Cat Vs Dog

Vinjay said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Vinjay said:
Its a FACELESS FORUM for crying out loud what have I got to gain from making stuff up? You're the one claiming to speak for everyone through a forum not even used by the majority of City fans. That's a little bit less than honest (still a lot more honest than most Rovers fans though)

so now you're deliberately ignoring my posts, whilst still dodging every legitimate question I put to you?

p.s. with the amount of meet-ups by genuine Blues on here, it's hardly faceless, unless of course you have something to hide.

The majority of users on here probably haven't attended a single meet up. Even if you add all the reasonably active ones together I doubt most of them have attended any Blue Moon gatherings. I did receive PM's to meet in a City Centre location for the QPR game but I preferred to be closer to the stadium (I was as close as you can get to being inside in the last few minutes and ultimately I did get in at FT)

What questions have I dodged wasn't my second to last post a lengthy enough response? All I've seen is accusations.

The last time I was at Ewood (other than passing through that area of town numerous times) almost got arrested so what sense would it make me going back there? Despite my negative feelings towards the fans (and the fact my heart wouldn't be in it because of them) I'm certainly not pro Kean/Venkys by any means. The one person associated with Blackburn Rovers I've truly felt sorry for over the last few years is Jack Walker. I showed more loyalty to him than his ingrate family has. Infact they are probably the only ones who have made no comment on the current situation at Ewood. Sums them up.

City is where I am now and its where I intend to be indefinitely. I haven't cut out all feeling for Rovers which is why I still argue with their fans from time to time (you don't spend years supporting a club and just forget about them overnight) but I have virtually no desire to go to Ewood. I'll probably stay away even if City play there anytime soon just want to get away from the town for good.

Who did you support before Blackburn?
Cheadle Blue said:
i love cats and dogs. but you don't have to follow your cat with a little bag, and pick up a great steaming heap from outside your neighbours house, while trying not to barf. you know the neighbours are watching out of the window, in hope that you are going to pick it up, but also hoping you do barf, cos that would be hilarious. my mrs had to look after her sisters dog for a week, while she was on holiday (at our house) within 5 minutes of arriving, it parked the smelliest sloppiest shite you have ever seen / smelt in your lives. The mrs had to go out and pick it up!!! i have never laughed so much in my life. she must have made at least 15 attempts to get within 5 feet of it without puking, let alone actually get her hands on it....

That's because cats are let out to do theirs in other peoples gardens which they have to clean up.
Vinjay said:

I can't help but hold the opinion that you are the type of gloryhunting fan that no 'proper' fan can fully respect.

How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? And, when did you start 'supporting' Rovers? Please don't tell me the year you won the Premier League?

As JMW has said, despite gloryhunters not being well respected, providing they were honest enough to admit they were one, they would gain more respect than you. I find it hard to believe that it's just coincidence that you've suddenly switched allegiances from your recently relegated club to the recently crowned Premier League Champions.

Proper supporters stick with their clubs through thick & thin. Look at how City have regularly been dredged through shit, loitering around the old Division Two and playing the likes of York & Mansfield.

Look at me. I'm an Oldham fan. I can admit that my club is a shambles and has been for a very long time. Ever since that **** Mark Hughes scored an ET equaliser at Wembley, Oldham as a club has plummeted. We're now the longest serving League One team, with fuck all money to spend, an incredibly dated 3 sided ground with owners who decided to pull one of our main stands down to save costs and now wonder why the ground looks like a fucking dump. Add to that we can't play decent football because the lack of funds prevents strengthening and whenever we have a player who looks the mustard for us, they jump ship at the end of the season for pastures new. Kieron Lee to Sheff Wed and Chris Taylor to Millwall.

Guess what? I can't blame them.

What I'm trying to get at is that, despite all the bollocks that goes on within my club and despite the fact that there is certainly more chance of seeing my club in League Two or even the BS Premier than in the Championship, you won't see me fucking them off because I 'crave' glory & success so much that I would rather give off a false sense of attachment to a recently successful club than to stick with the shit team I have supported for 20+ years.

Football fans like you really piss me off. If you can happily jump ship and follow another club, let alone a club that has just boarded the success train, then you were never a proper Blackburn fan in the first place.

If Sheikh Mansour fucked off tomorrow and left City to pick up the pieces and they suddenly did a 'Leeds United', I'd be pretty sure you'd be off to 'support' another team.


Fuckin 'ell, am I in the right thread?

Rover's fan, you are a pretty terrible kind of football fan, in my opinion. But that aside...


Cats are intelligent, independent creatures who are more like members of a family rather than a family pet.

Dogs are slaves, and they stink. Intelligent, yes. characterful, yes. But slaves.
Vinjay said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Vinjay said:
Its a FACELESS FORUM for crying out loud what have I got to gain from making stuff up? You're the one claiming to speak for everyone through a forum not even used by the majority of City fans. That's a little bit less than honest (still a lot more honest than most Rovers fans though)

so now you're deliberately ignoring my posts, whilst still dodging every legitimate question I put to you?

p.s. with the amount of meet-ups by genuine Blues on here, it's hardly faceless, unless of course you have something to hide.

The majority of users on here probably haven't attended a single meet up. Even if you add all the reasonably active ones together I doubt most of them have attended any Blue Moon gatherings. I did receive PM's to meet in a City Centre location for the QPR game but I preferred to be closer to the stadium (I was as close as you can get to being inside in the last few minutes and ultimately I did get in at FT)

What questions have I dodged wasn't my second to last post a lengthy enough response? All I've seen is accusations.

The last time I was at Ewood (other than passing through that area of town numerous times) almost got arrested so what sense would it make me going back there? Despite my negative feelings towards the fans (and the fact my heart wouldn't be in it because of them) I'm certainly not pro Kean/Venkys by any means. The one person associated with Blackburn Rovers I've truly felt sorry for over the last few years is Jack Walker. I showed more loyalty to him than his ingrate family has. Infact they are probably the only ones who have made no comment on the current situation at Ewood. Sums them up.

City is where I am now and its where I intend to be indefinitely. I haven't cut out all feeling for Rovers which is why I still argue with their fans from time to time (you don't spend years supporting a club and just forget about them overnight) but I have virtually no desire to go to Ewood. I'll probably stay away even if City play there anytime soon just want to get away from the town for good.

I'll make it simple.

Either admit you're a gloryhunter and be done with it.


tell us fully all your reasons for leaving Rovers, why they were death threats at you and your family or why you believed(with credible evidence) that you would receive them if you did not leave Rovers automatically. Then explain why your more local clubs of Preston/Wigan/Bolton/Oldham/Rochdale/Bury are not good enough or decent enough for you, and that you suddenly had to start following currently the most successful club in Greater Manchester.

If you don't do either of those, then shut the fuck up crying wolf and don't bring up that you're a City fan, because you're not, as if you don't do either of the above you're a disloyal coward who turned his back on his football club when the going got tough.

Like I said, your choice.
Vinjay said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Vinjay said:
Could you define "we" and "us" and clarify how many people you're officially/unofficially speaking for? Are you speaking for the owner? Management? Entire fanbase?

So if I'm a coward (when I at least tried to confront the owners by the way unlike the rest of them) what are the people who are now abandoning them because of the owners and relegation? Are they cowards? (as well as liars and numerous other things)

I'm pretty certain Rovers fans could have slaughtered my whole family and you would still call me a coward for walking out on them. So I'm not going to lose much sleep over your opinion. There's more important things in life than football clubs you know?

I'm talking for me and the number of other people who think that's exactly what you are.

Rovers fans are going to kill you are they? well if you're going to play that card then you have to tell everything or shut up about it, don't cry wolf unless you're going to back it up.

There's plenty of other decent clubs, both nationally and local that are decent clubs with decent fans and decently run, but conveniently you picked us as we happen to be the best at the moment, funny that.

Finally, people not renewing at Rovers purely because they got relegated imo are arses, as there are things more important than footy, the club is also more important than owners and managers.

as for the rest of them? how many are you talking about? the whole fanbase? those in one stand or another? two can play that game.

You act like a martyr, either fucking back it up or shut up, you're not a blue and if all you wanted was to support a genuine club and not be a glory hunter then you'd support Oldham or Rochdale or Bury first, not City.

Well they haven't tried to kill me yet wouldn't put it past them though.

You're right there are more important things than football. I was miserable for the last 6 years I supported Rovers but I stayed. There comes a point when enough is enough. Most of the fans who are refusing to go next season have been miserable for a year and half. Less than a year really because the major protests started early last season. That's all its taken for loads of them to now say they are walking out. Of course they will be more than happy to go flocking back the moment they get new owners.

I'm not interested in supporting Oldham or Bury. I admit that. There's a lot of people who support City in those areas I guess Oldham, Bury and Stockport were not big enough for some?

I've always thought highly of City fans and the club that isn't something new for me. I've said that the 6-1 was a reason because I hate United. Well it was by far my football highlight of the past few years (with the exception being last month) and it was a big reason I started watching games again. It got to the point I was barely watching football at all until that game happened. Virtually straight afterwards someone I've known most of my life asked me to go to some City games with him.

So I agreed and that was my starting point. If it had been Chelsea, Arsenal or Liverpool would I have gone? I might have gone but I wouldn't have stayed. I don't even like the fans at those clubs.

If City were still a midtable club but everything else was the same would I still have gone to some games? Yes I can say that 100%. You don't know me better than I know myself. Who's to say I wouldn't have stayed then? Its always been a great club with great fans that's why Sheik Mansour bought it. This whole "typical city" thing was abolished in 1999 the way I see it. Since then its been virtually all uphill and becoming established in the top flight again. That's not **** as some refer to it.

If England do well in the Euros I really couldn't care less. I'm English it does not mean I'm going to support them. There has to be some kind of connection I've never faked my feelings. The closest thing to fake with me was continuing to go to Ewood when my heart was no longer in it. That's what years of abuse and lies does. I'm not claiming to be a martyr but I'm not being accused of showing them no loyalty when that isn't true. They never showed the slightest bit of loyalty to me. Only hypocrisy.

Not going to repeat myself again and again. If you don't like it you're just going to have to get used to it. The club is going to get fans who will walk out if the club goes a couple of years without winning anything. I'm 100% certain I'm more of a City fan than any of them will be. What would you rather have people like that or people with my background?

Oh and why did I support Blackburn? Because I live there (not something that will be the case for much longer hopefully.) They had just finished 13th when I started supporting them and only looked like title challengers for the first few months I supported them. Then they got relegated (and yes I stayed league position was never a factor) and got promoted again after 2 seasons. Up until 04/05 I supported them 100% its all been downhill since then from a respect/trust standpoint where their fans are concerned. The fact is I don't like them and I don't trust them and that's why I stopped supporting them. Would have left regardless of whether I ended up here or not.

Lets get this back on topic. If you still have a problem with me why not send a PM or petition the club to ban me or something. I'm not going to keep writing responses like this everytime someone brings up my past.

As long as you can make us laugh and are not a twat then you are welcome !

From now on you are a blue !
I would like to say I think Vinjay is a massive cockwomble. I will never understand how people can chop and change between clubs and then try to justify it. You're a disgrace to all football fans and I'd sooner have a pint and conversation with an armchair rag than you.


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