Well-Known Member
Someone posted this on red cafe lol lol lol
love that place !!
oday at 16:27
Full Member
A dark day for football. A really dark day that could have massive significance for the future.
Seeing Liverpool win the league hurt and fueled my desire to see United improve. Seeing Peps last title and horrible cup final humiliation of Watford was incredibly hollow. I didn’t feel anything other than sad for the sport. Their celebrations might as well have been in a Covid era for how pathetic they were.
It’s hollow, it’s empty and it could ruin the sport in the long term. Its blown the door off the hinges now and a proper team like Sheffield United will miss out on a potential CL place to accomodate cheaters.
The pain of seeing rivals do well fuels the sport. The emptiness and apathy of seeing a country cheat to dominate could kill it.
love that place !!
oday at 16:27
Full Member
A dark day for football. A really dark day that could have massive significance for the future.
Seeing Liverpool win the league hurt and fueled my desire to see United improve. Seeing Peps last title and horrible cup final humiliation of Watford was incredibly hollow. I didn’t feel anything other than sad for the sport. Their celebrations might as well have been in a Covid era for how pathetic they were.
It’s hollow, it’s empty and it could ruin the sport in the long term. Its blown the door off the hinges now and a proper team like Sheffield United will miss out on a potential CL place to accomodate cheaters.
The pain of seeing rivals do well fuels the sport. The emptiness and apathy of seeing a country cheat to dominate could kill it.