Champions League Draw

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Fantastic group. Not only great teams to watch but:

Our group = ££££££££££££

We'll be expected to get out of the group, as second favourites behind Madrid. So as long as we do, this could be a great money spinner in terms of gates, merchandise and sponsor revenues.

United on the other hand...
I think we should have been in the transfer market a lot sooner after seeing that draw.

It does make you think if something fishy is going on when we get 3 top class teams and the Scum get about the best draw possible.

Our defence will have to play a whole lot better than they have been doing if we are to progress any further.
lloydie said:
MSP said:
rigged as f**k

I'm at a loss to understand why, for example, Njordalang (sp?) could only go in certain groups, 2 I think, which excluded them playing in our group?

It seems convoluted to the point of being engineered.

It has to do with teams from the same country having to play on different matchdays. So for example since Bayern was in groups E-H, Dortmund had to be in A-D, so the team drawn before Dortmund had to take the spot in groups E-H. It becomes very complicated and no one ends up understanding it.
lionheart said:
Sorry guys but we are fucked. At least there will be 80,000 at two of our games.
Yeah we are only champions of the strongest league in Europe i expect we will be lucky to get 1 point. Im mean we are favourites for the drop this season are whole team is shit
English Spanish and German champions in our group (pretty sure Dortmund are German champions). And Ajax.

Every game matters, great group but group of death 2 years running now compared to laughable piss easy group the rags got but they failed to get out of it last year so who knows.
What UEFA fail to realise is that even if they have fixed it which im sure they havent, but even if they had, Madrid, Ajax and Dortmund are teams we want, its our second year in the champs league and i for one want madrid and ajax i dont want a group against no mark fc. This is a new experience for us still and were still living in dreamland and now we get to go to madrid and watch city v real, who wouldve thought it ten years ago, plus we still should get through which is even better! enjoy it
Watched the draw, and I was gobsmacked at how it came out again two years on the trot, they certainly dont like us at their table, but saying that and after calming down a bit, we can bleat as much as we can, but we have to compete with the likes of Real Madrid, Ajax, and Dortmund plus the rest of them, and know what when we land this Cup no matter how long it take's to do it , Jeeeez its going to be sweet................
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