Champions League 1/4 final draw (PSG)

Ideally for me:-

Benfica v City
Barcelona v Atletico
Bayern v Wolfsburg (Juve v Wolfsburg)
Real v PSG

I think at least one of Barca, Bayern or Real could bit the dust given that draw maybe even two. Home leg second for us please.
Finaly we are in it. Any chance we can get Wolfesburg?

The draw is Friday at 11 (ish)

If Platini has fucked off and taken the microwave with him we have as much chance getting Wolfy or Benny as we have of getting Barca or Bayern.

I'm just wondering though whether the draw was made two weeks last Tuesday and will be rolled out with rule change about Uefa draws!

Benfica out first, followed by City and then Barca v Bayern!! Real can play Atletico!
No way will the honest law abiding organisation that is uefa want any of the big guns drawn together, barca, real, Bayern and psg will be kept apart, so take your pick out of them
The draw from the last eight onwards is open and honest and hopefully we'll get a decent draw.
Where the draw is bent is everything up to this point,with seedings,TV scheduling of teams from the same country,not allowing teams from the same country to meet,all of this is bent but it's openly bent and that's the sad thing about the CL.
The elite clubs have over a period of time turned this great competition into a virtual closed shop by looking after their own interests and haven't finished yet either by the look of it.
Would still fuckin love to win tho lol
Obviously I would prefer the easiest draw we can get which is Benfica or Wolfsburg. I think the way we are playing is more of an issue than the draw though. Take out Barca and Bayern and we should feel we have a decent chance against anyone else but in reality the way we are playing currently even Wolfsburg and Benfica would probably be a bridge too far. It all smacks of people talking about us winning the title because Leicester, Arsenal and Spurs have no recent history of seeing out a run in. All utterly meaningless when we are, frankly, absolutely shit.
Kompany being injured takes the shining of as to who we're gonna play next. KdB will be back but rusty.
Finishing top 4 , maybe even 3rd in PL should be our main target. Anything positive from our part in the CL is a bonus.
So the draw starts at 11 & we'll find out who we play and whether we're home or away first. Anyone know how long before they announce whether the games are on the Tuesday or Wednesday?
What's the point of this thread? We all know we're getting Barcelona don't we?

But that will deny the media the chance of City v Bayern and all the Pep headlines. If we were to win it would be because he wanted Bayern to lose.

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