Carlos Tevez Must Stay

Bobbies Black Bins said:
I agree we should make it first priority to sign Carlos for another 3 years but I can't see him staying. I think he will want a move.

He's given no hint of wanting to leave since he came back into the fold over 12 months ago. He has 12 months or more left on contract, I personally would like to see that extended.
Its not just about the goals he scores its the drive and inspiration he gives to the team, the closing down of opponents and the tone he sets. In my view City tend to play well when they pass at a high tempo, there is no one better at setting that tempo than Carlos.
blueyorkie said:
Its not just about the goals he scores its the drive and inspiration he gives to the team, the closing down of opponents and the tone he sets. In my view City tend to play well when they pass at a high tempo, there is no one better at setting that tempo than Carlos.

Bang on mate. I've do find it funny that he's judged primarily on the goals he's scored when as a footballer he offers so much more to the team. I think he's almost certain to get a new contract at City, and even if he doesn't, I think City will be happy to have him for the final 12 months of his contract as he's such a valuable player to have in your squad.

Have to give credit to Mancini for reintegrating him into the squad and credit to Carlos for going from 4th choice striker to arguably 1st/2nd choice with the performances he has given.
Skashion said:
Shaelumstash said:
So you think us "scoring loads" last season is directly related to Tevez "barely playing", and him "playing loads" is directly related to us "not scoring as much" this season, and you have the temerity to question my logic?!

Now listen closely, because you might learn something. In the season before we won the title we played the majority of the season with Tevez as a lone striker and had a midfield 3 of Barry, De Jong and Yaya for the vast majority of games. We were a difficult team to beat, solid, but not a free flowing attacking team. The season we won the title, we essentially swapped a defensive midfielder (De Jong) for an extra forward (Aguero).

We played with 2 defensive midfielders, 2 creative players and 2 forwards. The change in system allowed us to be a lot more fluid in attack, we created "loads more" chances and scored "loads more" goals. This wasn't directly related to Tevez being out of the team, it was down to a change in system, playing with more attacking purpose.

You cannot accuse Tevez of being directly responsible for the drop off in goals, when he came back for the last 6 games and played a huge part in winning us the title, I cannot remember the goals being particularly dried up at that point? He may have only scored 4 out of 93, but he wasn't playing for the majority of the season, so be a bit more realistic with your point.

This season we have continued to play a similar system to last, often with two forward players, 2 creative players and 2 holding. What was happening after xmas last season, and has happened this season, is teams have figured out how to negate our system. Because we have no width, teams defend incredibly narrow against us, with their back 4 and midfield sat back camped within the width of their penalty area.

Because so many of our attacks come through the middle, we have found it hard to create as many goal scoring chances as the early part of last season. That is why we have not scored as many goals, not Tevez's fault, and I'd go as far as to say that after Zabba and Nastasic he's been our best player this season.
Yes, it was exceptionally easy to do so. You've offered a counter-reason, not a compelling one as our conversion ratio too has fallen from the highest in the league to sixth:

So it's not simply all down to teams having got better at preventing us from getting chances either. We're not taking them as well. So I certainly can accuse him. He's the main, indeed only, attacking change in our team compared to last season so it would be foolish not to ask that question as so many on here are absolutely refusing to do. So many on here are simply refusing to open their mind to the possibility that Tevez doesn't actually make our team better when the reality is the best football this team has ever played was when Tevez was in Argentina. This is the reason so many people have been confused by what's panned out over the last two years. It's counter-intuitive to their opinion. However, sad day for you, that doesn't alter the facts.

Are you actually a human being, or instead some kind of German engineered robot that can only compute statistics? What you don't take in to account is that "chances created" and "chances converted" are by nature subjective statistics. It is not factual, like say how many throw ins we had, or the time of the first corner. What a German robot would consider a "chance" an Italian human being might consider "possession on the edge of the box, and you should have passed".

I see time and time again City have possession 30 yards from goals with 15 players between the ball and the goal and people shouting "Shoooooooooot!" If for example Yaya then shoots and it hits the defender on the leg, is that considered a missed chance? I don't give a fuck what OPTA says, I am more than capable of watching a game and analysing it myself.

Do you think Fergurson and Mancini look at OPTA's "chances created" stats and agonise over how they can be improved? No, do they fuck. They watch the game, and if Tevez, or Rooney, or whoever miss an absolute sitter one on one, they go bezerk. If Yaya or Carrick shoot wide from 30 yards they don't go bezerk because they've missed a sitter do they? They might be furious that they've chosen the wrong option however, and think they should have passed. Every "chance created" or "chance missed" is completely different and can't be compared against each other.

Stick your stats up your cold, steel, engineered arse, open your eyes and actually watch the game.
Carlos is getting back to his best because of his game time. He needs to play week in week out and we'll be champions again no doubt about that.
Even with our loss today, Tevez was outstanding yet again.
Just a shame he didn't have Aguero or Silva to link up with today, those 3 read each other like a book, it's beautiful to watch.

Get him a new contract.
Awesome,a born winner.

We need more players with similar character not less.

Unlike some,he earns his wages.
FantasyIreland said:
Awesome,a born winner.

We need more players with similar character not less.

Unlike some,he earns his wages.

bang on FI.
look, fuck the stats anyone who knows good football can see carlos is a fantastic footballer and in this form you would want him in your starting lineup every game.
I judge our players not only on their performances but on the number of times I find myself cursing bad play.
I cant remember the last time I moaned about a bad pass/shot piece of play from carlos.
This man breeds confidence and im totally at ease when he has the ball in any situation knowing hes not going to lose it/give it away unlike dzeko.

I would be very happy if he stays and have forgiven him for his munich woes.
he has got his head down rode the storm and put in a lot of great performances

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