CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

Bosses are looking forward to the CAS explanations, believe it will tell a few more home truths.

I can't believe the number of inaccuracies spouted by that guy on SkySports at the top of each hour.

At no stage has anyone recognised the actual main charge of inflating sponsorship was completely dismissed.

This clown even stated David Silva will probably stay now.

Even Mrs Daze spotted that one! Says a lot about so called professional commentators
What did he say?

Hate him as a player but I have found him to be generally tolerable as a pundit and did actually expect him to be more objective in his remarks, to be honest.

He blames the incompetence of Uefa for the outcome rather than the fact we were innocent. Which I don’t agree with. But his views on FFP are sound - owners should spend what they can afford
I especially like the thick fucks, and I include professionals in there who really should know better, who are linking the ‘didn’t fully cooperate’ with certain issues being time bound thus suggesting that we’ve not cooperated to ‘drag it out’ thereby ensuring the time limits were breached.
This country really does need to invest in a much better education system as people seem unable to grasp concepts which are easier than simple. Unless there are suddenly a raft of job opportunities involving piss-boiling, they’re doomed....

Those responsible for recruiting them need to be seriously questioned too,
Bosses are looking forward to the CAS explanations, believe it will tell a few more home truths.

I can't believe the number of inaccuracies spouted by that guy on SkySports at the top of each hour.

At no stage has anyone recognised the actual main charge of inflating sponsorship was completely dismissed.

This clown even stated David Silva will probably stay now.


I think the delay is brilliant. CAS have inadvertently given the media 4 or 5 days worth of rope, and they are hanging themselves en masse, writing up their angry, bitter responses and opining on morality without even seeing the reasons.

Even the normally sensible, like Henry Winter, haven't managed to keep their powder dry for just a couple of days until they got the reasoning.

I feel quite confident that 90% of the articles written today will be completely wrong factually by Saturday.
I have to hold my hands up. I've worked in newspapers for almost 40 years now ... including working with the sports desks at The Sun, The Daily Star, The Expess and the Mirror among others, as well as all the football mags ... and never really subscribed to the idea that there was a deliberate, coordinated bias against City. It seemed to me that papers, traditionally, would just seize on whatever the big story was and pursue it, regardless of the personal loyalties of individual journos and editors. But the coverage of City and FPP, compounded by the reaction to the CAS ruling today, has been eye-opening. I don't know whether it is tribal, or hubris and a refusal to concede that they were wrong ... or more depressingly, just plain old racism and xenophobia ... but the vitriol and antipathy towards our club across swathes of UK print media is irrefutable. Hands held up.

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