CAS judgement: UEFA ban overturned, City exonerated (report out p603)

It was generally accepted that Etihad was fair value. Not sure about Etisalat but the worst case scenario was they'd have reduced our income by a few million. I've no idea if they made any adjustment to our first FFP assessment to be honest. Made little difference if they did.

The whole related party issue would only be relevant if we were claiming they were and UEFA were arguing they weren't. Which we weren't.

But if the whole ffp thing ended up in court, at another time, after yet another dirty trick, wouldn't we want to be claiming Etihad etc were not a related party & UEFA were not playing fair by insisting they were ?
I know each side chooses an arbitrator, what are the odds an arbitrator put forward would find against the side that selected them? Because how come UEFA’s chosen guy found in their favour on all points, even though the majority speak in such unequivocal terms about the lack of evidence especially on the Etihad charges? I thought they are still supposed to be impartial, so how does it actually work in reality? Is it a case of City/UEFA doing the research to find an arbitrator they believe will side with their interpretations or is there more to it than that?
50-50 I'd say.

They're arbitrators, they're not picked to represent us or because we think they'll do us a favour. I'm still not convinced what this 'majority' wording means in actual fact.
I've attended a few press conferences at City and I’m always struck by how utterly childish the press pack are - they are like kids on a school trip. No respect, no decorum and utterly unprofessional pretty much all of them.
It has long since been known as the "Street of Shame." Although the press office can now be be somebodies bedroom I suppose the rat pack persona is still rife.
This is a really good piece of proper journalism in respect of the 2014 settlement agreement.
Conn was actually quite good on this until relatively recently, when he seems to have gone rogue, like some Blade Runner replicant. He was just about the only one who had this information, which appears to have been well sourced. He actually added something to the background and understanding of the 2014 settlement. But there's a bit of innuendo in there, as there always seems to be with his City stories
50-50 I'd say.

They're arbitrators, they're not picked to represent us or because we think they'll do us a favour. I'm still not convinced what this 'majority' wording means in actual fact.

But it’s surely not a coincidence City’s selected arbitrator seemed to side with us on all points and the same for UEFA and their selection? I find it hard to believe both parties got lucky with their selection, must be more to it than that but I don’t know the exact details and can’t find anything about it online
No the whole panel could concur. Notably the majority also applied to the comments (at least) on the cooperation charge. Strangely, few have mentioned that

They also mostly rejected the points put forward by City on the first day...delightfully ignored by the conspiracy theorists
Conn was actually quite good on this until relatively recently, when he seems to have gone rogue, like some Blade Runner replicant. He was just about the only one who had this information, which appears to have been well sourced. He actually added something to the background and understanding of the 2014 settlement. But there's a bit of innuendo in there, as there always seems to be with his City stories
It seems impossible that you can go from penning something like this, which is balanced and makes no sensationalist claims, to being such a vitriolic snake.
How are CAS decisions made? Do the arbitrators discuss things out and come to a conclusion after a vote a bit like a jury?
As PB points out he was using information that was not general knowledge, can it be assumed that it was released by somebody close to City. It does not explain why the volte face in his recent musings.

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