CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

Very likely dead. Wouldn't waste energy worrying about it now.

There is limitation. The limitation is 6 years. All PL disputes covered by English Law. Limitation Act 1980 = 6 years.

Yeah, I’m not in the least bit concerned myself. Similarly, this talk of various clubs getting UEFA to take it to the Swiss courts. You explained yourself last week that getting a CAS decision overturned is nigh on impossible because, presumably, CAS very rarely get it wrong. If it turns out that City won this case on multiple fronts then I can’t see how UEFA can go anywhere with it. I suppose they could say “Ok, we’ll do it but all you clubs can foot the cost!”
If Ceferin was really looking to cut the cartel off at the knee, and try and push forward with his agenda and move away from this weak position, the obvious short-term major way of starting a fix is getting us holding the Champions League aloft in Lisbon.

Us being cleared and winning the CL in the same summer really dents the cartel's ability to push back on us, and logically it's what UEFA actually need to finally start moving on from this, us so big and strong that they have to give it up (Apart from the few outliers who we take on outside of this whole sphere cos they won't give it up, but they'll soon realise the folly)
Well this is just about as defamatory as it gets. Clearly this channel can't afford their own lawyers. Dave Kitson has just finished his chances of ever getting the PFA job. At one point he accuses City of dragging the process out by not complying with CAS! He essentially accuses Pep of lying. His quote being: "I don't believe a single word Pep has said." Chris Sutton looked astonished. Where has this narrative come about City dragging their feet. UEFA launched their investigation at the last minute after pressure from Cartel clubs. How is that our fault? We made it clear we would not co-operate with them and go directly to CAS. Why would any organisation supply confidential financial information to a corrupt body whch was leaking it to the media and our business rivals?

Who is that ginger **** ?
I listened to the Guardian Football Weekly's FFP/CAS special so you don't have to.

Here's a summary of what was said.

Panja - Charles Flint QC was the driving force behind whether the ban stood up at UEFA's end and this is being seen as very bad for him.

Panja - UEFA checked with in-house counsel and outside lawyers if they could go ahead with the 5 year limits and they decided yes. Apparently he spoke to "one of the architects of this rule" who said it was a bit vague but pretty black and white, and someone else said "there was a race against time to get it filed in May 2019 before the deadline".

Ronay - Doesn't want to buy into conspiracy theories, but the incompetence of the ban, and the excessive ban (2 years for £40m and some lying) makes him think there was a vindictive element.

Ronay wants everyone to know he doesn't give a shit about FFP and what's the point of stopping people who are good for the money investing. He's more interested in state ownership and sponsorship. Panja points to the fact we only have Abu Dhabi sponsors because of FFP - if it wasn't brought in, we wouldn't need so many AD based sponsors.

Both talk about how can you become competitive in football without investment.

Panja - FFP is being reviewed at UEFA. They were waiting for the City dispute to be over before announcing it so as to not be seen to be doing it to catch City (echoes of Annex 11).

Barry + Ronay both think the PL will do nothing.

Part 2 is a self styled existential debate about why we love football and what FFP, state ownership and the modern game have to do with it. There's not much worthwhile in there.

Panja - UEFA are thinking of limiting the number of professional footballers at a club so Juventus & Chelsea can't horde the good young promising players. And when those players show promise and improve, they get bought for proper sums of money. Also proposing a luxury tax, so if you overspend you pay a tax that is redistributed to rivals.

Part 3

Begins with why CAS exists, is it fit? Is Tebas a loon?

Was Football leaks a force for good? Barney - Probably, the more stuff that's held up to the light, the better. Not just City.

What next for City?

Barney - Eulogises about City for a few minutes. Good model in sporting terms, not hollywood, don't buy the very best players in the world, play wonderful football, represent what we love to see on the pitch. Convinced we will win CL, he hopes against PSG in the final just to piss off UEFA.

They talk about if we'll spend big in the summer, say nah not really. Barry thinks players might be tiring of Pep and need freshening up. We need a CB. Barney thinks we need a new Fernandinho and maybe a CF.

Will we spend big? Barney says that ironically what football really needs right now is a big investment. Panja agrees, we would be the saviour of the football market if we pumped some money in and got things going.

Then they talk about United-Southampton, Leicester being in trouble, Wycombe etc. for 5 minutes.

In summary, I actually don't think either Barney Ronay or Panja specifically don't like City, or they've been incredibly restrained if they do. Neither is that upset by the verdict, neither thinks it's a bad day for football etc. Barney is just a professional cynic/misanthrope at this point and just doesn't like modern football, and we're as modern football as it gets.

Panja seems like he's not bothered particularly but clearly he gets all his info from UEFA so that informs his articles and makes him the indirect spokesman of people who hate us.

They're not Miguel Delaney or Nick Harris, lets put it that way.
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The whole of your post is absolutely true, regrettably, and the bolded point gets to the heart of it. People have made up their minds that City cheated so now they have no interest in the details of the case. Forget that we were punished for past breaches and entered into a settlement/reporting regime that should have put them to bed. Forget that we had to endure a process featuring apparently spurious allegations deriving from the period covered by the settlement and reporting regime. No, they know we're guilty, even if they can't quite put their finger on how or why, so we have to be punished. The facts are irrelevant for these people.

On my Twitter timeline this morning, I've witnessed a conversation between two law professors (FFS!) talking about how this case shows that governing bodies need to be careful in their drafting of limitation provisions to ensure that they can go after past breaches. Now, they could be right, but they may very well not be. My strong suspicion is that the time-barred allegations will be practically identical to those with respect to which CAS found for City on the merits and we therefore didn't simply escape punishment on a timing technicality. As I say, I may be wrong on that but the point here is that you have two people who should fucking well know a lot better leaping, spurred on by their own bias, to a conclusion based on a short press statement rather than waiting for the full judgment.

It's been a contention of many City fans for ages that we're up against an onslaught led by rivals determined to do anything to stop us in our tracks, supported by a supine media deploying a welter of what these days seems to be called 'fake news' (I prefer the old-school term 'lies') to dupe the masses. Some, including me for a while, were sceptical about this or at least about the extent of it. No more, because since Monday's verdict we've seen the full measure of what we're up against in all its grotesque ugliness.

Let them bring it on, I say. In 45 years of following City, I've always felt that our fans are at their best when up against it, especially when we have a manager to rally behind who 'gets' that underdog mentality. For all the wonderful things Guardiola has brought us, we perhaps haven't had that since Mancini, but I've been delighted with Pep's reaction this week. So let's all of us now band together (club, fans, management and players) and create a siege mentality. Every win sticks it to these c*nts who are desperate to do us down, so let's all focus on that and glory in every achievement that we know will only hurt them.
The best post of 2020.
If the "Hateful Eight" have any evidence to support their suspicions, why not come forward with it?
If it is just suspicions, why don't the governing bodies just tell them to back off? "They must be guilty of something" doesn't really mean anything.
They are the ones actually bringing the game into disrepute with undue influencing of a governing body.

As in life, you can believe/suspect what you want. But unless you have some form of proof, you really need to keep it to yourself. Smear campaigns soon turn ugly.
I think City have up to now tried to ignore most of it in the belief that you cannot fight the world. People believe what they want to believe.

However, i now believe that it is time fight back. I think this should be done by targeting the worse offenders. The people emboldened by our lack of action. The people who have tested the water and seen no reaction. This has then lead them to make fatal mistakes.
These fatal mistakes will make for very short legal actions.
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Issues over academy players over spending and some contract issues , however, this has been ongoing for seven years and can't help feeling that they were waiting for the CAS verdict if we'd been found guilty think they would have waded in but now think it may disappear altogether.

7 years you say? Coincidentally it's also 7 years since the dippers hacked into City's scouting database and this year the FA and Premier League declined to investigate further because it was out of time.
Just wanted to bring some attention to this excellent thread from Ahsan Naeem (93:20 Podcast) summarising where we are now. All of this has been discussed in this thread, but this is a tidy review extending back to early analysis of UEFA bringing the charges at all (and the folly of it that many pointed out from the beginning).


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