Keep seeing leaflets about the dangers of a cashless society. Will it be that bad if we go totally digital?
what I do know is the banks will be all for it. Just consider a second the cost of maintaining a cash infrastructure: cost of maintaining cash in circulation + reserves with Bank of England, cost of replacing old worn out notes (less since they went polymer), cost of security in Bank Branches, cost of cash centres who clean the notes and redistribute (they can either be owned by the banks or outsourced), the cost of the ATM fleet - capital and maintenance, the cost of transportation of cash to and from the network (our old pals G4S and others) and ATM fleet, cost of insurance, cost of processing customer cash....
Its not like if the amount in circulation reduces by 25% the cost of the infrastructure also reduces by similar amount either. You have to maintain the infrastructure until the last notes are withdrawn. With Banks and Supermarkets for a cashless society, that is a pretty powerful lobby.
Whilst electronic crime might be greater in value than cash crime (I honestly dont know) cash crime is at the dirty end of the scale, drugs especially, slavery, prostitution not to mention armed robbery. Being in a bank branch that has been raided is not fun. A cashless society would not eliminate all these crimes but it would help reduce them.
It will happen. Maybe not 5 years from now but in many of our lifetimes it will happen. Most folk will adjust fairly easily.