and would we sell to a rival?

real madrid/barca??? not really that much closer than the uk ( a couple of hrs closer maybe but thats about it)

who else could possibly afford him??????
XxRachXx said:
I just don't get it , how can he go from doing an interview in the city mag stating the rumours he is unhappy as lies ... to then handing in a transfer request !!!

Fraiser Daynton on SSN said that item had been filmed a while ago....if that's true,then it makes me think City waited tactically for their moment to put it on the OS.

Either way,this whole thing stinks.The timing of Tevez' toys-out is shocking.
Why couldn't he and his odious agent do the decent thing and wait until the end of the season?
And "transfer request" means just that....for sale,transfer to another club.Not "retirement" or "homesick."
So let's see who's got the bollocks and the £80million transfer fee that Tevez is worth as one of the top five players in the world.
Put up or shut up, Kia.

And well done to the club for not letting the little Tevez cartel shaft them the way Rooney did to the scum.

And please...if anyone from the club is reading this thread-Under no circumstances must Tevez be allowed to return to Argentina on loan, with us picking up the tab.Never,ever.

He should be forced to serve behind the bottle bar near 111 for the rest of his contract first.
simon23 said:
if he goes....where will he go...????

this is what i cannt get my head around

chelsea are the only team in the prem that can afford him - but would he stay in the prem IF its all about being closer to his family??? and would we sell to a rival?

real madrid/barca??? not really that much closer than the uk ( a couple of hrs closer maybe but thats about it)

who else could possibly afford him??????
Been trying to figure this out too, if the club are serious about meeting the FFP, we can't afford to let Tevez go cheap (he's basically our biggest asset in the playing squad) then splash out on a big money replacement. Money spent this January will still influence our ability to comply with the new regulations, a Tevez replacement really has to be funded by selling Tevez.
To me this just smacks of his representatives pushing for more money. They have told Carlos to follow this course of action and hand in the transfer request. If Carlos really wanted to quit playing, or just quit City, or even buy out his contract and retire, then why was a one year extension requested recently?

It is important that Carlos is not made to feel alienated now. He's been a great player for us, is our captain and inspiration, and we are so close to achieving what seemed impossible just a few seasons ago, and actually winning something.

But his agent and other representatives should take note - we won't be held to ransom. We don't need to be now. Torres, Aguero, Dzeko, all realistic replacements if we were pushed that way.

But let's not panic or overreact - the dream has not died, we are right up there, and the door is open for Carlos to return. I feel the club will continue to go out of it's way to offer him support and help where needed, be it extended leave or whatever, and I doubt he'd get that same treatment off any other club. He only gets it here because he is so special to us. Carlos, do not throw that away. Work with us to solve any problems, and surely the taste of silverware with Man City, the fact that you helped build this legacy from nothing, would be one of the greatest things you could ever achieve?
I loved Tevez, but i'm not going to shed a tear nor am i going to loose some sleep over this. The way i see it is he can be apart of big things but instead he allows that snake-oil merchant of an agent to control him like a puppet on strings. We as a club need to (unlike the shitty rags) need to take a stand against this blackmailing, Tevez is one of the best paid football players in the world and if thats not enough our manager fitted his whole tactics around him while he hurls abuse and shows dissent against our manager publicly. We as a club don't owe him shit. This might hurt a lesser team but not Manchester City we are bigger now we have the resources and ambition to buy tens of world class strikers at our whim (yes rags eat you heart out). Come champions league football next season we'll have high profile world class players knocking on our doorstep. I'm just sorry you're gonna miss out on all the history we're going to make Carlos, tood'loo.
Lets take a moment to shed some positives on this....

Firstly I'm gutted Carlos has handed in a transfer request but there is no way this was handed in at 11pm last night, meaning that the players knew about it BEFORE the West Ham game. The players went out and did the job and got the three points convincingly and more importantly as a unit.

Secondly, the West Ham game just showed that we can function without Tevez (who has been amazing for us, that's not up for question!). It would have been a much worrying affair if we looked clueless without him and THEN this bombshell was dropped.

We despatched a battling Premier League side, away from home without Tevez, scoring three goals in the process, so lets look at the positives yeah?

Oh and have I mentioned we're (joint) top of the league? UP THE BLUES!
Don't really care about the ins and outs of this affair, he's handed in a transfer request and as far as I'm concerned he's shit his pot full. Our club HAS to be bigger than any of the players.

We can, and we will replace him with similar or better quality. I will neither thank him nor berate him, he's an employee, payed a kings ransom to kick a bag of wind. Lets move on and forward.
absolutely gutted, but get rid of the fucker. i have took so much stick on here for saying hes been carrying the club in recent times, and that honestly how i have felt. i even stuck up for him last week. i give stick to people who stand by balo , yet iv always done the same with tevez. we will miss him, but this is completely different from the rooney situation, because we have the money to replace him. its an absolute master-stroke coming out with the statement this morning, just as it was when fergie came out and did that interview. fair play to the club for that. i just hope we break the bank for torres and dzeko now

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