Carlos Tevez Must Stay

If an offer comes, sell him. I'd rather get something for him then nothing. A run of form over the last two months doesn't mean he's had a good season.
Shaelumstash said:
So you think us "scoring loads" last season is directly related to Tevez "barely playing", and him "playing loads" is directly related to us "not scoring as much" this season, and you have the temerity to question my logic?!

Now listen closely, because you might learn something. In the season before we won the title we played the majority of the season with Tevez as a lone striker and had a midfield 3 of Barry, De Jong and Yaya for the vast majority of games. We were a difficult team to beat, solid, but not a free flowing attacking team. The season we won the title, we essentially swapped a defensive midfielder (De Jong) for an extra forward (Aguero).

We played with 2 defensive midfielders, 2 creative players and 2 forwards. The change in system allowed us to be a lot more fluid in attack, we created "loads more" chances and scored "loads more" goals. This wasn't directly related to Tevez being out of the team, it was down to a change in system, playing with more attacking purpose.

You cannot accuse Tevez of being directly responsible for the drop off in goals, when he came back for the last 6 games and played a huge part in winning us the title, I cannot remember the goals being particularly dried up at that point? He may have only scored 4 out of 93, but he wasn't playing for the majority of the season, so be a bit more realistic with your point.

This season we have continued to play a similar system to last, often with two forward players, 2 creative players and 2 holding. What was happening after xmas last season, and has happened this season, is teams have figured out how to negate our system. Because we have no width, teams defend incredibly narrow against us, with their back 4 and midfield sat back camped within the width of their penalty area.

Because so many of our attacks come through the middle, we have found it hard to create as many goal scoring chances as the early part of last season. That is why we have not scored as many goals, not Tevez's fault, and I'd go as far as to say that after Zabba and Nastasic he's been our best player this season.
Yes, it was exceptionally easy to do so. You've offered a counter-reason, not a compelling one as our conversion ratio too has fallen from the highest in the league to sixth:

So it's not simply all down to teams having got better at preventing us from getting chances either. We're not taking them as well. So I certainly can accuse him. He's the main, indeed only, attacking change in our team compared to last season so it would be foolish not to ask that question as so many on here are absolutely refusing to do. So many on here are simply refusing to open their mind to the possibility that Tevez doesn't actually make our team better when the reality is the best football this team has ever played was when Tevez was in Argentina. This is the reason so many people have been confused by what's panned out over the last two years. It's counter-intuitive to their opinion. However, sad day for you, that doesn't alter the facts.<br /><br />-- Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:27 am --<br /><br />
kawkav said:
Skashion said:
Must he indeed. His lack of goals is one of the main reasons we're not in the title race.

I beg to differ

his goals are the reason we are not behind chelski and rags aren't Officially the Champion
Please beg to differ by offering a better argument. Plenty of strikers have a superior goals to minute ratio and therefore Tevez is easily replaceable, as indeed, he was last season. This club does not stop rolling if Tevez leaves. Indeed, it's quite probable it will pick up some momentum as we sign somebody who allows us more options, for instance, perhaps the ability to attack with pace.
Skashion said:
Yes, it was exceptionally easy to do so. You've offered a counter-reason, not a compelling one as our conversion ratio too has fallen from the highest in the league to sixth:

So it's not simply all down to teams having got better at preventing us from getting chances either. We're not taking them as well. So I certainly can accuse him. He's the main, indeed only, attacking change in our team compared to last season so it would be foolish not to ask that question as so many on here are absolutely refusing to do. So many on here are simply refusing to open their mind to the possibility that Tevez doesn't actually make our team better when the reality is the best football this team has ever played was when Tevez was in Argentina. This is the reason so many people have been confused by what's panned out over the last two years. It's counter-intuitive to their opinion. However, sad day for you, that doesn't alter the facts.

for sure canversion rate is a much more reliable stat then goal per minut is. but this low conversion is the entire team's rate and not tevez's.
and aren't you forgetting Mario being sold when you say only attacking change

I am not trying to close my eyes to the fact that we were weak in conversion but it is unfair to blame Tevez for it.
kawkav said:
for sure canversion rate is a much more reliable stat then goal per minut is. but this low conversion is the entire team's rate and not tevez's.
and aren't you forgetting Mario being sold when you say only attacking change

I am not trying to close my eyes to the fact that we were weak in conversion but it is unfair to blame Tevez for it.
No I'm not. Not at all. For one thing I've already brought that up earlier in the thread. Secondly, that's who Tevez replaced. We didn't create an extra position and slot Tevez in as the twelfth man. If Tevez plays someone has to make room. That someone was Balotelli. However, Tevez has already played more minutes than both Balotelli and himself combined from last season, he just hasn't got the goals to show for it.

But this is the point I'm making. Why has our chance conversion ratio for the whole team fallen? Why is our whole team scoring fewer goals? Does our team work better with Tevez or not? On the whole, I think at the very least it is questionable, contrary to the reaction I've gotten on here, with the evidence erring towards not.
Taken from

Rich Vein: Carlos has now scored eight goals in his last nine appearances.

Favoured Opposition: Wigan and Chelsea are the two teams that Carlos has scored most against for City, with seven against both teams.

Direct Hit: Of all players in the Premier League to score 10 or more goals, none have a higher shooting accuracy than Carlos Tevez (55%).

Defend From The Front: Tevez has won the ball 16 times in the attacking third this season, more than any other City player.

Mirror Image: His record of 84 goals in 196 games is now identical to Cristiano Ronaldo's Premier League record.

Higlighted are the real interesting ones.....

The one about defending from the front is obvious..his work rate is exceptional

The comparrison with Ronaldo however i would never have thought especially considering how well ronaldo was playing in his last season or 2 for utd

Overall I think the tevez is a hugely key player for us. He has adapted his game to fit the role that RM wants him to play (behind the main striker a lot of the time and playing in a much more fluid system) so a lot of credit has to be given to him for that..

I hope he stays for as long as possible and when he leaves he will do so with my best wishes as he has been a great player for us.
Ragnarok said:
He is 29 so will be good only for a couple of years max. Get rid, free up wages and bring in Falcao/Cavani both of whom can play as well if not better for the next 5 years.

Don't think many would have a problem with Falcao especially replacing Tevez. But my fear is we'd let Tevez go and replace him with someone grossly inferior instead.
Skashion said:
Tevez, 11 goals in 1994 minutes = 181 minutes per goal
Aguero, 10 goals in 1669 minutes = 166.9 minutes per goal
Dzeko, 12 goals in 1431 minutes = 123.4 minutes per goal

Tevez has not had a great season by any stretch or bounds of the imagination and yet we must keep him apparently.

Spot on. Mancini's criticism of our forwards this season is totally justified.

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