CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

Sorry if already posted among the scores of posts I've had to skip to get this far but Mackenna's twitter page is a sight to behold.

Ewan MacKenna

As for actual ruling on Manchester City? Hilarious, unsurprising and, as with a lot around them, can be summed up by Big Ern McCracken. "All l know is, l finally got enough money that l can buy my way out of anything. l can do anything l want! Finally, Big Ern is above the law!"

Ewan MacKenna

That some Manchester City fans see this as a game, and come after journalists who have tried to highlight the mass murder of their backers and board shows just how far they've gone and been indoctrinated. That CAS ruling isn't a point back or suddenly making the above alright...

If this bitter cunnt's lies aren't enough for City to go legal on him they never will.

He needs to stay away from dogs..
Who’s ‘we’? This is an investigation by UEFA ruled on by CAS - unless he’s telling us what we all know, that the Spanish League (and other Europeans/English clubs) have conspired together in this matter?
Strange that FIFA, IOC, WADA and other sports bodies are quite happy with CAS as the final court of appeal.
Just a point; but could this case hanging over the club effected the performance of the team on the pitch ? I know it shouldn’t but something hanging over you or your employer and future COULD possibly explain the on the pitch performance.

On the plus side if it did, it might just be that from now on this year we might see the team kick on big time - performance in the FA cup and champions league up a couple of levels maybe.
Ahh up steps Miguel Delaney in his Independent article with this..

"City have ultimately got off on a technicality, as indicated by the use of the words “time-barred”, and merely the fine reduced. The suggestions the club have been “completely exonerated” are not quite true."

he's technically right, they're not quite true, they're completely true.
Ahh up steps Miguel Delaney in his Independent article with this..

"City have ultimately got off on a technicality, as indicated by the use of the words “time-barred”, and merely the fine reduced. The suggestions the club have been “completely exonerated” are not quite true."

As predictable as ever.

It's almost like he hasn't even read the CAS statement, and had his response written in advance.

F*cking glorified Russia Today hack!

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