Carlos Tevez sticks to his guns over leaving Manchester City

Exeter Blue I am here said:
Whilst Joorabchian is an undoubted cnut of the first order, I'm not convinced that Tevez has any intention of staying. His recent body language simply suggests otherwise. The double handed wave on being substituted, the hasty removal of his shirt from his mouth after scoring that free kick on Tuesday (almost as if he realised immediately that putting it in there in the first place might be misconstrued as demonstarting committment to the club), the very pointed kissing of an Argentina badge on his shin pad, and the wearing of an Argentina flag around his neck as he climbed the Wembley steps, but the prompt and simultaneous discarding of two City scarves that were placed around his neck by supporters. None of it conclusive of course, but all indicative. I love the bloke as a player and for what he's given to the club whilst he's been here, but off the field I think he's the same manipulative little chiseller he's always been, and if Madrid or Milan don't come up with a bid, then I fully expect Tevez to start forcing the issue with more of that old 'retirement' bollocks. Watch this space.
Yep - was not at all enamoured by his treatment of those scarves especially the Neil Young one - obviously doesn´t give two hoots about a City legend - something unfortunately he´ll never be due to the greed of him and others in his entourage. Personally I would make him stay one more season and give him the assurance of a move 12 months down the line. He has to realise that
a) we paid a shedload for him and we are paying him equal amounts
b) he has a contract with us
c) he cannot be so easily replaced
d) we are at major crossroads moment in our history with CL and title to challenge for next season
e) as a club we have done everything to accommodate his needs re his family etc

One more year Carlos, one more - you owe it us
I would say Mancini is telling the the truth and Tevez does WANT to stay, but he has to go due too family ties, so might not.

I am still of the opinion that Tevez is one of the best strikers in the world at the moment, and I would be sad to see him go, but if he does, we must and will kick on. No matter what the press want to make out, we are more than a one man team.
Hopefully he will come out and say what he's doing not long after the Bolton game, so we can get a move on with a replacement or give Jo another season to prove himself ;)
The cookie monster said:
bluethai said:
Which family?

£200'000 a week and he's buying her shit from river island.

Never mind that, he's got bird shit on his jeans.
Tevez has got years left on his contract! never mnd discussing where he wants to go? Mancini will tell him if, where and when he can leave!

Come on Tevez get a grip your already at the most exciting club in Europe!

Captain, Won a Cup, In Champions League, Massive Wages! No Excuses Tevez! Stay and be a legend! Leave and be a legend that let us down!
oakiecokie said:
I`m assuming that all these so called City fans who claim they "couldn`t care less" if he went,have NO children of their own and therefore have no knowledge of what its like being away from them,especially at their very young age.
I couldn`t begin to understand what it must be like for Carlos, so for that reason alone,I would be happy for him to leave and to enjoy seeing his little ones on a more daily basis.

should have thought of his kids when he was spraying his seed around
This whole "family" argument from Tevez is a fucking joke imho, I don't believe for a second that this is the real reason.

And when he ends up in Spain or Italy that will have proven the point. If he wants to be with his family than there is only one option and that is going back to Argentina or Brazil, if he wants to be closer to them.

Unless of course his family would move to Spain or Italy... but why would his ex partner, the mother of his children do that considering that Tevez has had multiple affairs already and they separated?

IMHO this whole thing is about Kia and Kia only. Kia wants Tevez to move on and cash in on the millions again, before Tevez gets too old and loses too much value.

I mentioned this earlier but I fucking HATE the way Tevez has this club by the balls seemingly. Yes we might not be as good with him, but I am sure we could adapt to a "life" without Tevez and get someone like Aguero, Sanchez or similar who does not come with an absolute **** of an Adviser.

If Tevez wants to stay, we should start working on severing him from Kia, the guy is nothing but poison.
zeven said:
Now im starting to get tired of this Tevez saga.

You're tired??!! That goes for the vast majority - this will happen time and again if we keep him.

The next bargaining chip from Tevez camp will be his own private jet at his disposal on perminent standby for family connections.

Tevez is a good player, but not a great one and certainly can be replaced. Let's face it, he's not a regular in his Country's team.

My feeling has always been that he showed his true colours last autumn. He thinks he's bigger than City and certainly too good for his team mates (who respond in kind by always trying to pass to him irrespective of whether or not its approriate). The only reason he's even willing to consider staying is because we got 4th spot - otherwise it'd be 'kiss the badge and off'.
I will never trust him now. What we need is x11 zabaleta mentalities out there - then we'll have a team...................
Christ has he ever pulled a half decent looking bird?

He is contracted to us. We have the power not him.

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