Cat Vs Dog

Maybe his second name is Rao? Probably one of these guys trying to offload the club to us for a quick sale!

Robbiejd said:
Vinjay said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
I'm talking for me and the number of other people who think that's exactly what you are.

Rovers fans are going to kill you are they? well if you're going to play that card then you have to tell everything or shut up about it, don't cry wolf unless you're going to back it up.

There's plenty of other decent clubs, both nationally and local that are decent clubs with decent fans and decently run, but conveniently you picked us as we happen to be the best at the moment, funny that.

Finally, people not renewing at Rovers purely because they got relegated imo are arses, as there are things more important than footy, the club is also more important than owners and managers.

as for the rest of them? how many are you talking about? the whole fanbase? those in one stand or another? two can play that game.

You act like a martyr, either fucking back it up or shut up, you're not a blue and if all you wanted was to support a genuine club and not be a glory hunter then you'd support Oldham or Rochdale or Bury first, not City.

Well they haven't tried to kill me yet wouldn't put it past them though.

You're right there are more important things than football. I was miserable for the last 6 years I supported Rovers but I stayed. There comes a point when enough is enough. Most of the fans who are refusing to go next season have been miserable for a year and half. Less than a year really because the major protests started early last season. That's all its taken for loads of them to now say they are walking out. Of course they will be more than happy to go flocking back the moment they get new owners.

I'm not interested in supporting Oldham or Bury. I admit that. There's a lot of people who support City in those areas I guess Oldham, Bury and Stockport were not big enough for some?

I've always thought highly of City fans and the club that isn't something new for me. I've said that the 6-1 was a reason because I hate United. Well it was by far my football highlight of the past few years (with the exception being last month) and it was a big reason I started watching games again. It got to the point I was barely watching football at all until that game happened. Virtually straight afterwards someone I've known most of my life asked me to go to some City games with him.

So I agreed and that was my starting point. If it had been Chelsea, Arsenal or Liverpool would I have gone? I might have gone but I wouldn't have stayed. I don't even like the fans at those clubs.

If City were still a midtable club but everything else was the same would I still have gone to some games? Yes I can say that 100%. You don't know me better than I know myself. Who's to say I wouldn't have stayed then? Its always been a great club with great fans that's why Sheik Mansour bought it. This whole "typical city" thing was abolished in 1999 the way I see it. Since then its been virtually all uphill and becoming established in the top flight again. That's not **** as some refer to it.

If England do well in the Euros I really couldn't care less. I'm English it does not mean I'm going to support them. There has to be some kind of connection I've never faked my feelings. The closest thing to fake with me was continuing to go to Ewood when my heart was no longer in it. That's what years of abuse and lies does. I'm not claiming to be a martyr but I'm not being accused of showing them no loyalty when that isn't true. They never showed the slightest bit of loyalty to me. Only hypocrisy.

Not going to repeat myself again and again. If you don't like it you're just going to have to get used to it. The club is going to get fans who will walk out if the club goes a couple of years without winning anything. I'm 100% certain I'm more of a City fan than any of them will be. What would you rather have people like that or people with my background?

Oh and why did I support Blackburn? Because I live there (not something that will be the case for much longer hopefully.) They had just finished 13th when I started supporting them and only looked like title challengers for the first few months I supported them. Then they got relegated (and yes I stayed league position was never a factor) and got promoted again after 2 seasons. Up until 04/05 I supported them 100% its all been downhill since then from a respect/trust standpoint where their fans are concerned. The fact is I don't like them and I don't trust them and that's why I stopped supporting them. Would have left regardless of whether I ended up here or not.

Lets get this back on topic. If you still have a problem with me why not send a PM or petition the club to ban me or something. I'm not going to keep writing responses like this everytime someone brings up my past.

As long as you can make us laugh and are not a twat then you are welcome !

From now on you are a blue !

talking of speaking for everyone else...

He's about as much a blue as Carlos Tevez's 3 iron.
Vinjay said:
Nobody made death threats at me. I'm saying that they could have tried to kill me and the likes of you would probably still see me as the villain who walked out on them. Never going to be universally popular can accept that. That was an extreme example to use they never quite got to murder attempts. I was being a bit "tongue in cheek" suggesting there would be they certainly gave me a ton of abuse I didn't deserve. Not to mention belittling and running down their club at every opportunity and castigating me for doing the opposite.

Like I said lets not ruin this thread. Anyone who wants to abuse me why not do it via PM or just forget about it?

I don't have to justify leaving Rovers to anybody. My only regret is I didn't do it sooner. It would have happened regardless of whether I ended up here or not.

abuse? christ you sound like didactic.

So what? they called you names and shouted swear words at you did they? christ I've seen blokes have a near on full fist fight over Gelson fucking Fernandes, you may want to look him up gloryhunter.
Cats are evil bastards while dogs are playfull and bags of energy. I pick a dog over a cat. I have had both a cat and a dog. The cat was a nightmare when i was younger. Sitting on your lap digging there fucking claws into your legs. The evil bastards. I was delighted when that cat died. And those out doors cats should be fucking shot. No cat should be aloud outdoors. If they are they should have fucking nappies on them. As if i find any more cat shit in my garden I will kill that bastard of a cat. Fucking nightmare they are. If I find cat shit in my garden i fuck it back into the cats garden the dirty fucks. leave out a fucking tray for the cats.

Dogs just piss all over them. A well trained dog just kicks ass compared to cats. Always happy to see you unlike cats they wont fucking jump out from nowhere and put the shits up you. Give me a dog any day.
leighton said:
Cats are evil bastards while dogs are playfull and bags of energy. I pick a dog over a cat. I have had both a cat and a dog. The cat was a nightmare when i was younger. Sitting on your lap digging there fucking claws into your legs. The evil bastards. I was delighted when that cat died. And those out doors cats should be fucking shot. No cat should be aloud outdoors. If they are they should have fucking nappies on them. As if i find any more cat shit in my garden I will kill that bastard of a cat. Fucking nightmare they are. If I find cat shit in my garden i fuck it back into the cats garden the dirty fucks. leave out a fucking tray for the cats.

Dogs just piss all over them. A well trained dog just kicks ass compared to cats. Always happy to see you unlike cats they wont fucking jump out from nowhere and put the shits up you. Give me a dog any day.

why the hell did you pick Tiger then?
JoeMercer'sWay said:
leighton said:
Cats are evil bastards while dogs are playfull and bags of energy. I pick a dog over a cat. I have had both a cat and a dog. The cat was a nightmare when i was younger. Sitting on your lap digging there fucking claws into your legs. The evil bastards. I was delighted when that cat died. And those out doors cats should be fucking shot. No cat should be aloud outdoors. If they are they should have fucking nappies on them. As if i find any more cat shit in my garden I will kill that bastard of a cat. Fucking nightmare they are. If I find cat shit in my garden i fuck it back into the cats garden the dirty fucks. leave out a fucking tray for the cats.

Dogs just piss all over them. A well trained dog just kicks ass compared to cats. Always happy to see you unlike cats they wont fucking jump out from nowhere and put the shits up you. Give me a dog any day.

why the hell did you pick Tiger then?

Tiger is a cool bastard who banged everything in sight he just gets away with it.
leighton said:
Cats are evil bastards while dogs are playfull and bags of energy. I pick a dog over a cat. I have had both a cat and a dog. The cat was a nightmare when i was younger. Sitting on your lap digging there fucking claws into your legs. The evil bastards. I was delighted when that cat died. And those out doors cats should be fucking shot. No cat should be aloud outdoors. If they are they should have fucking nappies on them. As if i find any more cat shit in my garden I will kill that bastard of a cat. Fucking nightmare they are. If I find cat shit in my garden i fuck it back into the cats garden the dirty fucks. leave out a fucking tray for the cats.

Dogs just piss all over them. A well trained dog just kicks ass compared to cats. Always happy to see you unlike cats they wont fucking jump out from nowhere and put the shits up you. Give me a dog any day.

LOL, dogs attack kids and hurt them, dogs are dirty horrible bastards who shit all over you paths (down to the owners walking them)

Cats are the best.

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